Documentation/UserGuide/Input and Generators with cylindrical

To use the cylindrical integrators, one must remember that the coordinate order is always $(x1,x2,x3) = (R,\phi,z)$. Thus, in the level 0 domain, x1min and x1max specify the minimum and maximum values of R and so forth. The current implementation of cylindrical coordinates expects the coordinate singularity at the origin to be excised from the computational domain and unexpected behavior may result from a lack of proper regularization if one uses a domain which includes it. Also, note that in Athena, the $\phi$ coordinate, hence also x2min and x2max, is measured in radians. The standard boundary conditions behave as one would expect in the $\phi-$ and z-directions. For example, a domain with

x2min  = 0
x2max  = 3.141592653589793
bc_ix2 = 4
bc_ox2 = 4

describes an annular region periodic in $\phi$.

The standard boundary conditions do not apply in the R-direction. Typically one must write and enroll their own function in a problem generator according to some particular application. We have written a simple Dirichlet boundary condition function called do_nothing_bc, which leaves the initialized ghost zones intact throughout the integration.

Note that the nature of constrained transport in Athena causes the divergence of the magnetic field to be preserved to within machine precision of its initial value. It is the user’s responsibility to ensure that this initial value is 0, recalling that the divergence operator includes extra geometric scale factors in non-Cartesian coordinate systems. We have included a routine compute_div_b() located in utils.c to help the user with debugging.

One typically refers to interface-centered and cell-centered quantities in problem files. However, it must be noted that the conserved quantities in Athena are the area-averages of the magnetic fields over cell interfaces, and the volume-averages of the density, momenta, and sometimes total energy. The easiest way to obtain the correct area-averages of the magnetic fields, which also ensures that the divergence vanish, is to use a vector potential. Additionally, one must specify the volume-averages of the magnetic field. The easiest way to do this is to set the interface fields first, then use the following second-order accurate averages to set the cell-centered fields:

Rc = x1;  // R at cell center
Rl = x1 – 0.5*pG->dx1;  // R at left interface
Rr = x1 + 0.5*pG->dx1;  // R at right interface

pG->U[k][j][i].B1c = (Rl*pG->B1i[k][j][i] + Rr*pG->B1i[k][j][i+1])/Rc;
pG->U[k][j][i].B2c = 0.5*(pG->B2i[k][j][i] + pG->B2i[k][j+1][i]);
pG->U[k][j][i].B3c = 0.5*(pG->B3i[k][j][i] + pG->B3i[k+1][j][i]);

It can be tricky to initialize the remaining variables with the correct volume-averages, but in some applications this is especially important. Consider, for example, a centrifugally balanced system with solid-body rotation profile (i.e. no shearing). Long term stability of this system relies on careful balance between the inward gravitational and outward centrifugal forces, both of which are derived from volume-averaged source terms. If these forces are unbalanced, the system will move radially inward or outward and begin to shear.

To aid the user in producing highly accurate initial volume-averages, we have included the numerical quadrature functions avg1d(), avg2d(), and avg3d() located in utils.c. These functions take a function of three spatial coordinates and produce the corresponding volume-averages in one, two, and three spatial dimensions, respectively. These functions do not scale well with increasing dimension, but the user may specify an error tolerance and maximum iteration number, and they need only be run to initialize a problem. Typically, one can get away with averaging in the R-direction only. For example, to study the Rayleigh stability of a system with shear parameter q, we could compute $M_\phi$ by hand as a function of q, or we could simply define a function M2() for the azimuthal momentum,

Real M2(const Real x1, const Real x2, const Real x3) {
  return rho0*omega0*pow(x1,1.0-q);

Then to initialize the momentum in the $\phi$-direction, we set

pG->U[k][j][i].M2 = avg1d(M2,pG,i,j,k);

Note that this averaging is not required! In most cases, it is sufficient (and second-order accurate) to equate a volume-average with the pointwise value of a function at the grid cell center.