
After running configure, the next step is to compile the code using make. In the same directory as the configure script, use:

% make all

This automatically creates the directory ./athena/bin, which will contain the executable, and runs make in ./athena/src and its subdirectories to compile and link the code.

The top-level Makefile contains the following targets

TARGET Comments
all creates ./athena/bin directory and compiles code
compile compiles code
clean removes .o files in ./athena/src
help prints help message
test runs install test (see the Tutorials/QuickStart page)

The top-level Makefile uses an additional macro MACHINE that can be used to select compiler options and library paths specific to a certain computer. For example,

make all MACHINE=ophir

will compile with icc -O3 -xW -ipo -i static as well as use paths for the FFT and MPI libraries specific to this machine. Values for this macro are set in, and new values (machines, libraries, and paths) can be added to this file.

Remember that the makefile is re-generated from the template every time configure is run. Thus, any changes made to the makefile will be lost if configure is run again. Any permanent modifications should be made to, and not the Makefile.