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Documentation for getting started in the Climate Modeling group at Princeton University

Table of Contents

  1. First time setting
  2. Accessing data on /project or /scratch/pgfs
  3. Uploading Files
  4. Downloading Files
  5. Troubleshooting: rebuilding the environment from scratch

First time setting

Accessing data on /project or /scratch/pgfs

Uploading Files

To upload a file click Upload img

Downloading Files

To download a file click the file and Download. The file will be downloaded where your browser downloads files. img

Troubleshooting: rebuilding the environment from scratch

If your Anaconda environment as been corrupted or you think something is not working properly. You can rebuilt your environment from scratch by following this procedure:

  1. from a running notebook on jupyterhub open a Terminal,
  2. remove your current anaconda3 directory with:

    rm -Rf $HOME/anaconda3
  3. log out,
  4. click Stop My Server,
  5. click My Server,
  6. rebuild the environment following the steps described in First time setting.
