State-of-the-art stellarator optimization code
It is possible to run STELLOPT where the residual normal field after running COILOPT++ is calculated. This tutorial will guide the user through such an optimization.
As both STELLOPT and COILOPT++ are parallel codes, the number of processors for a given run of STELLOPT will be much larger than usual. The total number of processors for a give run will be divided (evenly) by the NPOPULATION parameter (located in the OPTIMUM namelist). The NPOPULATION parameter defines the number of 'master' processes which will preform the optimization. Each 'master' process will get an even number of 'worker' processes which (along with the associated master) will run the COILOPT++ code. For example, say you had a 40 dimensional optimization problem and you'd like to run each instance of the COILOPT++ code with 10 processors. This would then require 400 threads to be launched and NPOPULATION set to 40.
After a copy of COILOPT++ has been obtained and compiled the user must specify an environment variable called COILOPT_PATH. This variable must point to the directory in which COILOPT++ resides. For example: code format="bash" >>setenv COILOPT_PATH /u/user/src/COILOPT++/ code Once this variable has been set STELLOPT can be compiled using the setup script. If the path is correctly detected a message should appear on the screen during the question and answer session, such as: code format="bash" --------------------------------------- COILOPT++ libraries where located in /u/user/src/COILOPT++/ Build with COILOPT++ support? (default: y) --------------------------------------- y / n : y Compiling with COILOPT++ support! code This indicates that the COILOPT++ source files were correctly found and STELLOPT can compile with COILOPT++ support.
To execute STELLOPT with COILOPT++ support you will need a COILOPT++ input file (named coilopt_params) in the same directory as the STELLOPT run. This file is read once at the beginning of the run to determine how to run COILOPT++. You will also need a coil winding surface file and initial spline file in the run directory (the names must match those in the coilopt_params file). At this time the code does not generate a new coil winding surface with each equilibria. However, the coil spline representation from the last 'good' equilibrium will be used as the initial coil spline for subsequent COILOPT++ runs during STELLOPT optimization.
The STELLOPT input file should include the new TARGET_COIL_BNORM, SIGMA_COIL_BNORM, NU_BNORM, and NV_BNORM variables, along with the NPOPULATION parameter as mentioned above. code &OPTIMUM !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Optimizer Run Control Parameters !---------------------------------------------------------------------- NFUNC_MAX = 100 EQUIL_TYPE = 'vmec2000' OPT_TYPE = 'lmdif' FTOL = 1.000000000000E-006 XTOL = 1.000000000000E-030 GTOL = 1.000000000000E-030 EPSFCN = 1.000000000000E-005 FACTOR = 1.000000000000E+002 MODE = 1 NPOPULATION = 10 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! OPTIMIZED QUANTITIES !----------------------------------------------------------------------- LRHO_OPT(-5:5,0) = 11*T LRHO_OPT(-5:5,1) = 11*T LRHO_OPT(-5:5,2) = 11*T LRHO_OPT(-5:5,3) = 11*T LRHO_OPT(-5:5,4) = 11*T LRHO_OPT(-5:5,5) = 11*T LRHO_OPT(-5:5,6) = 11*T LRHO_OPT(-5:5,7) = 11*T LBOUND_OPT(1:4,0) = 4*T RHO_EXP = 4 !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! COIL OPTIMIZATION !---------------------------------------------------------------------- NU_BNORM = 256 NV_BNORM = 64 TARGET_COIL_BNORM = 0.000000000000E+000 SIGMA_COIL_BNORM = 1.000000000000E+000 / &END code Note that every point on the boundary is treated as a separate contribution to chi-squared so that for this run there are 256x64=16384 targets. Also note that this is a fixed boundary run.
Execution of the STELLOPT code is as usual, however now the normal fields (as calculated by the BNORM code) and optimization of the coils will occur. For example: code dawson094:2498 mpirun $NOIB -np 64 /bin/xstelloptv2 input.COILOPTPP STELLOPT Version 2.44 Equilibrium calculation provided by: ================================================================================= ========= Variational Moments Equilibrium Code (v 8.51) ========= ========= (S. Hirshman, J. Whitson) ========= ========= ========= =================================================================================
========= COILOPT++ ========= ========= (J. Breslau, S. Lazerson) ========= ========= jbreslau\ ========= =================================================================================
----- Optimization ----- =======VARS======= PHIEDGE: Total Enclosed Toroidal Flux CURTOR: Total Toroidal Current
Total Enclosed Toroidal Flux Net Toroidal Current R*Btor R0 (phi=0) Plasma Volume Plasma Beta Plasma Stored Energy Aspect Ratio COILOPT++ Normal Field ================== Number of Processors: 64 Number of Parameters: 2 Number of Targets: 16392 !!!! EQUILIBRIUM RESTARTING NOT UTILIZED !!!! Number of Optimizer Threads: 2 OPTIMIZER: Levenberg-Mardquardt NFUNC_MAX: 100 FTOL: 1.0000E-06 XTOL: 1.0000E-30 GTOL: 1.0000E-30 EPSFCN: 1.0000E-05 MODE: 1 FACTOR: 100.0000000000000 --------------------------- EQUILIBRIUM CALCULATION ------------------------
1 8.14E-01 7.88E-02 1.71E-01 1.604E+00 9.00E-01 3.7586E+00 131 9.48E-07 2.23E-07 2.43E-07 1.581E+00 6.37E-01 3.6370E+00
NS = 29 NO. FOURIER MODES = 94 FTOLV = 1.000E-08 NITER = 2000
1 4.30E-02 2.05E-02 3.49E-04 1.581E+00 9.00E-01 3.6368E+00 200 3.05E-08 7.50E-09 1.11E-08 1.580E+00 6.56E-01 3.6365E+00 246 9.98E-09 1.50E-09 5.44E-09 1.580E+00 6.56E-01 3.6365E+00
TOTAL COMPUTATIONAL TIME 4.03 SECONDS TIME TO READ IN DATA 0.00 SECONDS TIME TO WRITE DATA TO WOUT 0.03 SECONDS TIME IN EQFORCE 0.04 SECONDS TIME IN FOURIER TRANSFORM 1.23 SECONDS TIME IN INVERSE FOURIER XFORM 0.98 SECONDS TIME IN FORCES 0.58 SECONDS TIME IN BCOVAR 0.64 SECONDS TIME IN RESIDUE 0.10 SECONDS TIME (REMAINDER) IN FUNCT3D 0.39 SECONDS --------------------------- VMEC CALCULATION DONE ------------------------- ASPECT RATIO: 4.365 BETA: 0.042 (total) 0.584 (poloidal) 0.046 (toroidal) TORIDAL CURRENT: -0.174994731631E+06 TORIDAL FLUX: 0.514 VOLUME: 2.979 MAJOR RADIUS: 1.422 MINOR_RADIUS: 0.326 STORED ENERGY: 0.192555039942E+06 --------------------------- COILOPT++ OPTIMIZATION ------------------------- - Calculating B-Normal File Max. B-Normal: 8.330206410532E-003 MIN. B-Normal: -3.526951461018E-003 Coefficients output to: bnorm.reset_file
159 free variables in coilset. 16488 components in cost vector. rms dB/B = 1.270626e-01 max dB/B = 3.460288e-01 Relative I_pol deviation = 0.000000 %. length[0][0] = 5.510796e+00 (target = 4.941536e+00) length[0][1] = 5.353218e+00 (target = 4.813557e+00) length[0][2] = 6.176846e+00 (target = 5.586199e+00) length[0][3] = 5.393320e+00 (target = 4.849204e+00) torsion[0][0] = 7.291275e+03. torsion[0][1] = 2.298752e+04. torsion[0][2] = 3.955409e+04. torsion[0][3] = 1.839651e+04. toroidal std dev[0][0] = 8.526636e+00 degrees. toroidal std dev[0][1] = 6.974845e+00 degrees. toroidal std dev[0][2] = 8.255636e+00 degrees. toroidal std dev[0][3] = 6.297704e+00 degrees. Surface 0 coil 0 - coil 22 sep. penalty = 7.784229e-03 Surface 0 coil 0 - coil 23 sep. penalty = 5.539243e-01 Surface 0 coil 0 - coil 1 sep. penalty = 5.473705e-02 Surface 0 coil 0 - coil 2 sep. penalty = 1.152388e-02 Surface 0 coil 1 - coil 23 sep. penalty = 7.784229e-03 Surface 0 coil 1 - coil 2 sep. penalty = 4.504615e+00 Surface 0 coil 1 - coil 3 sep. penalty = 6.830634e-03 Surface 0 coil 2 - coil 3 sep. penalty = 2.919920e-02 Surface 0 coil 2 - coil 4 sep. penalty = 5.753916e-03 Surface 0 coil 3 - coil 4 sep. penalty = 4.295088e-02 Surface 0 coil 3 - coil 5 sep. penalty = 5.753916e-03 Total self-intersections[0]: 0 Initial rms error = 1.725800e+00. Beginning 2 iterations of Levenberg-Marquardt. initial stepbound = 1.000000e+00. Function dimension m_dat = 16488 iter 0 nfev = 1 fnorm = 1.7257995640e+00 iter 1 nfev = 164 fnorm = 1.4954587242e+00 Final LM status = 5: timeout (number of calls to fcn has reached maxcall*(n+1)). function norm = 1.217613e+00 324 function evaluations. 385.62 seconds. rms dB/B = 1.049056e-01 max dB/B = 3.055870e-01 Relative I_pol deviation = 0.000000 %. length[0][0] = 5.402857e+00 (target = 4.941536e+00) length[0][1] = 5.262139e+00 (target = 4.813557e+00) length[0][2] = 6.006173e+00 (target = 5.586199e+00) length[0][3] = 5.219465e+00 (target = 4.849204e+00) torsion[0][0] = 6.363533e+03. torsion[0][1] = 1.440956e+04. torsion[0][2] = 3.999101e+04. torsion[0][3] = 1.944595e+04. toroidal std dev[0][0] = 7.887216e+00 degrees. toroidal std dev[0][1] = 6.725000e+00 degrees. toroidal std dev[0][2] = 7.979800e+00 degrees. toroidal std dev[0][3] = 7.079227e+00 degrees. Surface 0 coil 0 - coil 22 sep. penalty = 1.034768e-02 Surface 0 coil 0
Beginning Levenberg-Marquardt Iterations Number of Processors: 2
====================================================================== Iteration Processor Chi-Sq LM Parameter Delta Tol ====================================================================== 0 0 1.2393E+03 1 1 1.1660E+03 - 2 1 1.1031E+03 - 3 1 1.1352E+03 0.0000E+00 1.0760E+04 4 2 1.0926E+03* 0.0000E+00 2.1016E+04
new minimum = 1.093E+03 lm-par = 0.000E+00 delta-tol = 1.808E+01
code Note that in this run only 2 free parameters were turned on, 2 optimizers, and 32 processors per COILOPT++ run utilized.