
The real utility of the Athena code is as a solver for new problems (i.e. problems that are not initialized by the set of problem generators included in the source code distribution). For new problems, the following steps are required.

  1. Write a new function that initializes the problem, contained in a file in the ./athena/src/prob directory, with the following prototype

     void problem(DomainS *pDomain)

    The main purpose of this function is to set the initial conditions for all dependent variables over the entire Domain. Values in the ghost zones do not need to be set, since Athena calls the boundary condition functions immediately after the problem generator. However, values for the magnetic field on the faces of the Domain (B1i at is and ie+1; B2i at js and je+1; and B3i at ks and ke+1) must be set, since these values are evolved by Athena.

  2. Write new functions called problem_write_restart and problem_read_restart (which may be no-ops if needed) and include them in the problem generator file. These functions write and read any problem-dependent parameters to the restart files, or read them from the input file on restarts, and also set any problem-specific outputs or boundary conditions on restarts. As an example, the following code reads some parameters and sets new history variables, but does not write any new parameters to the restart file

     void problem_write_restart(MeshS *pM, FILE *fp)
     void problem_read_restart(MeshS *pM, FILE *fp)
       Omega_0 = par_getd_def("problem","omega",1.0e-3);
       dump_history_enroll(hst_rho_Vx_dVy, "<rho Vx dVy>");
       dump_history_enroll(hst_rho_dVy2, "<rho dVy^2>");

    These functions must be present in the problem generator file, even if they are just no-ops.

  3. Write new functions called Userwork_in_loop and Userwork_after_loop (which may be no-ops if not needed) and include them in the file containing problem. As the names suggest, these functions can be used to perform special problem-dependent work in or after the main loop (see ./athena/src/prob/linear_wave.c for an example). These functions must be present in the problem generator file, even if they are just no-ops.

  4. If special purpose boundary conditions are needed, write special functions that implement them, and enroll them using the function bvals_mhd_fun see Boundary Conditions.

  5. If special purpose data output is needed, write special functions that implement them (see User-defined Output Variables and User-defined Output Formats). Adding new variables requires the use of the get_usr_expr() function, while adding new formats requires the get_usr_out_fun() function. Both of these functions must be present in the problem generator file, even if they are just no-ops.

  6. Once the above is complete, configure and compile the code using the appropriate physics options, and including the new problem generator using --with-problem=new-name, where new-name is the file created in step (1).

It is likely the Programmer’s Guide will be needed to write a new problem generator to understand the data structures, variable names, and array indexing used in Athena. As a start, the problem generators in ./athena/src/prob can be used as templates.