Obtaining and Installing Athena
The source code for Athena can be downloaded as a gzipped tar file from this site. To install and run the code requires only a C compiler. After downloading the tar file, uncompress and untar it:
% gunzip athena4.0.tar.gz
% tar xf athena4.0.tar
The following directory structure should be created:
/apps problem and input files used in previous applications
/doc selected additional documentation
/src source code, and include files
/fftsrc FFT interface
/gravity self-gravity
/integrators unsplit integrators
/microphysics resistivity, thermal conduction, viscosity, etc.
/prob problem files (/src/problem.c is a symbolic link to one file in this dir)
/reconstruction spatial reconstruction algorithms
/rsolvers Riemann solvers
/tst various input files for tests
/vis visualization tools and scripts
/idl IDL (rsinc.com) scripts
/matlab MatLab .m files
/sm Super Mongo scripts
/vtk code to join VTK legacy files
In addition to those above, another directory will be created by the Makefile
when Athena is compiled for the first time, using make all
/bin contains executable, created by Makefile
(Trying to compile the code with make compile
make all
will result in an error since the bin
directory will
not yet exist.)