SPEC 3.20
Stepped Pressure Equilibrium Code
Vector potential and the Beltrami linear system
Collaboration diagram for Vector potential and the Beltrami linear system:


integer, dimension(:), allocatable allglobal::nadof
 degrees of freedom in Beltrami fields in each annulus
integer, dimension(:), allocatable allglobal::nfielddof
 degrees of freedom in Beltrami fields in each annulus, field only, no Lagrange multipliers
type(subgrid), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable allglobal::ate
 magnetic vector potential cosine Fourier harmonics; stellarator-symmetric
type(subgrid), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable allglobal::aze
 magnetic vector potential cosine Fourier harmonics; stellarator-symmetric
type(subgrid), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable allglobal::ato
 magnetic vector potential sine Fourier harmonics; non-stellarator-symmetric
type(subgrid), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable allglobal::azo
 magnetic vector potential sine Fourier harmonics; non-stellarator-symmetric
integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable allglobal::lma
 Lagrange multipliers (?)
integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable allglobal::lmb
 Lagrange multipliers (?)
integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable allglobal::lmc
 Lagrange multipliers (?)
integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable allglobal::lmd
 Lagrange multipliers (?)
integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable allglobal::lme
 Lagrange multipliers (?)
integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable allglobal::lmf
 Lagrange multipliers (?)
integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable allglobal::lmg
 Lagrange multipliers (?)
integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable allglobal::lmh
 Lagrange multipliers (?)
real, dimension(:,:), allocatable allglobal::lmavalue
 what is this?
real, dimension(:,:), allocatable allglobal::lmbvalue
 what is this?
real, dimension(:,:), allocatable allglobal::lmcvalue
 what is this?
real, dimension(:,:), allocatable allglobal::lmdvalue
 what is this?
real, dimension(:,:), allocatable allglobal::lmevalue
 what is this?
real, dimension(:,:), allocatable allglobal::lmfvalue
 what is this?
real, dimension(:,:), allocatable allglobal::lmgvalue
 what is this?
real, dimension(:,:), allocatable allglobal::lmhvalue
 what is this?
integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable allglobal::fso
 what is this?
integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable allglobal::fse
 what is this?
logical allglobal::lcoordinatesingularity
 set by LREGION macro; true if inside the innermost volume
logical allglobal::lplasmaregion
 set by LREGION macro; true if inside the plasma region
logical allglobal::lvacuumregion
 set by LREGION macro; true if inside the vacuum region
logical allglobal::lsavedguvij
 flag used in matrix free
logical allglobal::localconstraint
 what is this?

Detailed Description