GPEC DIII-D Ideal Example¶
This example uses a baseline H-mode Error Field Correction (EFC) plasma from a n=1 EFC study done in 2013. The equilibrium used is a kinetic EFIT from DIII-D shot 147131 at 2300ms, and the profiles are self consistent with the equilibrium. Pre-GPEC results using a combination of GPEC and PENT for this calculation are published in [C. Paz-Soldan, M. J. Lanctot, N. C. Logan, et al., Phys. Plasmas 21, 072503 (2014).].
Note that the coil and pentrc input namelists use relative paths to the package’s data files. If you would like to run the example in a different location, you must change the input appropriately.
Following a typical workflow we first cd to the example’s directory, then run DCON:
DCON START => GPEC version 1.0.0
psihigh = 9.930E-01
Equilibrium: g147131.02300_DIIID_KEFIT, Type: efit
Jac_type = hamada, power_bp = 0, power_b = 0, power_r = 0
Diagnosing Grad-Shafranov solution
Evaluating Mercier criterion
Evaluating ballooning criterion
Fourier analysis of metric tensor components
q0 = 1.062E+00, qmin = 1.062E+00, qmax = 5.321E+00, q95 = 4.228E+00
sas_flag = T, dmlim = 2.000E-01, qlim = 5.200E+00, psilim = 9.915E-01
betat = 2.184E-02, betan = 1.905E+00, betap1 = 7.977E-01
nn = 1, mlow = -12, mhigh = 21, mpert = 34, mband = 33
Computing F, G, and K Matrices
Starting integration of ODE's
psi = 1.000E-04, q = 1.062
psi = 5.936E-01, q = 2.000
psi = 8.186E-01, q = 3.000
psi = 9.282E-01, q = 4.000
psi = 9.884E-01, q = 5.000
psi = 9.915E-01, q = 5.200
Computing free boundary energies
Energies: plasma = -1.754E+00, vacuum = 2.485E+00, total = 7.309E-01
All free-boundary modes stable for nn = 1.
Total cpu time = 8.328E+00 seconds
DCON STOP => Normal termination.
From the positive total energy, we see that the plasma is reasonably stable for n=1 perturbations. Totals are often of this order 1e0-1e-2, while numbers of order 1e-3 or smaller might be considered approching instability and require some investigation. It is always a good idea to check any solution, using xdraw or just skimming dcon.out.
Satisfied with the DCON result, we run GPEC:
GPEC START => GPEC version 1.0.0
Reading dcon eigenfuctions
Counting and reading dcon solutions
mlow = -12 , mhigh = 21 , mpert = 34
mstep = 1574 , mfix = 17 , msing = 4
Recontructing flux functions and metric tensors
Reading vacuum energy matrices
Calculating field on the boundary from coils
Building free boundary solutions
eigenmode = 1, dw = -2.364E-03, error = 3.608E-09
eigenmode = 2, dw = 3.918E-01, error = 1.151E-12
eigenmode = 3, dw = 1.413E+00, error = 1.776E-11
eigenmode = 4, dw = 2.932E+00, error = 4.966E-12
eigenmode = 5, dw = 3.617E+00, error = 6.209E-12
eigenmode = 6, dw = 4.939E+00, error = 5.212E-12
eigenmode = 7, dw = 7.459E+00, error = 4.384E-12
eigenmode = 8, dw = 1.033E+01, error = 3.098E-12
eigenmode = 9, dw = 1.050E+01, error = 7.427E-12
eigenmode = 10, dw = 1.301E+01, error = 4.758E-12
eigenmode = 11, dw = 1.602E+01, error = 4.668E-12
eigenmode = 12, dw = 1.760E+01, error = 2.422E-11
eigenmode = 13, dw = 1.913E+01, error = 5.817E-12
eigenmode = 14, dw = 2.227E+01, error = 6.625E-12
eigenmode = 15, dw = 2.553E+01, error = 6.178E-12
eigenmode = 16, dw = 2.650E+01, error = 4.967E-11
eigenmode = 17, dw = 2.876E+01, error = 6.067E-12
eigenmode = 18, dw = 3.129E+01, error = 3.658E-11
eigenmode = 19, dw = 3.229E+01, error = 5.655E-13
eigenmode = 20, dw = 3.677E+01, error = 1.296E-11
eigenmode = 21, dw = 3.718E+01, error = 3.762E-11
eigenmode = 22, dw = 4.168E+01, error = 1.153E-11
eigenmode = 23, dw = 4.429E+01, error = 2.995E-11
eigenmode = 24, dw = 5.306E+01, error = 2.081E-11
eigenmode = 25, dw = 6.506E+01, error = 1.280E-11
eigenmode = 26, dw = 8.191E+01, error = 8.032E-12
eigenmode = 27, dw = 9.998E+01, error = 7.700E-12
eigenmode = 28, dw = 1.069E+02, error = 5.822E-12
eigenmode = 29, dw = 1.389E+02, error = 1.135E-12
eigenmode = 30, dw = 1.347E+02, error = 1.387E-11
eigenmode = 31, dw = 1.374E+02, error = 1.473E-11
eigenmode = 32, dw = 2.171E+02, error = 6.004E-12
eigenmode = 33, dw = 2.329E+02, error = 9.530E-12
eigenmode = 34, dw = 6.934E+02, error = 2.111E-12
Calculating inductrances and permeability
Single mode permeability = 7.923E+00
Required energy to perturb vacuum = 9.309E+00
Required energy to perturb plasma = 3.862E+00
Amplification factor = 2.411E+00
Computing total resonant fields
psi = 5.936E-01, q = 2.000, total resonant field = 3.705E-04
psi = 8.186E-01, q = 3.000, total resonant field = 2.805E-04
psi = 9.282E-01, q = 4.000, total resonant field = 5.450E-05
psi = 9.884E-01, q = 5.000, total resonant field = 4.211E-04
Computing Clebsch displacements
volume = 10% Clebsch decomposition
volume = 20% Clebsch decomposition
volume = 30% Clebsch decomposition
volume = 40% Clebsch decomposition
volume = 50% Clebsch decomposition
volume = 60% Clebsch decomposition
volume = 70% Clebsch decomposition
volume = 80% Clebsch decomposition
volume = 90% Clebsch decomposition
volume = 100% Clebsch decomposition
Total cpu time for GPEC = 27 seconds
GPEC STOP => Normal termination.
Here we see the plasma has a single mode permeability ~8, meaning that the application of the first permeability eigenmode on the plasma control surface would result in a total flux (external + plasma response) 8 times the applied mode. The full permeability eigenmode and eigevector information can be found in gpec_response_n1.out. We also see a preview of the resonant field information, a more detailed collection of which is in gpec_singfld_n1.out. Finally, we have told GPEC to calculate and output the clebsch coordinate displacments in gpec_xclebsch_n1.out. This becomes an input for PENT.
Finally, we run PENT:
PENTRC START => GPEC version 1.0.0
clearing working directory
rm: cannot remove `pentrc_*.out': No such file or directory
Set idconfile:
Reading dcon eigenfuctions
Counting and reading dcon solutions
mlow = -12 , mhigh = 21 , mpert = 34
mstep = 1574 , mfix = 17 , msing = 4
Recontructing flux functions and metric tensors
Computing perturbed b field for gpec
Reading table from file:
Reading table from file:
-> WARNING: Assuming DCON hamada coordinates
-> calculating deltaB/B, divxi_prp
|----------| 0% iterations complete
|oo--------| 20% iterations complete
|oooo------| 40% iterations complete
|oooooo----| 60% iterations complete
|oooooooo--| 80% iterations complete
|oooooooooo| 100% iterations complete
PENTRC - full general-aspect-ratio calculation
psi = 0.0 -> T_phi = 7.63E-05 1.36E-04j
psi = 0.1 -> T_phi = 1.42E-02 5.57E-03j
psi = 0.2 -> T_phi = 2.26E-02 5.39E-03j
psi = 0.3 -> T_phi = 2.50E-02 9.84E-03j
psi = 0.4 -> T_phi = 2.80E-02 1.49E-02j
WARNING: vpar zero crossing internal to magnetic well at psi 4.783E-01
5.000E-01 <= 5.006E-01 <= 1.500E+00
-> Lambda, t/p boundry = 0.7737391481753563 0.7737464409937628
-> consider changing mtheta in
psi = 0.5 -> T_phi = 3.56E-02 2.03E-02j
psi = 0.6 -> T_phi = 4.20E-02 2.21E-02j
WARNING: vpar zero crossing internal to magnetic well at psi 6.333E-01
5.000E-01 <= 1.497E+00 <= 1.500E+00
-> Lambda, t/p boundry = 0.7299058478670797 0.7299127275381094
-> consider changing mtheta in
psi = 0.7 -> T_phi = 4.32E-02 2.33E-02j
psi = 0.8 -> T_phi = 5.03E-02 2.12E-02j
WARNING: vpar zero crossing internal to magnetic well at psi 8.265E-01
4.844E-01 <= 1.481E+00 <= 1.484E+00
-> Lambda, t/p boundry = 0.6744367173720330 0.6744430742230700
-> consider changing mtheta in
psi = 0.9 -> T_phi = 5.55E-02 3.58E-02j
WARNING: vpar zero crossing internal to magnetic well at psi 9.326E-01
4.492E-01 <= 4.495E-01 <= 1.449E+00
-> Lambda, t/p boundry = 0.6424701444514599 0.6424762000040400
-> consider changing mtheta in
Total torque = 4.263E-001
Total Kinetic Energy = 2.657E-002
alpha/s = -8.022E+000
WARNING: vpar zero crossing internal to magnetic well at psi 8.000E-01
4.844E-01 <= 4.847E-01 <= 1.484E+00
-> Lambda, t/p boundry = 0.6821990656221174 0.6822054956365666
-> consider changing mtheta in
WARNING: vpar zero crossing internal to magnetic well at psi 4.575E-01
5.039E-01 <= 1.502E+00 <= 1.504E+00
-> Lambda, t/p boundry = 0.7797137521775525 0.7797211013091262
-> consider changing mtheta in
PENTRC - trapped particle general-aspect-ratio calculation
psi = 0.0 -> T_phi = 9.05E-05 1.38E-04j
psi = 0.1 -> T_phi = 1.41E-02 3.46E-03j
psi = 0.2 -> T_phi = 2.25E-02 -9.46E-05j
psi = 0.3 -> T_phi = 2.49E-02 1.45E-03j
psi = 0.4 -> T_phi = 2.74E-02 4.33E-03j
psi = 0.5 -> T_phi = 3.56E-02 7.62E-03j
psi = 0.6 -> T_phi = 4.18E-02 7.99E-03j
psi = 0.7 -> T_phi = 4.31E-02 8.85E-03j
psi = 0.8 -> T_phi = 5.07E-02 5.19E-03j
psi = 0.9 -> T_phi = 5.42E-02 1.97E-02j
Total torque = 4.027E-001
Total Kinetic Energy = 1.002E-002
alpha/s = -2.010E+001
PENTRC - reduced large-aspect-ratio calculation
Reading F^-1/2_mnl from file:
psi = 0.0 -> T_phi = 7.47E-06 1.01E-04j
psi = 0.1 -> T_phi = 9.18E-01 2.02E-01j
psi = 0.2 -> T_phi = 1.40E+00 1.76E+00j
psi = 0.3 -> T_phi = 1.66E+00 5.13E+00j
psi = 0.4 -> T_phi = 1.94E+00 1.07E+01j
psi = 0.5 -> T_phi = 2.33E+00 1.74E+01j
psi = 0.6 -> T_phi = 2.98E+00 2.32E+01j
psi = 0.7 -> T_phi = 3.62E+00 3.68E+01j
psi = 0.8 -> T_phi = 6.27E+00 5.75E+01j
psi = 0.9 -> T_phi = 1.47E+01 3.04E+02j
Total torque = 2.039E+003
Total Kinetic Energy = -2.748E+002
alpha/s = 3.710E+000
total cpu time = 8 minutes, 0 seconds
PENTRC STOP => Normal termination.
The warnings about magnetic wells are ok in this case.
We see that the full and trapped-only calculations of the torque agree reasonably well, which is consistent with the understanding that particles on banana orbits dominate the nonambipolar transport. The RLAR result in this case is orders of magnitude off, but does have generaly the correct qualitative behavior.