Download and compile
Get the source
FOCUS/FAMUS is now not open-sourced. If you would like to use the code, please contact Dr. Caoxiang Zhu (czhu[at] with a short justification.
Once you have access, you can find the repository at You can download the sources using the following command
git clone
If you are fresh to GitHub, you can visit this page to learn how to get a copy of the code.
The current version of FOCUS uses the following Fortran compilers/libraries:
If the versions you downloaded are not compatible, please raise an issue.
All the Fortran90 sources are in *.f90 files. When make, *.f90 file will produce *_m.F90 with extracted macros (seen in macros).
There are two options vailable in Makefile:
Optimized concise version (recommended)
make xfocus
Debugging version (with more stricted checkings and more error informations)
make dfocus
If you want to use GCC compiler, try make CC=gfortran xfocus
Direct use at PPPL
If you are using FOCUS on the PPPL cluster, you can directly use FOCUS by typing the following lines:
module load focus
You can load FAMUS if you type module load focus/dipole
There are several different versions availble, please view more informations by typing
module avail focus
module whatis focus/develop
*After a rencent update to CentOS 7, the new way to use FOCUS/FAMUS module is now
module load mod_focus
module load focus
Compile python wrapper
FOCUS also comes with a python wrapper using f90wrap.
The Makefile
and related settings can be found in ./python