| Fourier representation |
| Interface geometry: iRbc, iZbs etc. |
| The Fourier harmonics of the interfaces are contained in iRbc(1:mn,0:Mvol) and iZbs(1:mn,0:Mvol) , where iRbc(l,j) , iZbs(l,j) contains the Fourier harmonics, \(R_j\), \(Z_j\), of the \(l\)-th interface.
| Fourier Transforms |
| The coordinate geometry and fields are mapped to/from Fourier space and real space using FFTW3. The resolution of the real space grid is given by Nt=Ndiscrete*4*Mpol and Nz=Ndiscrete*4*Ntor .
| Volume-integrated Chebyshev-metrics |
| These are allocated in dforce(), defined in ma00aa(), and are used in matrix() to construct the matrices.
| Vector potential and the Beltrami linear system |
| Field matrices: dMA, dMB, dMC, dMD, dME, dMF |
| Construction of "force" |
| The force vector is comprised of Bomn and Iomn .
| Covariant field on interfaces: Btemn, Bzemn, Btomn, Bzomn |
| The covariant field.
| covariant field for Hessian computation: Bloweremn, Bloweromn |
| Geometrical degrees-of-freedom: LGdof, NGdof |
| The geometrical degrees-of-freedom.
| Parallel construction of derivative matrix |
| Derivatives of multiplier and poloidal flux with respect to geometry: dmupfdx |
| Trigonometric factors |
| Volume integrals: lBBintegral, lABintegral |
| Internal global variables |
| internal global variables; internal logical variables; default values are provided here; these may be changed according to input values
| Miscellaneous |
| The following are miscellaneous flags required for the virtual casing field, external (vacuum) field integration, ...