State-of-the-art stellarator optimization code


The BEAMS3D (Matthew McMillan and Samuel A Lazerson 2014 Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 56 095019) code is a guiding center particle code capable of following both user defined ensembles of particles and modeling neutral beam injection in parallel. The magnetic field is represented by a three dimensional splines over a cylindrical grid. It is currently interfaced to the MAKEGRID coils file, MAKEGRID output file, and VMEC equilibria. Ionization and recombination models are provided by ADAS.

Table of Contents


The BEAMS3D code follows the guiding center orbit equations on a cylindrical grid \(\frac{d\vec{R}}{dt}=\frac{\hat{b}}{qB}\left(\mu\nabla B +\frac{mv_{ll}^2}{2B}\left(\hat{b}\cdot\nabla\right)\vec{B}\right)+v_{ll}\hat{b}\), \(\frac{dv_{ll}}{dt}=-\frac{\mu}{m}\hat{b}\cdot\left(\nabla B\right)\). These ODE's can be solved via a NAG routine, LSODE, or Runge-Kutta algorithm. The magnetic field is splined over the cylindrical grid (R,phi,Z). The initial position and velocity of the particles can either be specified or modeled using a neutral beam model. The neutral beam model relies on ADAS for ionization and recombination physics. \(\mu = \frac{mv_\perp^2}{2B}\)


BEAMS3D is distributed as part of the STELLOPT package of codes through Git.

Input Data Format

The BEAMS3D code is controlled through command line inputs and an input namelist which should be placed in the input.ext file. While the entire VMEC input name is not required some parts will be read. The name lists should look like:

 ! VMEC input namelist (only need coil currents for runs with vacuum fields)
 EXTCUR(1) = 10000.00
 EXTCUR(2) = 10000.00
 EXTCUR(3) = 12000.00
 EXTCUR(4) = 12000.00
 EXTCUR(5) = 6000.00
!!            GRID PARAMETERS                                        !!
 NR = 201                          ! Number of radial gridpoints, overridden if using mgrid
 NPHI = 36                         ! Number of toroidal gridpoints, overridden if using mgrid
 NZ = 201                          ! Number of vertical gridpoints, overridden if using mgrid
 RMIN = 2.5                        ! Minimum extent of radial grid, overridden if using mgrid
 RMAX = 5.0                        ! Maximum extent of radial grid, overridden if using mgrid
 ZMIN = -1.5                       ! Minimum extent of vertical grid, overridden if using mgrid
 ZMAX = 1.5                        ! Maximum extent of radial grid, overridden if using mgrid
 PHIMIN = 0.0                      ! Minimum extent of toroidal grid, overridden if using mgrid
 PHIMAX = 1.2566370614             ! Maximum extent of toroidal grid, overridden if using mgrid
 VC_ADAPT_TOL = 1.0E-3             ! Virtual casing tolerance (for plasma field outside)
!!            PLASMA PARAMETERS                                      !!
 PLASMA_MASS  = 1.6726231E-27       ! Mean plasma mass [kg]
 PLASMA_ZAVG  = 1.0                 ! <Z>
 PLASMA_ZMEAN = 1.0                 ! [Z]
 TE_SCALE  = 1.0                    ! Electron Temperature Scaling factor
 TE_AUX_S  = 0.0 0.5 1.0            ! Electron Temperature Knots [0,1]
 TE_AUX_F  = 0.0 1.0 2.0            ! Electron Temperature [eV]
 NE_SCALE  = 1.0                    ! Electron Density Scaling factor
 NE_AUX_S  = 0.0 0.5 1.0            ! Electron Density Knots [0,1]
 NE_AUX_F  = 0.0 1.0 2.0            ! Electron Density [m^-3]
 TI_SCALE  = 1.0                    ! Ion Temperature Scaling factor
 TI_AUX_S  = 0.0 0.5 1.0            ! Ion Temperature Knots [0,1]
 TI_AUX_F  = 0.0 1.0 2.0            ! Ion Temperature [eV]
 POT_AUX_S  = 0.0 0.5 1.0           ! Electrostatic Potential Knots [0,1]
 POT_AUX_F  = 0.0 1.0 2.0           ! Electrostatic Potential [V] (Phi, not dPhi/dr)
 THERM_FACTOR = 1.5                 ! Factor at which to thermalize (Vtherm*THERM_FACTOR)
!!            PLASMA PARAMETERS (MULTI-ION)                          !!
!!     Note: This overrides the above profile deffintion             !!
!!           of PLASMA_MASS, PLASMA_ZAVG, PLASMA_ZMEAN               !!
!!           UNITS OF M [kg]; UNITS OF NI [m^-3]                     !!
  NI_AUX_Z = 1 1 2 6 ! D T He C
  NI_AUX_M = 3.3435837724E-27 5.008267217094E-27 6.6464764063E-27 1.994423482E-26
  NI_AUX_S =     0.0     0.2     0.4     0.6     0.8    1.0
  NI_AUX_F(1,:) =  9.60E+18  8.00E+18  6.40E+18  4.80E+18  3.20E+18  1.60E+18
  NI_AUX_F(2,:) =  9.60E+18  8.00E+18  6.40E+18  4.80E+18  3.20E+18  1.60E+18
  NI_AUX_F(3,:) =  4.56E+18  3.80E+18  3.04E+18  2.28E+18  1.52E+18  7.60E+17
  NI_AUX_F(4,:) =  2.40E+17  2.00E+17  1.60E+17  1.20E+17  8.00E+16  4.00E+16
!!            DISTRIBUTION FUNCTION                                  !!
 NRHO_DIST   = 64                   ! Radial bins (0,1)
 NTHETA_DIST = 4                    ! Poloidal bins (0,2*pi)
 NZETA_DIST  = 4                    ! Toroidal bins (0,2*pi), 4*NFP is a good option
 NVPARA_DIST = 32                   ! Parallel velocity bins (-vmin,vmax)
 NVPERP_DIST = 64                   ! Perpendicular velocity bins (0,vmax)
 PARTVMAX    = 3.0E6                ! Maximum velocity in dist. (vmax)
!!            PARTICLE INTEGRATION PARAMETERS                        !!
 INT_TYPE = 'LSODE'                 ! Particle trajectory integration method (NAG, RKH68, LSODE)
 FOLLOW_TOL = 1.0E-12               ! Trajectory following tolerance (NAG, LSODE)
 NPOINC = 100                       ! Number of trajector points to save per particle
!!            PARTICLE INITIAL CONDITION (INDIVIDUAL)                !!
 R_START_IN =  3.6  3.7  3.8       ! Radial starting locations of particles [m]
 Z_START_IN =  0.0  0.0  0.0       ! Vertical starting locations of particles [m]
 PHI_START_IN =  0.0  0.0  0.0     ! Toroidal starting locations of particles (radians)
 VLL_START_IN =  1.0E6 1.0E6 1.0E6 ! Initial parallel velocity of particles [m/s]
 MU_START_IN =   3*1.0E-15         ! Particle magnetic moment [J/T] (0.5*m*v^2/B)
 CHARGE_IN   =   3*1.60217733E-19  ! Particle charge [C]
 MASS_IN     =   3*1.6726231E-27   ! Particle mass [kg]
 ZATOM_IN    =   3*1.0             ! Particle charge number
 T_END_IN    =   3*0.001           ! How long to follow particles [s]
!!            PARTICLE INITIAL CONDITION (Neutral Beam)              !!
 NPARTICLES_START = 1024           ! Number of particles per beamline
 R_BEAMS(1,1:2) = 1.673 1.400      ! R chord deffinition (start,end) BEAM#1
 Z_BEAMS(1,1:2) = 0.000 0.000      ! Z chord deffinition (start,end) BEAM#1
 PHI_BEAMS(1,1:2) = 0.000 0.000    ! PHI chord deffinition (start,end) BEAM#1
 ASIZE_BEAMS(1)   = 0.15           ! Aperature Size [m] BEAM#1
 ADIST_BEAMS(1)   = 2.00           ! Aperature Distance [m] BEAM#1
 DIV_BEAMS(1)     = 0.1            ! Beam divergence [rad] BEAM#1
 E_BEAMS(1)       = 0.1            ! Beam Energy [J] BEAM#1
 MASS_BEAMS(1)    = 1.6726231E-27  ! Beam species mass [kg] BEAM#1
 CHARGE_BEAMS(1)  = 1.0            ! Beam species charge [C] BEAM#1
 ZATOM_BEAMS(1)   = 1.0            ! Beam species Z [norm] BEAM#1
 T_END_IN(1)      = 0.05           ! How long to follow particles [s]
!!            PARTICLE INITIAL CONDITION (Fusion Reactions)          !!
 FUSION_SCALE     = 1.0            ! Scaleing Factor to apply to energy

It is important to note that neutral beam lines are defined by two points. The first index of the array is the beam number, the second defines the two points. The first point (X,1) is the origin on the beam. The second points (X,2) defines the beamline from that origin.

 Diagram of neutral beam parameters showing how ASIZE_BEAMS, DIV_BEAMS, and ADIST_BEAMS are used to initialise neutral particles.


The BEASM3D code is controlled through a combination of command-line inputs and an input namelist. The input namelist must be in the equilibrium input file. That file must also contain the VMEC INDATA namelist (although only the EXTCUR array will be used). The BEASM3D code is run from the command line taking an equilibrium input file as a necessary argument. This input file must have the INDATA (for EXTCUR) and BEASM3D_INPUT namelists in it.

BEASM3D -vmec <VMEC FILE> -coil <COIL FILE> -mgrid <MGRID FILE> -vessel <VESSEL FILE> -vac -full -noverb -help
Argument Default Description
-vmec NONE VMEC input extension
-coil NONE Coils File
-mgrid NONE Makegrid style vacuum grid file
-vessel NONE First wall file
-beamlet NONE Beamlet deffintion HDF5 file.
-restart NONE Restart run from particles in previous run (HDF5 file)
-vac NONE Only compute the vacuum field
-beam_simple NONE Assume monoenergetic beams (normally 1% variance around injection energy)
-collisions NONE Force use of slowing down/scattering operator.
-depo NONE Calculate deposition only
-field NONE Outputs the B-Field on the cylindrical grid only.
-ascot4 NONE Creates input HDF5 file for ASCOT4 (BBNBI, no particles)
-ascot5 NONE Creates input HDF5 file for ASCOT5.
-hitonly NONE Only save vessel strike points.
-plasma NONE Only compute fields inside the plasma domain (places wall at LCFS)
-raw NONE Treats EXTCUR array as raw values (EXTCUR is a scale factor applied to what's in the coils file).
-suzuki NONE Use Suzuki beam deposition model (default if no ADAS/PREACT).
-w7x NONE Use W7-X beam shape model.
-fusion NONE Use nuclear fusion thermal birth model.
-fusion_alpha NONE Use nuclear fusion thermal birth model (alphas only).
-noverb NONE Suppresses screen output
-help NONE Print help message.

In it's simplest invokation the code requires a VMEC input file.

>~/bin/xbeams3d -vmec ncsx_c09r00_free -mgrid -vac
BEAMS3D Version 1.00
----- Particle Initialization -----
   S   = [  0.24490,  0.24490];   NS:        1
   U   = [  0.00000,  5.96903];   NU:     20
   V   = [  0.00000,  5.96903];   NV:     20
   V_||= [*********,  2.00E+05];  NP:     10
   Mu  = [  0.00000,  2.00E-15];  NP:     10
----- Profile Initialization -----
   Ne  = [   0.00,   5.00] 10^19 [m^-3];  Nne:     50
   Te  = [   0.00,   4.58] [keV];  Nte:     50
   Ti  = [   0.00,   4.58] [keV];  Nti:     50
----- Input Parameters -----
   R   = [  0.95223,  1.82142];  NR:    201
   PHI = [ 0.00000, 2.09440];  NPHI:   60
   Z   = [-0.66634, 0.66634];  NZ:    201
   # of Particles to Start:   4000
----- Constructing Splines -----
   R   = [  0.95223,  1.82142];  NR:    201
   PHI = [ 0.00000, 2.09440];  NPHI:   60
   Z   = [-0.66634, 0.66634];  NZ:    201
      Method: NAG
  Particles: 4000
       Steps:     320   Delta-t: 0.3125E-06
      NPOINC:     320    dt_out: 0.1000E-06
         Tol: 0.1000E-08  Type: M
   FILE: beams3d_ncsx_c09r00_free.h5
----- BEAMS3D DONE -----

The BENCHMARKS directory contains a set of tests for BEAMS3D based on an axisymmetric VMEC tokamak equilibrium. The input files are located in the BEAMS3D_TEST subdirectory. They can all be invoked by calling make beams3d_test from the BENCHMARKS directory. The comparrision scripts require Python.

Output Data Format

The data from each run is output into a HDF5 file where all datasets located at the root level. The following table helps to define the variables (all values in mks units, angles in radians)

Name Type Size Description
Background Grid      
nr INTEGER 1 Number of radial background gridpoints
nphi INTEGER 1 Number of toroidal background gridpoints
nz INTEGER 1 Number of vertical background gridpoints
nion INTEGER 1 Number of background ion species
plasma_mass DOUBLE 1 Average plasma background mass
plasma_zavg DOUBLE 1 Average plasma <Z>
plasma_zavg DOUBLE 1 Average plasma [Z]
raxis DOUBLE nr R values of background grid
phiaxis DOUBLE nphi Phi values of background grid
zaxis DOUBLE nz Z values of background grid
BR_ARR DOUBLE nr,nphi,nz Magnetic field (B_R)
BPHI_ARR DOUBLE nr,nphi,nz Magnetic field (B_PHI)
BZ_ARR DOUBLE nr,nphi,nz Magnetic field (B_Z)
S_ARR DOUBLE nr,nphi,nz Normalized Toroidal Flux (s)
U_ARR DOUBLE nr,nphi,nz Poloidal-like angle (u)
POT_ARR DOUBLE nr,nphi,nz Electrostatic scalar potential
NE DOUBLE nr,nphi,nz Electron number density
TE DOUBLE nr,nphi,nz Electron Temperature eV
NI DOUBLE nion,nr,nphi,nz Ion number density
TI DOUBLE nr,nphi,nz Ion Temperature eV
ZEFF_ARR DOUBLE nr,nphi,nz Zeff
Marker Trajectory      
npoinc INTEGER 1 Number of Timesteps Saved
nparticles INTEGER 1 Number of markers Evolved
mass DOUBLE nparticles Fast Ion Masses
charge DOUBLE nparticles Fast Ion Charge
weight DOUBLE nparticles Fast Weight (1/s)
Beam INTEGER nparticles Population index
Zatom INTEGER nparticles Particle Charge Number
end_state INTEGER nparticles Particle End State (0: Orbiting; 1: Thermalized; 2: Wall Strike; 3: Shine-through; 4: Port-Load)
t_end DOUBLE nparticles Particle Time of flight
R_lines DOUBLE npoinc+1,nparticles R trajectory of markers.
PHI_lines DOUBLE npoinc+1,nparticles Phi trajectory of markers.
Z_lines DOUBLE npoinc+1,nparticles Z trajectory of markers.
vll_lines DOUBLE npoinc+1,nparticles Parallel velocity trajectory of markers.
moment_lines DOUBLE npoinc+1,nparticles Magnetic Moment trajectory of markers.
neut_lines BOOLEAN npoinc+1,nparticles If true markers is a neutral at that point.
S_lines DOUBLE npoinc+1,nparticles Normalized toroidal flux rajectory of markers.
U_lines DOUBLE npoinc+1,nparticles Poloidal angle trajectory of markers.
B_lines DOUBLE npoinc+1,nparticles mod(B) trajectory of markers.
R_lines DOUBLE npoinc+1,nparticles R Trajectory of markers.
Distribution Function      
nbeams INTEGER 1 Number of fast ion populations
ns_prof1 INTEGER 1 Number of radial distribution gridpoints
ns_prof2 INTEGER 1 Number of poloidal distribution gridpoints
ns_prof3 INTEGER 1 Number of toroidal distribution gridpoints
ns_prof4 INTEGER 1 Number of parallel velocity distribution gridpoints
ns_prof5 INTEGER 1 Number of perpendicular velocity distribution gridpoints
partvmax DOUBLE 1 Maximum velocity of distribution function.
dist_prof DOUBLE nbeams,ns_prof1..5 Distribution function. (partm^6s^-3, no physical volume)
ndot_prof DOUBLE nbeams,ns_prof1 Fast Ion Source (m^-3/s)
epower_prof DOUBLE nbeams,ns_prof1 Electron Heating W/m^3
ipower_prof DOUBLE nbeams,ns_prof1 Ion Heating W/m^3
j_prof DOUBLE nbeams,ns_prof1 Fast Ion Current A/m^2
dense_prof DOUBLE nbeams,ns_prof1 Fast Ion Density m^-3
Gfactor DOUBLE ns_prof1 Correction factor (1-L31)/Zeff to obtain NBCD.
Energy DOUBLE nbeams Fast Ion Population Initial Energy
V_neut DOUBLE 3,nparticles Initial neutral velocity (Vx,Vy,Vz)
Shinethrough DOUBLE nbeams Beam Shinethrough %
Shineport DOUBLE nbeams Beam loss to port %
Wall Model      
nvertex INTEGER 1 Number of vertices in wall model
nface INTEGER 1 Number of faces in wall model
wall_vertex DOUBLE nvertex,3 Vertex locations (x,y,z)
wall_faces INTEGER nface,3 Face Vertex Indicies (v1,v2,v3)
wall_strikes INTEGER nface Number of marker strikes on a given wall model face.
wall_load DOUBLE nface Heat flux to a given wall model face W/m^2
wall_shine DOUBLE nface Shinethrough heat flux to a given wall model face W/m^2

Background Grids These are the background quantities the code uses for pushing the markers. The raxis, phiaxis, and zaxis arrays hold the locations of the gridpoints.

Marker Trajectories These arrays hold the state of every marker for each timestep. The timesteps are defined as the maximum time (t_end from the input) divided by npoinc. For neutral beam simulations the first time index is the initial position of the neutral, the second index is either a collision with the wall or the point at which the neutral ionizes, and the thrid index is the initial condition for the gyrocenter. For a slowing down run check the end_state array if t_end was set long enough there should be no orbiting markers. When a marker hits a wall structure we save two states. The last index is the position of the strike on the wall element. The preceeding index is the previous sub-timestep. This allows us to reconstruct the ray used for determining the wall strike.

Distribution Functions These arrays hold information from slowing down distribution information. These arrays are defined on a rho grid where \(\rho=\sqrt{s}\). The ns_profX variable indicate the number of bins. The extents are \(\rho=\left[0,1\right]\), \(u=\left[0,2\pi\right]\), \(\phi=\left[0,2\pi\right]\), \(v_{para}=\left[-partvmax,partvmax\right]\), and \(v_{perp}=\left[0,partvmax\right]\). Also note that fore version before 3.0 distributions were not normalized to the volume.

Wall Model The wall model is stored for each run. The wall_faces array contains the three indices into the wall_vertex array which define each triangular face.


The data from the HDF5 file may be easily plotted in many plotting packages. The R , PHI, Z, and V_PARALLEL coordinates of each particle are save NPOINC times along the trajectory. To aid in plotting the evolution of the distribution function the code outputs a textfile which bins by VLL the particles at each NPOINC time step.

Movie of Simulation


NCSX Neutral Beam Deposition Example

NCSX Neutral Beam Restart Example

Benchmarking and Validation
