This session will introduce participants to high-performance computing (HPC) concepts and teach them how to start using the research computing clusters (Perseus, Della, Tiger, Traverse) at Princeton. The Tigress storage system and the visualization machine will also be covered. This session presumes no previous knowledge of HPC.
Attendees will come away with the basic skills needed to connect to a research computing cluster, navigate the environment and file system, and run programs through the SLURM scheduler.
Basic Linux and the Bash command-line (covered in the earlier “Intro to the Linux Command Line” session)
(1) Bring a laptop which can connect to the eduroam wireless network. You will also need to be able to Duo authenticate to use campus resources. (2) Have an SSH client installed on your laptop. (3) Register for an account on Adroit. This is the cluster we will use for demonstration purposes. Make sure you can SSH to Adroit before the session by following this guide.
Lecture and hands-on