SPEC 3.20
Stepped Pressure Equilibrium Code
laplaces Module Reference

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logical stage1
 what is this ?
logical exterior
 what is this ?
logical dorm
 what is this ?
integer nintervals
 what is this ?
integer nsegments
 what is this ?
integer ic
 what is this ?
integer np4
 what is this ?
integer np1
 what is this ?
integer, dimension(:), allocatable icint
 what is this ?
real originalalpha
 what is this ?
real, dimension(:), allocatable xpoly
 what is this ?
real, dimension(:), allocatable ypoly
 what is this ?
real, dimension(:), allocatable phi
 what is this ?
real, dimension(:), allocatable phid
 what is this ?
real, dimension(:,:), allocatable cc
 what is this ?
integer ilength
 what is this ?
real totallength
 what is this ?
integer niterations
 counter; eventually redundant; 24 Oct 12;
integer iangle
 angle ; eventually redundant; 24 Oct 12;
real rmid
 used to define local polar coordinate; eventually redundant; 24 Oct 12;
real zmid
 used to define local polar coordinate; eventually redundant; 24 Oct 12;
real alpha
 eventually redundant; 24 Oct 12;

Detailed Description
