ILASynth: Template-based ILA Synthesis Engine
This is the complete list of members for ilasynth::NodeRef, including all inherited members.
_binOp(BoolOp::Op boolOp, BitvectorOp::Op bvOp, const char *opName, NodeRef *other) const | ilasynth::NodeRef | private |
_binOp(BitvectorOp::Op op, NodeRef *other) const | ilasynth::NodeRef | private |
_binOp(BitvectorOp::Op op, int r) const | ilasynth::NodeRef | private |
_binOp(BoolOp::Op boolOp, BitvectorOp::Op bvOp, const char *opName, NodeRef *l, NodeRef *r) | ilasynth::NodeRef | privatestatic |
_binOp(BoolOp::Op op, NodeRef &l, NodeRef &r) | ilasynth::NodeRef | privatestatic |
_binOp(BitvectorOp::Op op, NodeRef *l, NodeRef *r) | ilasynth::NodeRef | privatestatic |
_binOp(BitvectorOp::Op Op, NodeRef *l, int r) | ilasynth::NodeRef | privatestatic |
_binOpR(BitvectorOp::Op op, int r) const | ilasynth::NodeRef | private |
_binOpR(BitvectorOp::Op op, int l, NodeRef *r) | ilasynth::NodeRef | privatestatic |
_choice(const std::string &name, const nptr_vec_t &args) | ilasynth::NodeRef | privatestatic |
_cmpOp(BoolOp::Op op, NodeRef &other, bool bvtype) const | ilasynth::NodeRef | private |
_cmpOp(BoolOp::Op op, int r) const | ilasynth::NodeRef | private |
_cmpOp(BoolOp::Op op, NodeRef &l, NodeRef &r, bool bvtype) | ilasynth::NodeRef | privatestatic |
_cmpOp(BoolOp::Op op, NodeRef &l, int r) | ilasynth::NodeRef | privatestatic |
_extractOp(const NodeRef *bv, int beg, int end) | ilasynth::NodeRef | privatestatic |
_naryOp(BitvectorOp::Op bvOp, nptr_vec_t &args) | ilasynth::NodeRef | privatestatic |
_triOp(BoolOp::Op boolOp, BitvectorOp::Op bvOp, MemOp::Op memOp, NodeRef &arg0, NodeRef &arg1, NodeRef &arg2) | ilasynth::NodeRef | privatestatic |
_unOp(BoolOp::Op boolOp, BitvectorOp::Op bvOp, const char *opName) const | ilasynth::NodeRef | private |
add(NodeRef *other) const | ilasynth::NodeRef | |
addInt(int r) const | ilasynth::NodeRef | |
appfunc0(NodeRef *fun) | ilasynth::NodeRef | static |
appfunc1(NodeRef *fun, NodeRef *arg) | ilasynth::NodeRef | static |
appfunc2(NodeRef *fun, NodeRef *arg0, NodeRef *arg1) | ilasynth::NodeRef | static |
appfuncL(NodeRef *fun, const py::list &l) | ilasynth::NodeRef | static |
ashr(NodeRef *l, NodeRef *r) | ilasynth::NodeRef | static |
ashrInt(NodeRef *l, int r) | ilasynth::NodeRef | static |
choice2(const std::string &name, NodeRef *e1, NodeRef *e2) | ilasynth::NodeRef | static |
choice3(const std::string &name, NodeRef *e1, NodeRef *e2, NodeRef *e3) | ilasynth::NodeRef | static |
choice4(const std::string &name, NodeRef *e1, NodeRef *e2, NodeRef *e3, NodeRef *e4) | ilasynth::NodeRef | static |
choice5(const std::string &name, NodeRef *e1, NodeRef *e2, NodeRef *e3, NodeRef *e4, NodeRef *e5) | ilasynth::NodeRef | static |
choice6(const std::string &name, NodeRef *e1, NodeRef *e2, NodeRef *e3, NodeRef *e4, NodeRef *e5, NodeRef *e6) | ilasynth::NodeRef | static |
choiceL(const std::string &name, const py::list &l) | ilasynth::NodeRef | static |
complement() const | ilasynth::NodeRef | |
concat(NodeRef *lo, NodeRef *hi) | ilasynth::NodeRef | static |
concatList(const py::list &l) | ilasynth::NodeRef | static |
eq(NodeRef &other) const | ilasynth::NodeRef | |
eqInt(int r) const | ilasynth::NodeRef | |
equal(NodeRef *other) const | ilasynth::NodeRef | |
extract(const NodeRef *obj, int hi, int lo) | ilasynth::NodeRef | static |
getItem(NodeRef *idx) const | ilasynth::NodeRef | |
getItemInt(int idx) const | ilasynth::NodeRef | |
getName() const | ilasynth::NodeRef | |
getType() const | ilasynth::NodeRef | |
hash() const | ilasynth::NodeRef | |
imply(NodeRef &p, NodeRef &q) | ilasynth::NodeRef | static |
inRange(const std::string &name, NodeRef *lo, NodeRef *hi) | ilasynth::NodeRef | static |
ite(NodeRef &cond, NodeRef &trueExp, NodeRef &falseExp) | ilasynth::NodeRef | static |
load(NodeRef *mem, NodeRef *addr) | ilasynth::NodeRef | static |
loadblock(NodeRef *mem, NodeRef *addr, int chunks) | ilasynth::NodeRef | static |
loadblockB(NodeRef *mem, NodeRef *addr, int chunks) | ilasynth::NodeRef | static |
logicalAnd(NodeRef *other) const | ilasynth::NodeRef | |
logicalAndInt(int r) const | ilasynth::NodeRef | |
logicalAndRInt(int r) const | ilasynth::NodeRef | |
logicalNand(NodeRef *l, NodeRef *r) | ilasynth::NodeRef | static |
logicalNor(NodeRef *l, NodeRef *r) | ilasynth::NodeRef | static |
logicalOr(NodeRef *other) const | ilasynth::NodeRef | |
logicalOrInt(int r) const | ilasynth::NodeRef | |
logicalOrRInt(int l) const | ilasynth::NodeRef | |
logicalXnor(NodeRef *l, NodeRef *r) | ilasynth::NodeRef | static |
logicalXor(NodeRef *other) const | ilasynth::NodeRef | |
logicalXorInt(int r) const | ilasynth::NodeRef | |
logicalXorRInt(int l) const | ilasynth::NodeRef | |
lrotate(NodeRef *obj, int par) | ilasynth::NodeRef | static |
lshr(NodeRef *other) const | ilasynth::NodeRef | |
lshrInt(int r) const | ilasynth::NodeRef | |
mul(NodeRef *other) const | ilasynth::NodeRef | |
mulInt(int r) const | ilasynth::NodeRef | |
negate() const | ilasynth::NodeRef | |
neq(NodeRef &other) const | ilasynth::NodeRef | |
neqInt(int r) const | ilasynth::NodeRef | |
node | ilasynth::NodeRef | |
NodeRef() | ilasynth::NodeRef | |
NodeRef(Node *node) | ilasynth::NodeRef | |
NodeRef(const nptr_t &ptr) | ilasynth::NodeRef | |
NodeRef(const NodeRef &nr) | ilasynth::NodeRef | |
nonzero(NodeRef *obj) | ilasynth::NodeRef | static |
operator=(const NodeRef &other) | ilasynth::NodeRef | |
raddInt(int r) const | ilasynth::NodeRef | |
rashrInt(int l, NodeRef *r) | ilasynth::NodeRef | static |
readChunk(const std::string &name, NodeRef *bv, int w) | ilasynth::NodeRef | static |
readSlice(const std::string &name, NodeRef *bv, int w) | ilasynth::NodeRef | static |
rlshrInt(int r) const | ilasynth::NodeRef | |
rmulInt(int r) const | ilasynth::NodeRef | |
rrotate(NodeRef *obj, int par) | ilasynth::NodeRef | static |
rsdivInt(int l, NodeRef *r) | ilasynth::NodeRef | static |
rshlInt(int r) const | ilasynth::NodeRef | |
rsmodInt(int l, NodeRef *r) | ilasynth::NodeRef | static |
rsremInt(int l, NodeRef *r) | ilasynth::NodeRef | static |
rsubInt(int r) const | ilasynth::NodeRef | |
rudivInt(int r) const | ilasynth::NodeRef | |
ruremInt(int l) | ilasynth::NodeRef | |
sdiv(NodeRef *l, NodeRef *r) | ilasynth::NodeRef | static |
sdivInt(NodeRef *l, int r) | ilasynth::NodeRef | static |
setRefName(const std::string &refName) | ilasynth::NodeRef | |
sge(NodeRef &l, NodeRef &r) | ilasynth::NodeRef | static |
sgeInt(NodeRef &l, int r) | ilasynth::NodeRef | static |
sgt(NodeRef &l, NodeRef &r) | ilasynth::NodeRef | static |
sgtInt(NodeRef &l, int r) | ilasynth::NodeRef | static |
shl(NodeRef *other) const | ilasynth::NodeRef | |
shlInt(int r) const | ilasynth::NodeRef | |
sign_extend(NodeRef *obg, int outWidth) | ilasynth::NodeRef | static |
simplify(NodeRef &assump, NodeRef &exp) | ilasynth::NodeRef | static |
sle(NodeRef &l, NodeRef &r) | ilasynth::NodeRef | static |
sleInt(NodeRef &l, int r) | ilasynth::NodeRef | static |
slice(int hi, int lo) const | ilasynth::NodeRef | |
slt(NodeRef &l, NodeRef &r) | ilasynth::NodeRef | static |
sltInt(NodeRef &l, int r) | ilasynth::NodeRef | static |
smod(NodeRef *l, NodeRef *r) | ilasynth::NodeRef | static |
smodInt(NodeRef *l, int r) | ilasynth::NodeRef | static |
srem(NodeRef *l, NodeRef *r) | ilasynth::NodeRef | static |
sremInt(NodeRef *l, int r) | ilasynth::NodeRef | static |
store(NodeRef *mem, NodeRef *addr, NodeRef *data) | ilasynth::NodeRef | static |
storeblock(NodeRef *mem, NodeRef *addr, NodeRef *data) | ilasynth::NodeRef | static |
storeblockB(NodeRef *mem, NodeRef *addr, NodeRef *data) | ilasynth::NodeRef | static |
sub(NodeRef *other) const | ilasynth::NodeRef | |
subInt(int r) const | ilasynth::NodeRef | |
udiv(NodeRef *other) const | ilasynth::NodeRef | |
udivInt(int r) const | ilasynth::NodeRef | |
uge(NodeRef &other) const | ilasynth::NodeRef | |
ugeInt(int r) const | ilasynth::NodeRef | |
ugt(NodeRef &other) const | ilasynth::NodeRef | |
ugtInt(int r) const | ilasynth::NodeRef | |
ule(NodeRef &other) const | ilasynth::NodeRef | |
uleInt(int r) const | ilasynth::NodeRef | |
ult(NodeRef &other) const | ilasynth::NodeRef | |
ultInt(int r) const | ilasynth::NodeRef | |
urem(NodeRef *r) | ilasynth::NodeRef | |
uremInt(int r) | ilasynth::NodeRef | |
value() const | ilasynth::NodeRef | |
writeChunk(const std::string &name, NodeRef *bv, NodeRef *wr) | ilasynth::NodeRef | static |
writeSlice(const std::string &name, NodeRef *bv, NodeRef *wr) | ilasynth::NodeRef | static |
zero_extend(NodeRef *obj, int outWidth) | ilasynth::NodeRef | static |
~NodeRef() | ilasynth::NodeRef |