Documentation/UserGuide/Tabular Files

Contain a formatted table of selected variables over all zones. Each file contains data at a single time. A new file is created whenever the integration time exceeds an integer multiple of <output>/dt. At the end of execution, the lesser of tlim/dt or <time>/nlim files will be created, numbered sequentially. These dumps are useful for making 1D plots. However, since the data files generated by formatted writes are very large, they should not be used for 3D data, unless only 1D or 2D slices are output, see Outputting Slices.

Tabular dumps contain all primitive or conserved variables. Tabular outputs contain only a single variable. Each is described in more detail below.

Tabular Dumps

The following example shows an <output> block in an input file that generates a tabular dump of the primitive variables:

out_fmt = tab               # Tabular data dump
out     = prim              # variables to be dumped
dat_fmt = %12.5e            # Optional data format string
dt      = 0.1               # time increment between outputs

Tabular dumps contain header information, and column headers labeling the data. An example of a fragment of a 1D tabular dump is given below.

# Nx1 = 128
# x1-size = 1
# PRIMITIVE vars at Time = 5, level= 0, domain= 0
# [1]=i-zone [2]=x1 [3]=d [4]=V1 [5]=V2 [6]=V3 [7]=P [8]=B1c [9]=B2c [10]=B3c
   4  3.90625e-03  1.00000e+00 -2.06872e-06  9.75191e-07  3.44782e-07  6.00001e-01  1.00000e+00  1.41422e+00  5.00001e-01
   5  1.17188e-02  1.00000e+00 -6.47191e-06  3.05086e-06  1.07864e-06  6.00003e-01  1.00000e+00  1.41422e+00  5.00002e-01
   6  1.95312e-02  1.00001e+00 -1.08597e-05  5.11927e-06  1.80993e-06  6.00005e-01  1.00000e+00  1.41422e+00  5.00004e-01
   7  2.73438e-02  1.00001e+00 -1.52213e-05  7.17538e-06  2.53688e-06  6.00008e-01  1.00000e+00  1.41423e+00  5.00005e-01
   8  3.51562e-02  1.00001e+00 -1.95461e-05  9.21413e-06  3.25769e-06  6.00010e-01  1.00000e+00  1.41423e+00  5.00007e-01
   9  4.29688e-02  1.00001e+00 -2.38234e-05  1.12305e-05  3.97057e-06  6.00012e-01  1.00000e+00  1.41424e+00  5.00008e-01
  10  5.07812e-02  1.00001e+00 -2.80427e-05  1.32195e-05  4.67380e-06  6.00014e-01  1.00000e+00  1.41424e+00  5.00009e-01

In multiple dimensions, additional columns for the j-index and x2, etc., will be added.

Created by the function dump_tab.c.

Tabular Outputs

Tabular outputs are useful when only one variable needs to be output. For example, the following shows an <output> block in an input file that generates a tabular dump of the pressure:

out_fmt = tab               # Tabular data dump
out     = P                 # output pressure
id      = P                 # file name string identifier
dat_fmt = %12.5e            # Optional data format string
dt      = 0.1               # time increment between outputs

One tabular output will be created in sequentially numbered files spaced in time roughly by dt. Tabular outputs in 1D only contain two columns, the x-coordinate and the data. In multiple dimensions they also contain columns for the other coordinates. They are created by the function output_tab.c.

New (user-defined) output variables can be output as tabular files using by following the steps described in User-defined Outputs.