Source code for

#!/usr/local/env python
:mod:`` -- Pythonic Treatment of Scientific Data

The data module is a very generalized tool for visualizing and manipulating scientific data from netcdf and ascii files.

GPEC data is migrating to netcdf, and this module uses the xarray module for its python netcdf interface. The xarray module is very powerful and well documented `here <>`_.

Previous GPEC results and some current outputs are still writen to ascii. This module contains a custom I/O for converting ascii data to python objects. A custom Data object was created for this purpose, and conversion to the xarray Dataset is automated in the open_dataset function to facilitate migration to netcdf. The only requirement for creating a data object from an ascii file is that the file have one or more tables of data, with appropriate labels in a header line directly above the data.

Here, we show some examples using common outputs from both GPEC and PENT.


First, add your release of GPEC to your PYTHONPATH environment variable.

In an open ipython session, import the data module

>>> from pypec import data

Explore the data module by typing 'data.' and hitting tab. For information on any particular object in the module, use the '?' syntax or 'help' function. For example, enter ''. You will see that it has a lot of metadata on this function, but the important things to look at for now are the arguments and key word arguments. These are passed to the function as shown in the Definition line... you can either pass a single string, or a string and specification for squeeze. If this confuses you, consult any of the many great python tutorials online.

Lets use it! To get a typical GPEC output into python, use the open_dataset function.

>>> con = data.open_dataset('examples/DIIID_ideal_example/')

Printing to the terminal is intelegent, giving a conviniently human readable summary of the data.

>>> con
Dimensions:        (i: 2, m: 129, mode: 34, mode_PX: 34, mode_RX: 34, mode_SC: 4, mode_WX: 34, mode_XT: 34, theta: 513)
  * i              (i) int32 0 1
  * m              (m) int32 -64 -63 -62 -61 -60 -59 -58 -57 -56 -55 -54 -53 ...
  * mode           (mode) int32 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ...
  * mode_SC        (mode_SC) int32 1 2 3 4
  * theta          (theta) float64 0.0 0.001953 0.003906 0.005859 0.007812 ...
  * mode_XT        (mode_XT) int32 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 ...
  * mode_WX        (mode_WX) int32 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 ...
  * mode_RX        (mode_RX) int32 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 ...
  * mode_PX        (mode_PX) int32 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 ...
Data variables:
    L              (mode, m) complex128 (-0.478146242223-0.0251176845733j) ...
    Lambda         (mode, m) complex128 (1.4032106893e-07-3.56355823737e-08j) ...
    P              (mode, m) complex128 (0.000212307471204-9.52839135614e-05j) ...
    rho            (mode, m) complex128 (9.96920996839e+36+9.96920996839e+36j) ...
    X_EDT          (mode_XT, m) complex128 (3.88116613338e-05+1.90243722796e-05j) ...
    X_EVT          (mode_XT) float64 2.517e+04 1.334e+05 5.081e+05 1.119e+06 ...
    W_EDX          (mode_WX, m) complex128 (2.0673520088e-06-4.52521668335e-07j) ...
    W_EVX          (mode_WX) float64 8.543 2.882 2.516 1.137 0.8107 0.6662 ...
    W_EVX_A        (mode_WX) float64 3.922e+05 7.805e+04 2.466e+05 3.042e+05 ...
    W_EVX_energyv  (mode_WX) float64 6.701e+06 4.499e+05 1.241e+06 6.917e+05 ...
    W_EVX_energys  (mode_WX) float64 6.383e+06 8.481e+05 1.724e+06 6.867e+05 ...
    W_EVX_energyp  (mode_WX) float64 6.817e+06 5.582e+05 8.381e+05 5.807e+05 ...
    R_EDX          (mode_RX, m) complex128 (-9.04352944467e-07-5.23229281269e-07j) ...
    R_EVX          (mode_RX) float64 1.881e+06 8.165e+05 2.477e+05 1.895e+05 ...
    R_EVX_RL       (mode_RX) float64 5.689 0.7149 0.3795 0.8092 0.2417 ...
    R_EVX_energyv  (mode_RX) float64 4.298e+05 1.373e+06 1.01e+06 7.832e+05 ...
    R_EVX_energys  (mode_RX) float64 8.994e+05 1.745e+06 1.096e+06 8.803e+05 ...
    R_EVX_energyp  (mode_RX) float64 3.785e+05 8.975e+05 8.31e+05 6.814e+05 ...
    P_EDX          (mode_PX, m) complex128 (-5.0711563448e-06-2.51239391938e-06j) ...
    P_EVX          (mode_PX) float64 493.5 161.8 146.4 128.7 127.8 110.2 ...
    O_WRX          (mode_RX, mode_WX) float64 0.082 0.99 0.08839 0.01132 ...
    O_WPX          (mode_PX, mode_WX) float64 0.01414 0.9607 0.08296 0.01058 ...
    O_RPX          (mode_PX, mode_RX) float64 0.9571 0.01583 0.02807 0.1558 ...
    O_XT           (mode_XT) complex128 (0.00296215168999+0.00489536349583j) ...
    O_WX           (mode_XT) complex128 (0.0101206436883-0.00397946238035j) ...
    O_RX           (mode_RX) complex128 (-0.00967090555989-0.000112969521773j) ...
    O_PX           (mode_PX) complex128 (-0.00598278876631+0.0105074013581j) ...
    Phi_EX         (m) complex128 (-1.42853908779e-10-4.20811059626e-11j) ...
    Phi_ET         (m) complex128 (-6.89310992668e-10-1.01978717443e-09j) ...
    W_EDX_FUN      (mode_WX, theta) complex128 (-1.45421344314-0.0472501327701j) ...
    R_EDX_FUN      (mode_RX, theta) complex128 (1.45665015126-0.521253285202j) ...
    b_nm           (m) complex128 (-9.46126704696e-10+1.48737377032e-09j) ...
    b_xnm          (m) complex128 (-5.48365827795e-10+5.89720875704e-10j) ...
    xi_nm          (m) complex128 (-3.3871234611e-09-1.86371281018e-09j) ...
    xi_xnm         (m) complex128 (-6.60388933097e-10+2.7635104984e-09j) ...
    xi_n           (theta) complex128 (0.000402066428626+0.00260098774146j) ...
    xi_xn          (theta) complex128 (-0.000601114809848-0.00197978522356j) ...
    b_n            (theta) complex128 (-0.00157772177652+0.00052698051739j) ...
    b_xn           (theta) complex128 (-0.000920387597747+0.000315158824532j) ...
    R              (theta) float64 2.289 2.289 2.288 2.287 2.286 2.284 2.282 ...
    z              (theta) float64 0.02442 0.03972 0.05506 0.07046 0.08596 ...
    R_n            (theta) float64 1.0 0.9995 0.9981 0.9959 0.9928 0.9889 ...
    z_n            (theta) float64 0.003568 0.03241 0.06134 0.09036 0.1195 ...
    dphi           (theta) float64 0.0 -0.039 -0.078 -0.117 -0.1559 -0.1948 ...
    title: GPEC outputs in Fourier or alternate modal bases
    Jacobian: pest
    q_lim: 5.2
    psi_n_lim: 0.991536136179
    shot: 147131
    time: 2300
    machine: DIII-D
    n: 1
    version: GPEC version 0.3.1
    long_name: Surface Inductance
    energy_vacuum: 3.28697635252
    energy_surface: 7.8714975121
    energy_plasma: 3.7597335618

We see the data contains dimensions, variables, and global attributes. Some individual data arrays may have attributes as well.

For quick visualization, we can use xarray's built in plotting routines,

>>> import xarray.plot as xplot
>>> f1,a1 = plt.subplots()
>>> l1 = xplot.plot(con['W_EVX']) # 1D data, returns a list of lines
>>> f1.savefig('examples/figures/example_eigenvalues.png')

.. image:: examples/figures/example_eigenvalues.png
   :width: 600px

>>> f2,a2 = plt.subplots()
>>> l2 = xplot.plot(con['W_EDX']) # This is 2D, returns Quadmesh
>>> f2.savefig('examples/figures/example_eigenvectors.png')

.. image:: examples/figures/example_eigenvectors.png
   :width: 600px

Note this uses matplotlib, and the plots are fully interactive. Navigate and zoom using the toolbar below plots.

This is not the recommended way to display detailed studies using GPEC data, however. It is
recommended that the user familiarise themselves with matplotlib (there are many great online
tutorials) and write their own scripts for plotting the data of interest, as details will
inevitably need tweaking.

For a common example of more customized plots, lets look at some 2d data

>>> cyl = data.open_dataset('examples/DIIID_ideal_example/')

We could use the built in plotting methods like ds['b_z'].plot), but these are (R,z) figures
should be done with a little care to look right. Lets look at b_z for example,

>>> plt = data.plt
>>> f,ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8,8))
>>> v = cyl['b_z']
>>> im = ax.imshow(np.real(v),aspect='equal',origin='lower',cmap='RdBu',vmin=-2e-3,vmax=2e-3,
...          extent=[v['R'].min(),v['R'].max(),v['z'].min(),v['z'].max()],
...          interpolation='gaussian')
>>> cb = f.colorbar(im)
>>> cb.set_label('$\delta B_z$')
>>> xtks = ax.set_xticks([1,1.7,2.4])
>>> xtxt = ax.set_xlabel('R (m)')
>>> ytxt = ax.set_ylabel('z (m)')
>>> f.savefig('examples/figures/example_pbrzphi.png')

.. image:: examples/figures/example_pbrzphi.png
   :width: 600px

There we go. That looks publication ready!

Another common plot of GPEC outputs is the (psi,m) spectrogram plot. Lets quickly make a
nice one,

>>> prof = data.open_dataset('examples/DIIID_ideal_example/')
>>> f,ax = plt.subplots()
>>> extent = [prof['m'].min(),prof['m'].max(),prof['psi_n'].min(),prof['psi_n'].max()]
>>> im = ax.imshow(np.abs(prof['xi_m_contrapsi']).T,origin='lower',cmap='viridis',
...                interpolation='nearest',aspect='auto',extent=extent)
>>> cb = f.colorbar(im)
>>> cb.set_label(r'$\\xi^\psi_m$')
>>> lim = ax.set_xlim(-20,20)
>>> xtxt = ax.set_xlabel('m')
>>> ytxt = ax.set_ylabel(r'$\psi$')

>>> f.savefig('examples/figures/example_xispectrogram.png')

.. image:: examples/figures/example_xispectrogram.png
   :width: 600px

Note that the choice of interpolation resulted in discrete bands in m, which is true
to the the discrete fourier decomposition used in the codes and provides a more intuitive
connection between what the user sees and what the code is calculating.

One of the many cool additions to matplotlib in the pypec package is the ability to
write line plots to tables. Lets look at a 1D mode spectrum plot for example,

>>> f,ax = plt.subplots()
>>> for m in range(1,9):
...     lines = ax.plot(prof['psi_n'],np.abs(prof['xi_m_contrapsi'].sel(m=m)),label=r'm={:}'.format(m))
>>> mappable = plt.set_linearray(ax.lines,cmap='viridis')
>>> ytxt = ax.set_ylabel(r'$\\xi^\psi_m$')
>>> xtxt = ax.set_xlabel(r'$\psi$')
>>> leg = ax.legend(ncol=2)
>>> f.savefig('examples/figures/example_xim.png')
>>> f.printlines('examples/figures/example_xim.txt',squeeze=True)
Wrote lines to examples/figures/example_xim.txt

.. image:: examples/figures/example_xim.png
   :width: 600px

That's it! Read the table with your favorite editor. It will probably need a little
cleaning at the top since it tries to use the lengthy legend labels as column headers.

At this point we have outlined the basics. Using this module and similar commands
to those used here the user should be able to fully interact with and visually
explore the GPEC output.

Advanced Users

In this section, we will assume you have a pretty good hold on both python and the basic ploting functions of these modules.

Now that you use this module regularly, save yourself some time by placing the line::

  from pypec import *

into your autoimport file located at::


Deprecated ASCII Interface

As mentioned above, GPEC has moved the vast majority of its I/O to netcdf, and open_dataset should
be used to create xarray Dataset objects whenever possible. This section describes the deprecated
ascii interface for context, and motivates the move to netcdf.

Data in ascii tables can be read into a custom Data object using the read function,

>>> mydata = read('examples/DIIID_ideal_example/g147131.02300_DIIID_KEFIT.kin')
Casting table 1 into Data object.
>>> type(mydata),len(mydata)
(<type 'list'>, 1)

The read function creates a list of data objects corresponding to the tables in the text file. In this case, there is only one table. If we knew this ahead of time, we could have gotten the data object directly by splitting the list.

>>> mydata = read('examples/DIIID_ideal_example/g147131.02300_DIIID_KEFIT.kin')[0]
Casting table 1 into Data object.

At its heart, the data object consists of independent data and dependent data. This are stored differently, namely as a list in the pts attribute and as a dictionary in y. The x attribute is a dictionary if the data is 1 dimensional or a regular grid is found in the first n columns of the data (n=2,3), and left empty if the n>1 dependent data is irregular.

Explore the data using the corresponding python tools.

>>> mydata.xnames
>>> mydata.y.keys()
['nim^3', 'tieV', 'teeV', 'wexbrad/s', 'nem^3']

You would access the ion density data using mydata.y['nim3'] for example.

The data object, however, is more that just a place holder for parced text files. It contains visualization and data manipulation tools. Plotting functions return interactive matplotlib Figure objects.

>>> fig = mydata.plot1d()
>>> fig.savefig('examples/figures/example_profiles.png')

.. image:: examples/figures/example_profiles.png
   :width: 600px

Interpolation returns a new Data object of the desired data, which can be one, multiple, or all of the dependent variables found in y.

>>> myinterp = mydata.interp(np.arange(0.1,1.0,0.1),['nim^3','tieV'])
Forming interpolator for nim^3.
Interpolating values for nim^3.
Forming interpolator for tieV.
Interpolating values for tieV.
>>> f = mydata.plot1d('nim^3')
>>> f = myinterp.plot1d('nim^3',marker='s',lw=0,figure=f)
>>> f.savefig('examples/figures/example_profiles2.png')

.. image:: examples/figures/example_profiles2.png
   :width: 400px

Note that the interpolator initialized the interpolation function on the first call, this is saved internally for subsequent calls.

One common need is to look at spectra. For this we want to utilize
the full functionality of the data instances' plot1d function.

>>> xc, = read('examples/DIIID_ideal_example/gpec_xclebsch_n1.out')
Casting table 1 into Data object.
>>> f = xc.plot1d('xi^psi','psi',x2rng=(1,3))
>>> f.savefig('examples/figures/example_spectrum.png')

.. image:: examples/figures/example_spectrum.png
   :width: 600px

We knew it was one table, so we used the "," to automatically
unpack returned list. We were then so familiar with the args and
kwargs of the plotting function that we did not bother typing the names.
If you do this, be sure you get the order consistent with the order
given in the documentation "Definition" line (watch out for inconsistent
"Docstring" listings).

.. note::
  These examples can be tested by developers using ipython 
  in this directory as follows:

    In [1]: import data,doctest
    In [2]: doctest.testmod(data,verbose=True)

    @package pypec
    @author NC Logan

import os,copy,time

from io import StringIO

import numpy as np                               # math
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d,interp2d,LinearNDInterpolator,RegularGridInterpolator,griddata
from scipy.special import ellipk,ellipe

    import mayavi.mlab as mmlab
except ImportError as ie:
    mmlab = False
    print('WARNING: Mayavi not in python path')
except ValueError as ve:
    mmlab = False
    print('WARNING: Mayavi conflicts with already set gui backend settings (using pylab?)\n'+repr(ve))
except Exception as e:
    mmlab = False
    print('WARNING: Mayavi unavailable - '+repr(e))
    import xarray
except ImportError:
    xarray = False
    print('WARNING: xarray not in python path')
    print(' -> We recomend loading anaconda/2.3.0 on portal')
    import seaborn as sns
except ImportError:
    sns = False
    print('WARNING: seaborn not in python path')
    print(' -> We recomend loading anaconda/2.3.0 on portal')

# in this package
from . import modplot as plt
from . import namelist

# better label recognition using genfromtxt
for c in '^|<>/':
    if c in np.lib._iotools.NameValidator.defaultdeletechars:

######################################################## Global Variables

default_quiet = False
cmap_div = plt.pyplot.get_cmap('RdBu_r')
cmap_seq = plt.pyplot.get_cmap('viridis') #_load_default_cmap()

######################################################## Helper functions

def _set_color_defaults(calc_data,center=None,**kwargs):
    Stolen from xarray.plot. Sets vmin, vmax, cmap.
    vmin = kwargs.get('vmin',None)
    vmax = kwargs.get('vmax',None)
    cmap = kwargs.get('cmap',None)

    if vmin is None:
        vmin = np.percentile(calc_data, 2)
    if vmax is None:
        vmax = np.percentile(calc_data, 98)
    # Simple heuristics for whether these data should  have a divergent map
    divergent = ((vmin < 0) and (vmax > 0))
    # Now set center to 0 so math below makes sense
    if center is None:
        center = 0
    # A divergent map should be symmetric around the center value
    if divergent:
        vlim = max(abs(vmin - center), abs(vmax - center))
        vmin, vmax = -vlim, vlim
    # Now add in the centering value and set the limits
    vmin += center
    vmax += center
    # Choose default colormaps if not provided
    if cmap is None:
        if divergent:
            cmap = "RdBu_r"
            cmap = "viridis"

    kwargs['vmin'] = vmin
    kwargs['vmax'] = vmax
    kwargs['cmap'] = cmap

    return kwargs

######################################################## IO FOR DATA OBJECTs

[docs]def open_dataset(filename_or_obj,complex_dim='i',**kwargs): """ Wrapper for xarray.open_dataset that allows automated reduction of a dimension distinguishing real and imaginary components. :param filename_or_obj: str, file or xarray.backends.DataStore Strings are interpreted as a path to a netCDF file or an OpenDAP URL and opened with python-netCDF4, unless the filename ends with .gz, in which case the file is gunzipped and opened with (only netCDF3 supported). File-like objects are opened with (only netCDF3 supported). :param complex_dim: str. Dimension designating real/imaginary (0,1) :param kwargs: dict. All other key word arguments are passed to xarray.open_dataset. **Original Documentation:** """ try: ds = xarray.open_dataset(filename_or_obj,**kwargs) except: dat = read(filename_or_obj,**kwargs) ds = xarray.Dataset() for i,d in enumerate(dat): if i==0: for k,v in d.params.items(): ds.attrs[k]=v if not d.x: raise ValueError("No regular grid for dataset") for yk,yv in d.y.items(): ds[yk] = xarray.DataArray(yv.reshape(d.shape),coords=d.x,dims=d.xnames,attrs=d.params) if complex_dim in ds.dims: for k,v in ds.data_vars.items(): if len(v.dims) > len(set(v.dims)): print("WARNING: Removing {:} to avoid error (below) reforming complex_dim. ".format(k)) print("ValueError: broadcasting cannot handle duplicate dimensions") del ds[k] continue if complex_dim in v.dims: tmp = v.attrs ds[k] = v.loc[{complex_dim:0}]+1j*v.loc[{complex_dim:1}] ds[k].attrs = tmp return ds
open_dataset.__doc__+= xarray.open_dataset.__doc__ while '--' in open_dataset.__doc__: open_dataset.__doc__ = open_dataset.__doc__.replace('--','')
[docs]def read(fname,squeeze=False,forcex=[],forcedim=[],maxnumber=999,maxlength=1e6, auto_complex=True,quiet=default_quiet): """ Get the data from any gpec output as a list of python class-type objects using numpy.genfromtxt. :param fname: str. Path of gpec output file. :param squeeze: bool. Sets all attributes to single data object. :param forcex: list. Set independent data labels. :param forcedim: list. Set dimensionality of each x. :param maxnumber: int. Reads only first maxnumber of tables. :param maxlength: int. Tables with more rows than this are downsampled for speed. :param auto_complex: bool. Include amplitude and phase of complex data as variables. :param quiet: bool. Prevent non-warning messages printed to terminal. :returns: list. Class objects for each block of data in the file. """ #debug start_time = time.time() collection = [] dcollection = [] pcollection = [] with open(fname) as f: #Get preamble preamble = '' lastline = '' for lstart,line in enumerate(f): try: test = float(line.split()[0]) break except: preamble+= lastline lastline = line try: #Simple file : single table #data = np.genfromtxt(f,skip_header=lstart-1,names=True,dtype=np.float) raise ValueError # genfromtxt read pfile (multiple 2-column tables) as one... '\r' bug pcollection.append(preamble) dcollection.append(data) #look through file manually except ValueError as e: data = [] # clean up messy dcon output formats if 'dcon.out' in fname: lines = lines=lines.replace('mu0 p','mu0p') lines=lines.replace(' abs ',' abs') lines=lines.replace(' re ',' real') lines=lines.replace(' im ',' imag') lines=lines.replace('*','') lines = StringIO(lines).readlines() else: lines = f.readlines() top,bot = 0,0 count = 0 length= len(lines) while bot<length and top<(length-2) and count<maxnumber: preamble='' lastline='' for i,line in enumerate(lines[bot:]): try: # Find top defined as start of numbers test = float(line.split()[0]) top = bot+i # Throw out single lines of numbers #if not lines[top+1].translate(None,' \n\t\r'):#=='\n': # raise ValueError # Find bottom defined by end of numbers for j,bline in enumerate(lines[top:]): try: test = float(bline.split()[0]) except: break # end of numbers # Throw out single lines of numbers if j==1: # but include them as preamble (DCON one-liners) vals = lines[top] keys = lines[top-1] if not keys.translate(str.maketrans(dict.fromkeys(' \n\t'))): #empty line keys = lines[top-2] if '=' not in keys and len(keys.split())==len(vals.split()): for k,v in zip(keys.split(),vals.split()): preamble+='{:} = {:}\n'.format(k,v) raise ValueError else: bot = top+j+1 break except: preamble+= lastline lastline = line if line==lines[-1] and line==lastline: break #end of file without another table """ try: bot = top+lines[top:].index(' \n') except ValueError: try: bot = top+lines[top:].index('\n') except ValueError: try: bot = top+lines[top:].index('\r\n') except: try: bot = top+lines[top:].index(' \r\n') except: bot = length """ # include headers top-=1 if not lines[top].translate(str.maketrans(dict.fromkeys(' \n\t'))): #empty line top-=1 skipfoot = length-bot table = lines[top:bot] if '\n' in table: #empty space table.remove('\n') data = np.genfromtxt(StringIO(''.join(table)),names=True, deletechars='?',dtype=np.float) pcollection.append(preamble) dcollection.append(data) count+=1 #debug print("Finished parsing file in " #debug +"{} seconds".format(time.time()-start_time)) #turn arrays into classes for i,(data,preamble) in enumerate(zip(dcollection,pcollection)): if not quiet: print("Casting table "+str(i+1)+" into Data object.") collection.append(DataBase(data,preamble,forcex=forcex,forcedim=forcedim,maxlength=maxlength,quiet=quiet)) # force all attributes to single object if squeeze: dc1 = collection[0] if len(collection)>1: for dc in collection[1:]: dc1+=dc return dc1 return collection
[docs]def readall(base='.',filetype='pent_n1.out',**kwargs): """ Recursively searches base directory for files with name filetype, reads them into python objects, and stores objects in a dictionary with directory names as keys. :param base: str. Top level directory in which to begin search. :param filetype: str. Files to read. :param kwargs: dict. Passed to appropriate reader function. :returns: dict. Key-Value pairs are directories and their contained data. """ results = {} if('.in' in filetype): reader = else: reader = read base = os.path.abspath(base)+'/' #if(base[-1]!='/'): base+='/' subs = [name for name in os.listdir(base) if os.path.isdir(base+name)] if subs: results = {} for subd in subs: results[subd] = readall(base=base+subd,filetype=filetype,**kwargs) if os.path.isfile(base+filetype): results[filetype] = reader(base+filetype,**kwargs) _cleandict(results) # not a dict if only result in the directory if results.keys()==[filetype]: results = results[filetype] return results
def _cleandict(d): """ Helper function to clear empty keys from dictionary. """ ks = d.keys() for k in ks: if type(d[k])==dict: _cleandict(d[k]) if not d[k]: del d[k] #return d
[docs]def write(dataobj,fname='',ynames=[],**kwargs): """ Write data object to file. The aim is to replicate the original file structure... the header text will have been lost in the read however, as will some column label symbols in the use of genfromtxt. :param dataobj: obj. Data_Base type object. :param fname: str. File to write to. :param kwargs: dict. Passed to numpy.savetxt :returns: bool. True. """ if not fname: return False if 'fmt' not in kwargs: kwargs['fmt'] = '%16.8E' if 'delimiter' not in kwargs: kwargs['delimiter']=' ' if 'comments' not in kwargs: kwargs['comments']='' if 'header' in kwargs: kwargs['header']+= '\n\n' else: kwargs['header']='' for k,v in dataobj.params.items(): kwargs['header']+= k+" = "+str(v)+"\n" nums = [] if not ynames: ynames = dataobj.y.keys() for i,name in enumerate(dataobj.xnames): nums.append(dataobj.pts[:,i]) kwargs['header']+=kwargs['delimiter']*(i!=0)+'{:>16}'.format(name) for i,name in enumerate(ynames): if np.iscomplex(dataobj.y[name][0]): nums.append(np.real(dataobj.y[name])) kwargs['header']+=kwargs['delimiter']+'{:>16}'.format('real('+name.replace(' ','')+')') nums.append(np.imag(dataobj.y[name])) kwargs['header']+=kwargs['delimiter']+'{:>16}'.format('imag('+name.replace(' ','')+')') else: nums.append(dataobj.y[name]) kwargs['header']+=kwargs['delimiter']+'{:>16}'.format(name.replace(' ','')) np.savetxt(fname,np.array(nums).T,**kwargs) return True
[docs]def plotall(results,xfun,yfun,label='',axes=None,**kwargs): """ Line plot of data gethered recursively from a dictionary containing multiple namelists or data objects. :param results: dict. A readall result. :param xfun: func. A function that takes args (key,val) for each dictionary item and whose result is appended to the xaxis. :param yfun: func. A function that takes args (key,val) for each dictionary item and whose result is appended to the yaxis. :param axes: obj. matplotlib axes object. :param kwargs: dict. Passed to matplotlib plot function :returns: figure. """ x = [] y = [] if not axes: f,ax = plt.subplots() else: ax = axes def newpoint(key,val): if type(val) == dict: for k,v in val.items(): newpoint(k,v) else: try: x.append(xfun(key,val)) y.append(yfun(key,val)) except: pass for key,val in results.items(): newpoint(key,val) z = list(zip(x,y)) z.sort() x,y = list(zip(*z)) ax.plot(x,y,label=label,**kwargs) ax.legend() f = ax.get_figure() return f
######################################################## THE BASE GPEC DATA OBJECTS
[docs]class DataBase(object): """ An emtpy class object with the following operations overloaded:: +,-,*,/,** such that the operation is only performed on the attributes starting with .real_ and .imag_ and ending with r,z, or phi. If the two factors in the operation have different r or z attributes data is interpolated to the wider spaced axis. """ def __init__(self,fromtxt,preamble,forcex=[],forcedim=[],maxlength=1e6, auto_complex=True,quiet=default_quiet): """ Takes structured array from numpy.genfromtxt, and creates dictionaries of dependent and independent data. Also breaks down preamble to find any global parameters. :param fromtxt: structured array. :param preamble: str. Pre-pending text :param forcex: list. x-axis labels. :param maxlength: int. Tables with more rows than this are downsampled for speed. :param auto_complex: bool. Include amplitude and phase of complex data as variables. :param quiet: bool. Supress printed information and warnings. """ #debug start_time = time.time() names = list(fromtxt.dtype.names) l = len(fromtxt) potxnames = names[:3] # Set independent/dependent variables (max 3D,min 3pt grid) if not np.all([name in names for name in forcex]): print('WARNING: Requested axes not available. Using default left column(s).') if forcex and np.all([name in names for name in forcex]): nd = len(forcex) potxnames = forcex elif len(names)==2: nd = 1 potxnames = names[0:1] else: nd = 1 # hack for psi,q pairs if 'q' in potxnames: potxnames = names[:4] potxnames.remove('q') # hack for rzphi if 'l' in potxnames: potxnames = names[:4] potxnames.remove('l') if len(set(fromtxt[potxnames[1]]))<l/3: nd+=1 if len(set(fromtxt[potxnames[2]]))<l/3: nd+=1 # hack for pent if nd==1 and potxnames[1]=='Lambda': nd+=1 if nd==2 and potxnames[2]=='x': nd+=1 #debug print("Determined dimensionality in {} seconds".format(time.time()-start_time)) #debug start_time = time.time() self.xnames= potxnames[:nd] x = fromtxt[potxnames[:nd]] if nd==1: self.x = [x[self.xnames[0]]] # can be any order else: # Must be written in ascending order self.x = [np.sort(list(set(x[name]))) for name in self.xnames] self.shape = [len(ax) for ax in self.x] #debug print("Set x in {} seconds".format(time.time()-start_time)) #debug print("shape = "+str(self.shape)) #debug start_time = time.time() # reduce exesively large files, assuming 1st column is x if len(fromtxt)>maxlength: name = self.xnames[0] step = l/int(maxlength)+1 if np.product(self.shape) != l: fromtxt = fromtxt[::step] # no axes to muck up else: mask = np.ones(self.shape,dtype=bool) mask[::step,...] = False #debug print('set mask in {} seconds'.format(time.time()-start_time)) fromtxt = fromtxt[mask.ravel()] #debug print('masked fromtxt in {} seconds'.format(time.time()-start_time)) if not quiet: print("WARNING: Reducing length of " +"table from {:} to {:}".format(l,len(fromtxt)) +" by reducing x[0] by a factor of {}".format(step)) l = len(fromtxt) x = fromtxt[potxnames[:nd]] self.x = [np.sort(list(set(x[name]))) for name in self.xnames] self.shape = [len(ax) for ax in self.x] #debug print("Set x in {} seconds".format(time.time()-start_time)) #debug start_time = time.time() self.pts = x.view(np.float).reshape(l,-1) if forcedim: #debug print(len(self.pts),self.pts.shape) forcedim = list(forcedim)+[-1] newx = self.pts.reshape(*forcedim) if nd==2: self.x = [newx[:,0,0],newx[0,:,1]] if nd==3: self.x = [newx[:,0,0,0],newx[0,:,0,1],newx[0,0,:,2]] self.shape = [len(ax) for ax in self.x] #debug print("Set pts in {} seconds".format(time.time()-start_time)) #debug start_time = time.time() self.nd = np.shape(self.pts)[-1] #debug print(self.shape,l) if np.product(self.shape) != l: #probably psi to closely packed # maybe first axis is packed too tight, try trusting others if self.nd ==1: self.shape = [l] self.x[0] = self.pts[:,0] if self.nd ==2: self.shape[0] = l/self.shape[1] self.x[0] = self.pts[:,0][::self.shape[1]] if self.nd ==3: self.shape[0] = l/np.product(self.shape[1:]) self.x[0] = self.pts[:,0][::np.product(self.shape[1:])] # test result if np.any(list(set(self.pts[:,0]).difference(self.x[0]))): if not quiet: print("WARNING: Irregular dependent data: can not form axes for interpolation.") self.x=None else: if not quiet: print("Warning: Axes contain repeated values. Forced axes may be incorrect.") #debug print("Checked axes in {} seconds".format(time.time()-start_time)) #debug start_time = time.time() self.y={} ynames = [name for name in names if name not in self.xnames] for name in ynames: if 'real' in name: newname = name.replace('real','') self.y[newname] = fromtxt[name]+1j*fromtxt[name.replace('real','imag')] if auto_complex: self.y['|'+newname+'|'] = np.abs(self.y[newname]).real self.y['angle '+newname] = np.angle(self.y[newname]) elif not 'imag' in name: self.y[name]=fromtxt[name] #debug print("Set y in {} seconds".format(time.time()-start_time)) #debug start_time = time.time() #scipy interpolation function for ND (stored so user can override) self._interpdict={} # Set any variables from preamble preamble=preamble.split() params=[] names = [] while preamble.count('='): #paramter specifications idx = preamble.index('=') param = preamble[idx+1] name = preamble[idx-1] name.translate(str.maketrans(dict.fromkeys('()[]{}\/*-+^%.,:!@#&'))) if name in names and idx>1: name = ' '.join(preamble[idx-2:idx]) name.translate(str.maketrans(dict.fromkeys('()[]{}\/*-+^%.,:!@#&'))) elif name in names: for sfx in range(1,100): if name+str(sfx) not in names: name+= str(sfx) break try: params.append((name,float(param))) #if its a number except: params.append((name,param)) #if its not a number names.append(name) preamble.remove(preamble[idx-1]) preamble.remove(str(param)) preamble.remove('=') self.params=dict(params) self.__doc__ = ''.join(preamble) #whatever is left #debug print("Set preamble in {} seconds".format(time.time()-start_time)) #debug start_time = time.time() # Operations overrides def __add__(self,other): return _data_op(self,other,np.add,'+') def __sub__(self,other): return _data_op(self,other,np.subtract,'-') def __mul__(self,other): return _data_op(self,other,np.multiply,'*') def __div__(self,other): return _data_op(self,other,np.divide,'/') def __pow__(self,other): return _data_op(self,other,pow,'^') def __radd__(self,other): return self.__add__(other) def __rmul__(self,other): return self.__mul__(other) def __rsub__(self,other): return self.__sub__(other) def __rdiv__(self,other): return self.__div__(other) # Built in interpolation
[docs] def interp(self,x,ynames=None,quiet=False,**kwargs): """ Interpolate data to point(s). :param x: ndarray shape (npts,ndim). Point(s) on dependent axis(axes). :param ynames: list. Any number of keys from y attribute :param quiet: bool. Suppress status messages :returns: dict. Each name contains array of interpolated data. """ #housekeeping if not ynames: ynames=np.sort(self.y.keys()).tolist() if not type(ynames) in (list,tuple): ynames=(ynames,) if not type(x) in [list,tuple,np.ndarray]: x=[x,] NewData = copy.deepcopy(self) if self.nd==1: x = np.atleast_1d(x) NewData.pts = x NewData.x = [x] NewData.shape = [len(x)] else: if self.nd==2: x = np.atleast_2d(x) elif self.nd==3: x = np.atleast_3d(x) NewData.pts = x NewData.x = [np.array(sorted(set(xi))) for xi in x.T] NewData.shape = [len(xi) for xi in NewData.x] if np.product(NewData.shape)!=len(NewData.pts): NewData.x = None #function to form interpolator if needed def new_interp(name): if not quiet: print("Forming interpolator for "+name+".") args = [] if self.x: # regular grid is fast for n in range(self.nd): args.append(self.x[n]) return RegularGridInterpolator(tuple(args),self.y[name].reshape(self.shape),bounds_error=False) else: # irregular grid is slower but ok step = max(1,len(self.pts[:,0])/1e6) for n in range(self.nd): args.append(self.pts[::step,n]) return LinearNDInterpolator(list(zip(*args)),self.y[name][::step]) # for each name check if interpolator is up to date and get values values={} for name in ynames: if name in self._interpdict.keys(): if not all(self._interpdict[name].values.ravel() == self.y[name]): self._interpdict[name] = new_interp(name) else: self._interpdict[name] = new_interp(name) if not quiet: print("Interpolating values for "+name+".") values[name]=self._interpdict[name](x) NewData.y = values return NewData
# Built-in visualizations
[docs] def plot1d(self,ynames=None,xname=None,x1rng=None,x2rng=None,x3rng=None,squeeze=False, **kwargs): """ Line plots of from 1D or 2D data. :param ynames: list. Strings specifying dependent data displayed. :param xname: string. The independent axis if 2D data. :param x1rng: optional. Valid formats are, x - Plot single nearest point. (xmin,xmax) - Plots all data in range (min,max). (xmin,xmax,n) - Plots n evenly spaced points in range. :param x2rng: Same as x1rng. Applicable to 2D or 3D data. :param x3rng: Same as x2rng for 3D data only. Order of x is xnames with xname placed in front if given. :param squeeze: bool. Plots all ynames in same axis. :param kwargs: dict. Valid matplotlib pyplot.plot keyword arguments. :returns: figure. """ # housekeeping if not ynames: ynames=np.sort(self.y.keys()).tolist() if not type(ynames) in (list,tuple): ynames=(ynames,) if not xname: xname=self.xnames[0] indx = self.xnames.index(xname) if self.x: x=self.x[indx] else: x = self.pts[:,indx] # helper to sort through axes of ND data def maskmaker(ax,rng): if type(rng) in [float,int]: mask = ax==ax[abs(ax-rng).argmin()] elif type(rng) in [tuple,list] and len(rng)==2: mask = (ax>=rng[0]) * (ax<=rng[1]) elif type(rng) in [tuple,list] and len(rng)>2: print("Warning: mapping all axes to regular grid.") if self.nd==2: x,ax = np.mgrid[x.min():x.max():x.size,rng[0]:rng[1]:rng[2]] x = x[0] mask = range(rng[2]) if self.nd==3: raise ValueError("Griding for 3D data is under developement.") else: mask = np.ones_like(ax,dtype=bool) return ax,mask # display data if 'figure' in kwargs: f,ax = kwargs['figure'],np.array(kwargs['figure'].get_axes()) del kwargs['figure'] elif 'axes' in kwargs: if type(kwargs['axes'])==np.ndarray: f,ax = kwargs['axes'][0].get_figure(),kwargs['axes'] else: f,ax = kwargs['axes'].get_figure(),np.array(kwargs['axes']) del kwargs['axes'] else: if squeeze: nrow,ncol = 1,1 else: nrow,ncol = min(len(ynames),2),max(1,(len(ynames)+1)/2) f,ax = plt.subplots(nrow,ncol,squeeze=False,figsize=plt.rcp_size*(ncol,nrow)) if squeeze: ax = np.array([ax.ravel()[0]]*len(ynames)) if 'label' in kwargs: ulbl = kwargs['label']+', ' del kwargs['label'] else: ulbl = '' for a,name in zip(ax.ravel(),ynames): lbl = ulbl + _mathtext(name) if self.nd==1: a.plot(x,self.y[name],label=lbl,**kwargs) elif self.nd==2: if self.x: x2,rng2 = maskmaker(self.x[indx-1],x2rng) ys = self.y[name].reshape(self.shape).swapaxes(-1,indx) xlbl = _mathtext(self.xnames[indx-1]) for y,x2 in zip(ys[rng2],x2[rng2]): x,rng1 = maskmaker(x,x1rng) a.plot(x[rng1],y[rng1],label=lbl+', '+xlbl+'={0:.3}'.format(x2),**kwargs) else: x2s,rng2 = maskmaker(self.pts[:,indx-1],x2rng) xlbl = _mathtext(self.xnames[indx-1]) x2s = np.sort(list(set(x2s[rng2]))) for x2 in x2s: x,rng2 = maskmaker(self.pts[:,indx-1],float(x2)) x = self.pts[:,indx][rng2] y = self.y[name][rng2] x,y = np.array(list(zip(*sorted(zip(x,y))))) x,rng1 = maskmaker(x,x1rng) a.plot(x[rng1],y[rng1],label=lbl+', '+xlbl+'={0:.3}'.format(x2),**kwargs) elif self.nd==3: indx23 = range(3) indx23.remove(indx) if self.x: x2,rng2 = maskmaker(self.x[indx23[0]],x2rng) x3,rng3 = maskmaker(self.x[indx23[1]],x3rng) ys = self.y[name].reshape(self.shape).swapaxes(-1,indx) xlbls = [_mathtext(name) for name in self.xnames if name!=xname] for y2,x2 in zip(ys[rng2],x2[rng2]): x2lbl = lbl+', '+xlbls[0]+'='+str(x2) for y,x3 in zip(y2[rng3],x3[rng3]): x,rng1 = maskmaker(x,x1rng) a.plot(x[rng1],y[rng1],label=x2lbl+', '+xlbls[1]+'={0:.3}'.format(x3),**kwargs) else: x2s,rng2 = maskmaker(self.pts[:,indx23[0]],x2rng) x2s = np.sort(list(set(x2s[rng2]))) xs = self.pts[:,indx][rng2] ys = self.y[name][rng2] xlbls = [_mathtext(xlbl) for xlbl in self.xnames if xlbl!=xname] for x2 in x2s: x2lbl = lbl+', '+xlbls[0]+'='+str(x2) x3s,rng3 = maskmaker(self.pts[:,indx23[1]][rng2],x3rng) x3s = np.sort(list(set(x3s[rng3]))) for x3 in x3s: x3d,rng3 = maskmaker(self.pts[:,indx23[1]][rng2],float(x3)) x = xs[rng3] y = ys[rng3] np.array(list(zip(*sorted(zip(x,y))))) x,rng1 = maskmaker(x,x1rng) a.plot(x[rng1],y[rng1],label=x2lbl+', '+xlbls[1]+'={0:.3}'.format(x3),**kwargs) a.set_xlabel(_mathtext(self.xnames[indx])) a.legend(ncol=max(1,len(a.lines)/6)) return f
[docs] def plot2d(self,ynames=None,aspect='auto',plot_type='imshow',cbar=True, center=None,grid_size=(256,256),swap=False,**kwargs): """ Matplotlib 2D plots of the data. :param ynames: list. Strings specifying dependent data displayed. :param aspect: str/float. Choose from 'auto' or 'equal' (see matplotlib axes.set_aspect). A float stretches a circle to hight=aspect*width. :param plot_type: str. Choose one of, "imshow" - Use matplotlib imshow to plot on grid. "pcolormesh" - Use matplotlib pcolormesh to plot on grid. "contour" - Use matplotlib contour to plot on grid. "contourf" - Use matplotlib contourf to plot on grid. "tripcolor" - Use matplotlib tripcolor to plot raw points. "tripcontour" - Use matplotlib tripcontour to plot raw points. "tripcontourf" - Use matplotlib tripcontourf to plot raw points. :param cbar: bool. Show colorbar. :param grid_size: tuple. Size of grid used if no regular axes x (in order of xnames). :param swap: bool. Swap x/y axes. :param kwargs: dict. Valid pcolormesh/contour/contourf key arguments. :returns: figure. """ if not ynames: ynames=np.sort(self.y.keys()).tolist() if not type(ynames) in (list,tuple): ynames=[ynames] if self.nd != 2: raise IndexError("Data not 2D.") if self.x: x1,x2 = map(np.reshape,self.pts.T,[self.shape]*self.nd) elif plot_type in ['imshow','pcolormesh','contour','contourf']: x1,x2 = np.mgrid[self.pts[:,0].min():self.pts[:,0].max():1j*grid_size[0], self.pts[:,1].min():self.pts[:,1].max():1j*grid_size[1]] else: step = max(len(self.pts[:,0])/np.product(grid_size),1) if step>1: print('Reducing data by factor of {:}'.format(step)) x1,x2 = self.pts[::step].T for name in ynames: try: if np.any(np.iscomplex(self.y[name])): idx = ynames.index(name) ynames[idx] = 'imag '+name ynames.insert(idx,'real '+name) except: # looks at new names -> KeyError pass # display data if 'figure' in kwargs: f,ax = kwargs['figure'],np.array(kwargs['figure'].get_axes()) elif 'axes' in kwargs: if type(kwargs['axes'])==np.ndarray: f,ax = kwargs['axes'][0].get_figure(),kwargs['axes'] else: f,ax = kwargs['axes'].get_figure(),np.array(kwargs['axes']) else: nrow,ncol = min(len(ynames),2),max(1,(len(ynames)+1)/2) f,ax = plt.subplots(nrow,ncol,squeeze=False,figsize=plt.rcp_size*(ncol,nrow)) for a,name in zip(ax.ravel(),ynames): print("Plotting "+name+".") plotter = getattr(a,plot_type) #if(plot_type=='line'): # #plotter = getattr(a,'trip'*bool(self.x)+'contour') # plotter=a.contour #elif(plot_type=='fill'): # #plotter = getattr(a,'trip'*bool(self.x)+'contourf') # plotter=a.contourf #else: # if self.x: # plotter = a.pcolormesh # else: # plotter = a.tripcolor # convert to reals and grid if necessary reducedname = name.replace('real ','').replace('imag ','') if 'imag ' in name: raw = np.imag(self.y[reducedname]) else: raw = np.real(self.y[reducedname]) if self.x: y = raw.reshape(self.shape) elif np.all(x1==self.pts[:,0]) or np.all(x1==self.pts[:,1]): y = raw else: y = griddata(self.pts,np.nan_to_num(raw),(x1,x2),method='linear') if swap: x1,x2,y = x2.T,x1.T,y.T kwargs = _set_color_defaults(y,center=center,**kwargs) # plot type specifics if plotter==a.imshow: kwargs.setdefault('origin','lower') kwargs['aspect']=aspect kwargs.setdefault('extent',[x1.min(),x1.max(),x2.min(),x2.max()]) kwargs.setdefault('interpolation','gaussian') args = [y.T] else: args = [x1,x2,y] if plotter in [a.pcolormesh,a.tripcolor]: kwargs.setdefault('edgecolor','None') kwargs.setdefault('shading','gouraud') pcm = plotter(*args,**kwargs) a.set_xlabel(_mathtext(self.xnames[0+swap])) a.set_ylabel(_mathtext(self.xnames[1-swap])) a.set_xlim(x1.min(),x1.max()) a.set_title(_mathtext(name)) a.set_aspect(aspect) if cbar: f.colorbar(pcm,ax=a) return f
[docs] def plot3d(self,ynames=None,filter={'psi':1},cbar=False,size=(600,600), plot_type='',phi=None,center=None,**kwargs): """ Three dimensional plots. Data with xnames r,z will be plotted with third dimension phi where Y = Re[y]cos(n*phi)+Im[y]sin(n*phi). - 1D data > lines in a plane in 3-space. - 2D data > z axis becomes y value - 3D data > chosen display type Must have mayavi.mlab module available in pythonpath. :param ynames: list. Strings specifying dependent data displayed. :param filter: dict. Filter points as only those closest to this y value. :param cbar: bool. Display a vertical colorbar in the Mayavi Scene. :param size: tuple. Size of figure in pixels. :param plot_type: str. Valid mayavi.mlab function name. Overrides default function choices (plot3d,mesh,quiver3d). :param phi: ndarray. Toroidal angle grid for complex 2D data. Default is 360 degrees, 180 pts. :param center: float. Center colormap on this value. :returns: figure. """ """ :Examples: A quick visualization might look like, >>> xb, ='examples/DIIID_ideal_example/gpec_xbnormal_fun_n1.out',forcex=['r','z']) >>> xb.plot3d('bno') Taking a more hands-on approach, >>> xn, ='gpec_xbnormal_fun_n2.out') >>> psi = 1.0 >>> n = 2 >>> fltr= xb.y['psi']==xb.y['psi'][np.abs(xb.y['psi']-psi).argmin()] >>> r,z,p = xb.pts[:,0][fltr],xb.pts[:,1][fltr],np.linspace(0,2*np.pi,60) >>> s = xb.y['bno'][fltr] >>> cx = r.reshape(-1,1)*np.exp(1j*p.reshape(1,-1)) >>> X,Y = cx.real,cx.imag >>> Z = z.reshape(-1,1)*np.ones_like(X) >>> S = (s.reshape(-1,1)*np.exp(-n*1j*p.reshape(1,-1))).real >>> mmlab.figure(fgcolor=(0, 0, 0), bgcolor=(1, 1, 1)) >>> mmlab.mesh(X, Y, Z, scalars=S) #, colormap='YlGnBu' """ if not ynames: ynames=np.sort(self.y.keys()).tolist() if not type(ynames) in (list,tuple): ynames=[ynames] if not mmlab: raise ImportError("Unable to import mayavi.mlab.") # the correct 3d plotting function plotfunc = getattr(mmlab,['plot3d','mesh','quiver3d'][self.nd-1]) if plot_type: if plot_type=='volume': def plotfunc(x,y,z,s,name='',**kwargs): src = mmlab.pipeline.scalar_field(xx,yy,zz,S,name=name) mmlab.pipeline.volume(src,**kwargs) mmlab.pipeline.scalar_cut_plane(thr,plane_orientation='x_axes') mmlab.pipeline.scalar_cut_plane(thr,plane_orientation='y_axes') else: plotfunc = getattr(mmlab,plot_type) # filter data by other y variable fltr = self.y[ynames[0]]==self.y[ynames[0]] for k in filter: if k in self.y.keys(): fltr*= self.y[k]==self.y[k][np.abs(self.y[k]-filter[k]).argmin()] # general multidimensional axes X = np.array(self.pts[fltr,:]).T.tolist() if self.nd==1: X += np.zeros_like(X.ravel()) # Extra work to convert the cylindrical axes if self.xnames==['r','z']: r,z,p = self.pts[:,0][fltr],self.pts[:,1][fltr],np.linspace(0,2*np.pi,180) if phi!=None: p = np.array(phi) # Added for more custamization XY = r.reshape(-1,1)*np.exp(1j*p.reshape(1,-1)) Z = z.reshape(-1,1)*np.ones_like(XY.real) X = [XY.real,XY.imag,Z] # display data for name in ynames: if 'figure' not in kwargs: f = mmlab.figure(bgcolor=(1,1,1),fgcolor=(0,0,0),size=size) S = self.y[name][fltr] if self.xnames==['r','z']: S = np.real((S.reshape(-1,1)*np.exp(-self.params['n']*1j*p.reshape(1,-1)))) if plotfunc in [mmlab.mesh,mmlab.points3d]: XYZ = X kwargs['scalars'] = S else: XYZ = X+np.real(S).tolist() #print(np.array(XYZ).shape) kwargs = _set_color_defaults(S,center=center,**kwargs) mapper = {'viridis':'YlGnBu'} cmap = kwargs.pop('cmap','') cmap = mapper.get(cmap,cmap) reverse = cmap.endswith('_r') kwargs['colormap'] = cmap.rstrip('_r') plotobj = plotfunc(*XYZ,name=name,**kwargs) if reverse: plotobj.module_manager.scalar_lut_manager.reverse_lut = True if cbar: mmlab.colorbar(title=name,orientation='vertical') f = mmlab.gcf() return f #X,S
[docs] def scatter(self,ynames=None,xname=None,x1=None,x2=None,x3=None,**kwargs): """ Scatter plot display for non-regular data. Display mimics plot1d in t hat it displays a single independent axis. If is another independent axis exists, and is not sliced using one of the optional keyword arguments, it s represented as the color of the plotted symbols. If the data is 3D and unsliced, preference if given in order of xnames. :param ynames: list. Dependent data to be displayed. Default is all y data. :param xname: str. Independent axis used in scatter plots. Default is first in xnames. :param x1: float. Use only data with first axis clossest to value. :param x2: float. Use only data with second axis clossest to value. :param x3: float. Use only data with thrid axis clossest to value. :returns: figure. """ if not ynames: ynames=np.sort(self.y.keys()).tolist() if not type(ynames) in (list,tuple): ynames=[ynames] if not xname: xname=self.xnames[-1] indx = self.xnames.index(xname) rng = np.ones_like(self.pts[:,0],dtype=bool) ylbl='' indx2 = range(self.nd) indx2.remove(indx) if x1: indx2.remove(0) x1 = self.pts[:,0][abs(self.pts[:,0]-x1).argmin()] ylbl+=', '+self.xnames[0]+'={0:.3}'.format(x1) rng*=self.pts[:,0]==x1 if x2: indx2.remove(1) x2 = self.pts[:,1][abs(self.pts[:,1]-x2).argmin()] ylbl+=', '+self.xnames[1]+'={0:.3}'.format(x2) rng*=self.pts[:,1]==x2 if x3: indx2.remove(2) x3 = self.pts[:,2][abs(self.pts[:,2]-x3).argmin()] ylbl+=', '+self.xnames[2]+'={0:.3}'.format(x3) rng*=self.pts[:,2]==x3 if indx2: c = self.pts[:,indx2[0]][rng] cset = np.array(list(set(c))).round(4) clbl = self.xnames[indx2[0]] else: c = np.ones_like(rng[rng]) clbl = '' #double number of axes for complex data for name in ynames: try: if np.any(np.iscomplex(self.y[name])): idx = ynames.index(name) ynames[idx] = 'imag '+name ynames.insert(idx,'real '+name) except: # looks at new names -> KeyError pass # actual plotting if 'figure' in kwargs: f,ax = kwargs['figure'],np.array(kwargs['figure'].get_axes()) elif 'axes' in kwargs: if type(kwargs['axes'])==np.ndarray: f,ax = kwargs['axes'][0].get_figure(),kwargs['axes'] else: f,ax = kwargs['axes'].get_figure(),np.array(kwargs['axes']) else: nrow,ncol = min(len(ynames),2),max(1,(len(ynames)+1)/2) f,ax = plt.subplots(nrow,ncol,squeeze=False,figsize=plt.rcp_size*(ncol,nrow)) for a,name in zip(ax.ravel(),ynames): """if 'real' in name: sc=a.scatter(self.pts[:,indx][rng],np.real(self.y[name.replace('real ','')][rng]), c=c,,**kwargs) elif 'imag' in name: sc=a.scatter(self.pts[:,indx][rng],np.imag(self.y[name.replace('imag ','')][rng]), c=c,,**kwargs) else: sc=a.scatter(self.pts[:,indx][rng],np.real(self.y[name][rng]), c=c,,**kwargs) """ y = self.y[name.replace('real ','').replace('imag ','')][rng] if 'real' in name: y = np.real(y) elif 'imag' in name: y = np.imag(y) sc=a.scatter(self.pts[:,indx][rng],y,c=c,,**kwargs) # for printing purposes line = plt.matplotlib.lines.Line2D( self.pts[:,indx][rng],y,visible=False) if 'label' in kwargs: line.set_label(kwargs['label']) a.add_line(line) a.set_xlabel(_mathtext(self.xnames[indx])) a.set_ylabel(_mathtext(name+ylbl)) if clbl: f.colorbar(sc,ax=a,ticks=cset) cb=f.get_axes()[-1] cb.set_ylabel(_mathtext(clbl),fontsize='large') return f
[docs] def slice(self,x,xname=None,ynames=[]):#npts=100,**kwargs): """ *UNDER CONSTRUCTION* Return 1D data object from 2D. Method grids new data, so beware of loosing accuracy near rational surfaces. :param x: float. Lower bound of the axis. :param xname: str. Axis allong which slice is performed. :returns: obj. New data nd-1 dimensional data object. """ # housekeeping if not ynames: ynames=np.sort(self.y.keys()).tolist() if not type(ynames) in (list,tuple): ynames=(ynames,) if not xname: xname=self.xnames[0] indx = self.xnames.index(xname) x = self.pts[:,indx] # helper to sort through axes of ND data def maskmaker(ax,rng): if type(rng) in [float,int]: mask = ax==ax[abs(ax-rng).argmin()] elif type(rng) in [tuple,list] and len(rng)==2: mask = (ax>=rng[0]) * (ax<=rng[1]) elif type(rng) in [tuple,list] and len(rng)>2: print("Warning: mapping all axes to regular grid.") if self.nd==2: x,ax = np.mgrid[x.min():x.max():x.size,rng[0]:rng[1]:rng[2]] x = x[0] mask = range(rng[2]) if self.nd==3: raise ValueError("Griding for 3D data is under developement.") else: mask = np.ones_like(ax,dtype=bool) return ax,mask for a,name in zip(ax.ravel(),ynames): if self.nd==1: a.plot(x,self.y[name],label=lbl,**kwargs) elif self.nd==2: if self.x: x2,rng2 = maskmaker(self.x[indx-1],x2rng) ys = self.y[name].reshape(self.shape).swapaxes(-1,indx) xlbl = _mathtext(self.xnames[indx-1]) for y,x2 in zip(ys[rng2],x2[rng2]): a.plot(x,y,label=lbl+', '+xlbl+'={0:.3}'.format(x2),**kwargs) else: x2s,rng2 = maskmaker(self.pts[:,indx-1],x2rng) xlbl = _mathtext(self.xnames[indx-1]) x2s = np.sort(list(set(x2s[rng2]))) for x2 in x2s: x,rng2 = maskmaker(self.pts[:,indx-1],float(x2)) x = self.pts[:,indx][rng2] y = self.y[name][rng2] x,y = list(zip(*sorted(zip(x,y)))) a.plot(x,y,label=lbl+', '+xlbl+'={0:.3}'.format(x2),**kwargs) elif self.nd==3: indx23 = range(3) indx23.remove(indx) if self.x: x2,rng2 = maskmaker(self.x[indx23[0]],x2rng) x3,rng3 = maskmaker(self.x[indx23[1]],x3rng) ys = self.y[name].reshape(self.shape).swapaxes(-1,indx) xlbls = [_mathtext(name) for name in self.xnames if name!=xname] for y2,x2 in zip(ys[rng2],x2[rng2]): x2lbl = lbl+', '+xlbls[0]+'='+str(x2) for y,x3 in zip(y2[rng3],x3[rng3]): a.plot(x,y,label=x2lbl+', '+xlbls[1]+'={0:.3}'.format(x3),**kwargs) else: x2s,rng2 = maskmaker(self.pts[:,indx23[0]],x2rng) x2s = np.sort(list(set(x2s[rng2]))) xs = self.pts[:,indx][rng2] ys = self.y[name][rng2] xlbls = [_mathtext(xlbl) for xlbl in self.xnames if xlbl!=xname] for x2 in x2s: x2lbl = lbl+', '+xlbls[0]+'='+str(x2) x3s,rng3 = maskmaker(self.pts[:,indx23[1]][rng2],x3rng) x3s = np.sort(list(set(x3s[rng3]))) for x3 in x3s: x3d,rng3 = maskmaker(self.pts[:,indx23[1]][rng2],float(x3)) x = xs[rng3] y = ys[rng3] x,y = list(zip(*sorted(zip(x,y)))) a.plot(x,y,label=x2lbl+', '+xlbls[1]+'={0:.3}'.format(x3),**kwargs)
######################################################## helper functions ##class operations def _data_op(self,other,fun,op,quiet=default_quiet): """ This function generalizes the process of creating a new class and filling it with the appropriate dependent data, info, and indepenedent data from an operation on one or more data classes. """ NewData = copy.deepcopy(self) #intialize new data object. if type(other)==DataBase: # check if same dependent variables if self.xnames != other.xnames: raise ArithmeticError('Two data objects do not have same dependent variables.') if not np.all(self.pts==other.pts):#[np.all(sx==ox) for sx,ox in zip(self.x,other.x)]): if not quiet: print('interpolating to same axes.') otherinterp = other.interp(NewData.pts).y else: otherinterp = other.y # problem from unbound interpolation?? Fixed when switched to returning objects. #if self.nd==1: # for k in otherinterp: # otherinterp[k] = otherinterp[k].ravel() for key in other.y: if key in NewData.y: #if not quiet: print(key+op+key) NewData.y[key] = fun(NewData.y[key],otherinterp[key]) else: if not quiet: print('0'+op+key) NewData.y[key] = fun(np.zeros_like(otherinterp[key]),otherinterp[key]) for key in NewData.y: if key not in other.y and not quiet: print(key+op+'0') else: # apply operation to y values for k,v in NewData.y.items(): #if not quiet: print(k+op+str(other)) NewData.y[k] = fun(v,other) return NewData def _mathtext(text): """ Helper function to convert lazy ascii conventions to nicer latex strings. :param text : str. """ simplemaps = ['epsilon','psi','omega','nabla','cdot','kappa','vartheta','theta', 'nu','times','perp','parallel','lambda','ln', 'Lambda','xi','chi','varphi','phi','Phi','mu','int', 'Re','Im', 'delta','angle','ell','alpha','beta','zeta','rho'] trickymaps = [('par','parallel'), ('divxprp','nablacdotxi_perp'), ('exb','EtimesB'), ('lmda','lambda'),#('lam','lambda'), ('wdian','omega_*n'), ('wdiat','omega_{*T}'), ('wrot','omega_phi'), ('real','Re'), ('imag','Im'), ('log','ln'), ('ln10','log_{10}'), ('kxprp','kappacdotxi_perp'), ('prp','perp'), ('int','int '),('eps_','epsilon_') ] # replace some lazy data labeling with proper math for tm in trickymaps: text=text.replace(*tm) # tex up symbols for sm in simplemaps: text=text.replace(sm,"$\\"+sm+'$') # clean up known bugs text = text.replace('e$\\psi$lon','epsilon') text = text.replace('var$\\theta','vartheta') text = text.replace('var$\\phi','varphi') # deliniate start/stop of latexing for word in text.split(' '): #if '_' in word: # got too fancy (required spaces after subscripts) # newword='$'+word.replace('_','_{').replace('$','')+'}'*word.count('_')+'$' if '^' in word or '_' in word: text=text.replace(word,'$'+word.replace('$',' ')+'$') #text.replace('$$','') return text#.encode('string-escape') #raw string
[docs]def getshot(path='.',full_name=False): """ Find 6 digit shot number in path to directory or file. :param d: str. Path. :returns: str. Shot number if found, '' if not. """ pth = os.path.abspath(path) shot = '' for i in range(len(pth)-5): if str.isdigit(pth[i:i+6]): shot = pth[i:i+6] break if full_name: dirs = pth.split('/') for d in dirs: if shot in d: shot = d break return shot
######################################################## Developer functions def _write_ellipk(npts=3e2,fname='ellipk01.dat'): """ Writes complete elliptic integral of the first kind to file. .. note:: This is not the original routine. Could not find it. Key Word Arguments: npts : int. fname: str. """ # ellipk(1-1e-17)=inf x = np.log(1./1e-15) kappas = 1.0-np.exp(np.linspace(0,x,npts))/np.exp(x) with open(fname,'w') as f: f.write('{:.0f} \n'.format(npts)) for k in kappas[::-1]: f.write('{:.21} '.format(k)) f.write('\n') for k in kappas[::-1]: f.write('{} '.format(ellipk(k))) return True def _write_ellipe(npts=3e2,fname='ellipe01.dat'): """ Writes complete elliptic integral of the first kind to file. .. note:: This is not the original routine. Could not find it. Key Word Arguments: npts : int. fname: str. """ kappas = np.linspace(0,1,npts) with open(fname,'w') as f: f.write('{:.0f} \n'.format(npts)) for k in kappas: f.write('{} '.format(k)) f.write('\n') for k in kappas: f.write('{} '.format(ellipe(k))) return True def _factors(n): return list(sorted(set(reduce(list.__add__, ([i, n//i] for i in range(1, int(n**0.5) + 1) if n % i == 0))))) def _plot3dvolume(self,ynames=None,npts=124,cbar=True,plot_type='',**kwargs): """ Under construction volume plotting. """ # general multidimensional axes X = np.array(self.pts).T.tolist() if self.nd==1: X += np.zeros_like(X.ravel()) # Extra work to convert the cylindrical axes if self.xnames==['r','z']: # regularly spaced grid in x,y,z rlim = self.pts[:,0].max() zlim = np.abs(self.pts[:,1]).max() xx,yy,zz = np.mgrid[-rlim:rlim:npts*1j,-rlim:rlim:npts*1j,-zlim:zlim:npts*1j] rr = np.sqrt(xx**2.0+xx**2.0) pp = np.arctan2(yy,xx) X = [xx,yy,zz] # To index coordinates cordpts = [(npts-1)*(rr-rlim)/(2*rlim),(npts-1)*(zz-zlim)/(2*zlim)] # display data for name in ynames: if 'figure' not in kwargs: f = mmlab.figure(bgcolor=(1,1,1),fgcolor=(0,0,0),size=size) S = self.y[name] if self.xnames==['r','z']: # 2D interpolation print('interpolating real component...') S = griddata(self.pts,np.real(self.y[name]),(rr,zz),method='linear') print('interpolating imag component...') S+= griddata(self.pts,np.imag(self.y[name]),(rr,zz),method='linear')*1j S = np.real(S*np.exp(-self.params['n']*1j*pp)) print(np.shape(S),np.shape(rr)) # Take out wedge for better view wedge = (xx>=0.0)*(yy>=0.0) #m[wedge==False] = 0.0 S[wedge==False] = -1e99 S[(S==S)==False]= -1e99 src = mmlab.pipeline.scalar_field(xx,yy,zz,S) thr = mmlab.pipeline.threshold(src,low=-1e98) #mmlab.pipeline.volume(src) mmlab.pipeline.scalar_cut_plane(src,plane_orientation='x_axes') mmlab.pipeline.scalar_cut_plane(src,plane_orientation='y_axes') if cbar: mmlab.colorbar(title=name,orientation='vertical') f = mmlab.gcf() return xx,yy,zz,S