real, dimension(:,:), allocatable | allglobal::dma |
| energy and helicity matrices; quadratic forms
real, dimension(:,:), allocatable | allglobal::dmb |
| energy and helicity matrices; quadratic forms
real, dimension(:,:), allocatable | allglobal::dmd |
| energy and helicity matrices; quadratic forms
real, dimension(:), allocatable | allglobal::dmas |
| sparse version of dMA, data
real, dimension(:), allocatable | allglobal::dmds |
| sparse version of dMD, data
integer, dimension(:), allocatable | allglobal::idmas |
| sparse version of dMA and dMD, indices
integer, dimension(:), allocatable | allglobal::jdmas |
| sparse version of dMA and dMD, indices
integer, dimension(:), allocatable | allglobal::ndmasmax |
| number of elements for sparse matrices
integer, dimension(:), allocatable | allglobal::ndmas |
| number of elements for sparse matrices
real, dimension(:), allocatable | allglobal::dmg |
| what is this?
real, dimension(:), allocatable | allglobal::adotx |
| the matrix-vector product
real, dimension(:), allocatable | allglobal::ddotx |
| the matrix-vector product
real, dimension(:,:), allocatable | allglobal::solution |
| this is allocated in dforce; used in mp00ac and ma02aa; and is passed to packab
real, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable | allglobal::gmreslastsolution |
| used to store the last solution for restarting GMRES
real, dimension(:), allocatable | allglobal::mbpsi |
| matrix vector products
logical | allglobal::liluprecond |
| whether to use ILU preconditioner for GMRES
real, dimension(:,:), allocatable | allglobal::beltramiinverse |
| Beltrami inverse matrix.
real, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable | allglobal::diotadxup |
| measured rotational transform on inner/outer interfaces for each volume; d(transform)/dx; (see dforce)
real, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable | allglobal::ditgpdxtp |
| measured toroidal and poloidal current on inner/outer interfaces for each volume; d(Itor,Gpol)/dx; (see dforce)
real, dimension(:,:,:,:), allocatable | allglobal::glambda |
| save initial guesses for iterative calculation of rotational-transform
integer | allglobal::lmns |
| number of independent degrees of freedom in angle transformation;
real, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable | allglobal::dlambdaout |