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GPU Dashboard

The gpudash command generates a text-based dashboard of the GPU utilization across a cluster in the form of a 2-dimensional grid. Each cell displays the utilization from 0-100% along with the username associated with each allocated GPU. Cells are colored according to their utilization values making it easy to identify jobs with low or high GPU utilization. The gpudash command can also be used to check for available GPUs.

By default, the dashboard has seven columns and a number of rows equal to the number of GPUs on the cluster. Each column is evenly spaced in time by N minutes. We find a good choice is N=10 minutes which leads to data being shown over an hour. The cron utility can be used to achieve this. The rows are labeled by the node name and the GPU index while the columns are labeled by time.

The gpudash command works by making the three queries to the Prometheus server every N minutes. A Python script is used to extract the information from the three generated JSON files and append this data to the files read by gpudash. The UID for each user is matched with its corresponding username. The jobid is not required but it can be useful for troubleshooting.

Nodes that are down, or in a state which makes them unavailable, are not shown in the dashboard. Labels can be added to mark reserved nodes or special-purpose nodes.


The installation requirements for gpudash are Python 3.6+ and version 1.17+ of the Python blessed package which is used for creating colored text and backgrounds. The Python code and instructions are available at