Documentation/ProgrammerGuide/Variable Structures

Conserved Variables (ConsS structure)

The cell-centered, volume-averaged values of each of the conserved variables are stored in the ConsS structure, which is defined in /athena/src/athena.h and reproduced below.

typedef struct Cons_s{
  Real d;                       /* density */
  Real M1;                      /* momentum density in 1,2,3 directions */
  Real M2;
  Real M3;
  Real E;                       /* total energy density */
#endif /* BAROTROPIC */
#ifdef MHD
  Real B1c;                     /* cell centered magnetic fields in 1,2,3 */
  Real B2c;
  Real B3c;
#endif /* MHD */
#if (NSCALARS > 0)
  Real s[NSCALARS];             /* passively advected scalars */

The vector M denotes the linear momentum. The ConsS structure also stores the face-centered field, but this is not the primary description of the field. For adiabatic MHD, the structure contains 8 variables, plus passively advected scalars.

Primitive Variables (PrimS structure)

The corresponding structure containing the primitive variables is PrimS, also defined in /athena/src/athena.h.

typedef struct Prim_s{
  Real d;                       /* density */
  Real V1;                      /* velocity in 1,2,3 */
  Real V2;
  Real V3;
  Real P;                       /* pressure */
#endif /* BAROTROPIC */
#ifdef MHD
  Real B1c;                     /* cell centered magnetic fields in 1,2,3 */
  Real B2c;
  Real B3c;
#endif /* MHD */

Conserved and Primitive Variables in 1D: the Cons1D and Prim1D structures

The longitudinal component of the magnetic field is dropped in the one-dimensional system of equations. Thus, we define new structures for the dependent variable in one-dimension, each of which only contains 7 variables (for adiabatic MHD), plus passively advected scalars. For the conserved variables, the structure is Cons1DS:

typedef struct Cons1D_s{
  Real d;                       /* density */
  Real Mx;                      /* momentum density in X,Y,Z; where X is     */
  Real My;                      /* direction longitudinal to 1D slice; which */
  Real Mz;                      /* can be in any dimension: 1,2,or 3         */
  Real E;                       /* total energy density */
#endif /* BAROTROPIC */
#ifdef MHD
  Real By;                      /* cell centered magnetic fields in Y,Z */
  Real Bz;
#endif /* MHD */
#if (NSCALARS > 0)
  Real s[NSCALARS];             /* passively advected scalars */

Note that we have used the subscripts x,y, and z to denote the components of vectors in the one-dimensional variables contained in Cons1DS and Prim1DS, whereas we used the subscripts 1,2, and 3 to denote the components of vectors in the ConsS and PrimS structures. In the latter, the variables are fixed with respect to the coordinates of the grid (e.g., M1 corresponds to the momentum in the 1-direction). However, since the one-dimensional variables may represent a slice in any direction, the x,y, and z components are not fixed with respect to the grid (that is, Mx corresponds to M1 along a slice in the 1-direction, but Mx corresponds to M2 along a slice in the 2-direction).

The order of the variables in these structures is extremely important and cannot be changed for several reasons. Firstly, this order determines the order of the elements used in the eigensystem of the linearized equations (computed in the functions contained in the files esystem_prim.c and esystem_roe.c). Secondly, in several functions we set a pointer to the first element in the structure, and then address successive elements (variables) by incrementing the pointer, as in the following code fragment from the function lr_states_prim2.c

    pWl = (Real *) &(Wl[i+1]);

    qx = 0.5*MAX(ev[NWAVE-1],0.0)*dtodx;
    for (n=0; n<NWAVE; n++) {
      pWl[n] = Wrv[n] - qx*dW[n];

Here, Wl, Wrv, and dW are all structures of type Prim1DS, and NWAVE is the number of components of these structures (which depends on whether the problem is hydrodynamic or MHD, and adiabatic or isothermal). Using pointers in this way leads to more compact coding, is more efficient (since it allows vectorization of the loop), and by using structures to ensure the components of the vectors are stored contiguously, it is more cache efficient. However, be warned. It also means the order of the variables is hardwired in the code, and cannot be changed, which has the potential to be the source of some nasty bugs.