Documentation/ProgrammerGuide/Mesh Structure

The overall hierarchy of Domains and Grids is stored in the MeshS structure defined in /athena/src/athena.h:

    typedef struct Mesh_s{
      Real RootMinX[3];   /* min(x) in each dir on root Domain [0,1,2]=[x1,x2,x3] */
      Real RootMaxX[3];   /* max(x) in each dir on root Domain [0,1,2]=[x1,x2,x3] */
      Real dx[3];     /* cell size on root Domain [0,1,2]=[x1,x2,x3] */
      Real time, dt;  /* current time and timestep for entire Mesh */
      int Nx[3];      /* # of zones in each dir on root Domain [0,1,2]=[x1,x2,x3] */
      int nstep;                 /* number of integration steps taken */
      int BCFlag_ix1, BCFlag_ox1;  /* BC flag on root domain for inner/outer x1 */
      int BCFlag_ix2, BCFlag_ox2;  /* BC flag on root domain for inner/outer x2 */
      int BCFlag_ix3, BCFlag_ox3;  /* BC flag on root domain for inner/outer x3 */
      int NLevels;               /* overall number of refinement levels in mesh */
      int *DomainsPerLevel;      /* number of Domains per level (DPL) */
      DomainS **Domain;          /* array of Domains, indexed over levels and DPL */
      char *outfilename;           /* basename for output files containing -id#  */

Note that Domains are stored as a 2D array whose dimensions are the number of levels nl, and the number of Domains per level nd. This array is allocated (in init_mesh.c) in a way that allows nd to be different for each nl.