Notes on benchmarking several coil design codes (NESCOIL, REGCOIL, COILOPT++, FOCUS)

By Caoxiang Zhu

Generally, coil design codes optimize external currents to reproduce the target magnetic field. Currently, the four popular codes, NESCOIL, REGCOIL, COILOPT++ and FOCUS, are all trying to fit a given Bn distribution on a given toroidal boundary, despite the difference on solving the current potential or coil filaments and the optimization algorithms they used. Thus, the information of plasma currents is needed as a input and this is provided by the code BNORM. These five codes are developed independently and each code has its own numerical conventions. We checked the details in each code and benchmark the codes with one particular case.

For your convenience, you could just have a quick view at the Summary.

Table of Contents


BNORM code calculates the Fourier coefficients of the magnetic field (from plasma currents) normal to the VMEC surface. The only input file is VMEC output file, According to Merkel's note on BNORM, it actually calculates the exterior normal field on the boundary produced by surface currents.

Plasma boundary representation

Although BNORM reads VMEC outputs, it uses (mu+nv) convention for representing the surface, where u and v are normalized poloidal and toroidal angle. Therefore, it flips the sign of n when reading VMEC coefficients. Here is the snippet of code from bn_read_vmecf90.f.

do mn = 1, mnmax
     ixm(mn) = nint(xm(mn))
     ixn(mn) =-nint(xn(mn))/nfp   !!Flip sign: NESCOIL convention
     m = ixm(mn)
     n = ixn(mn)
     bsubu(m,n) = 1.5_dp*bsubumnc(mn,ns) - 0.5_dp*bsubumnc(mn,ns-1)
     bsubv(m,n) = 1.5_dp*bsubvmnc(mn,ns) - 0.5_dp*bsubvmnc(mn,ns-1)
     cl(m,n) = 1.5_dp*lmns(mn,ns) - 0.5_dp*lmns(mn,ns-1)
     cr(m,n) = rmnc(mn,ns)
     cz(m,n) = zmns(mn,ns)
  end do

Normal vector of plasma boundary

To calculate the normal magnetic field on plasma boundary, it is essential to compute the normal vector of the surface. In BNORM, the normal vector $\bf N = X_u \times X_v$, where $\bf X_u$ and $\bf X_v$ are the derivatives with respect to angles. This part can be found in bn_surface.f.

do   i = 1 , nuv
     snx    = yu(i)*zv(i)-zu(i)*yv(i)
     sny    = zu(i)*xv(i)-xu(i)*zv(i)
     snz    = xu(i)*yv(i)-yu(i)*xv(i)
     sqf(i) = sqrt(snx*snx+sny*sny+snz*snz)
     guu(i) = xu(i)*xu(i)+yu(i)*yu(i)+zu(i)*zu(i)
     guv(i) = xu(i)*xv(i)+yu(i)*yv(i)+zu(i)*zv(i)
     gvv(i) = xv(i)*xv(i)+yv(i)*yv(i)+zv(i)*zv(i)
     dju(i) = bu(i)*guv(i)- bv(i)*guu(i)
     djv(i) = bu(i)*gvv(i)- bv(i)*guv(i)

Bn convention

BNORM takes a Fourier transformation over the normal field and calculates the Fourier coefficients. It represents the normal field as $B_n = \sum_m \sum_n bns_{m,n} \sin(mu+nv)$. This part can be found in bn_fouri.f

do  m  = 0,mf
     faz   = 2*fnuv
     if(m.eq.0) faz = fnuv
     do  n  = -nf,nf
        bnfou(m,n) = 0
        bnfou_c(m,n) = 0
        do  i = 1,nuv
           cofp   = conu(i,m)*conv(i,n)-sinu(i,m)*sinv(i,n)         !cos(u+v)
           sifp   = sinu(i,m)*conv(i,n)+conu(i,m)*sinv(i,n)         !sin(u+v)
           bnfou(m,n) = bnfou(m,n) +bn(i)/sqf(i)*sifp*faz
!          bnfou_c(m,n)=bnfou_c(m,n) +bn(i)/sqf(i)*cofp*faz

Normalization factor

BNORM results are normalized so that the poloidal current per period, $I_p$, is one. This is found in bnormal.f.

c                                                          15.08.98
c    purpose:

c    compuce
c                   /
c               1   |   [ j', x-x'] . n
c     B.n   =  ---- |  ----------------- df ,  x,x' on the boundary
c              4 pi |     |x-x'|^(3/2)
c                   /
c       j   = B_subu . xv - B_subv . xu
c the result ist normalized so that the toroidal integral
c              /
c              |
c     I_p  =   |  B. ds  per field period   is I_p  =1.
c              |
c              /
c ----------------------------------------------------------------------

And also in bn_parallel.f and bn_read_vmecf90.f.

m = ixm(mn)
     n = ixn(mn)
     bsubu(m,n) = 1.5_dp*bsubumnc(mn,ns) - 0.5_dp*bsubumnc(mn,ns-1)
     bsubv(m,n) = 1.5_dp*bsubvmnc(mn,ns) - 0.5_dp*bsubvmnc(mn,ns-1)

      curpol = alp*bsubv(0,0) ! alp=pi2/np
      do m=  0,md
         do n=-nd,nd
            bsubu(m,n) = pi2*bsubu(m,n)/curpol
            bsubv(m,n) = alp*bsubv(m,n)/curpol
            bsubus(m,n) = pi2*bsubus(m,n)/curpol
            bsubvs(m,n) = alp*bsubvs(m,n)/curpol


In the above code comments, BNORM is calculating the interior normal field. In the code documentation (link), eq. 1 is indicating interior while eq. 12 is exterior. Based on FOCUS test, BNORM is calculating the interior normal field.


NESCOIL solves current potential on a given current-carrying-surface to produce the target magnetic field.

Plasma boundary representation

NESCOIL reads boundary coefficients from file, which is generally prepared by BNORM. It uses the plus convention for representing the boundary. This could be found in the original paper and in the source code surface_plas.f.

do 20 m = 0,ms1
  do 20 n = 0,ns1
     cm     = m*pi2
     cn     = n*pi2
     i      = 0
  do 20 kv = 1 , nv1/2 + 1
  do 20 ku = 1 , nu1
     i      = i + 1
     cofp   = comu1(ku,m)*conv1(kv,n)-simu1(ku,m)*sinv1(kv,n)
     cofm   = comu1(ku,m)*conv1(kv,n)+simu1(ku,m)*sinv1(kv,n)
     sifp   = simu1(ku,m)*conv1(kv,n)+comu1(ku,m)*sinv1(kv,n)
     sifm   = simu1(ku,m)*conv1(kv,n)-comu1(ku,m)*sinv1(kv,n)
     r1(i)   = r1(i)    +       cr1(m,n)*cofp + cr1(m,-n)*cofm
     z1(i)   = z1(i)    +       cz1(m,n)*sifp + cz1(m,-n)*sifm
     r1u(i)  = r1u(i)   - cm *( cr1(m,n)*sifp + cr1(m,-n)*sifm )
     y1v(i)  = y1v(i)   - cn *( cr1(m,n)*sifp - cr1(m,-n)*sifm )
     z1u(i)  = z1u(i)   + cm *( cz1(m,n)*cofp + cz1(m,-n)*cofm )
     z1v(i)  = z1v(i)   + cn *( cz1(m,n)*cofp - cz1(m,-n)*cofm )
     r1uu(i) = r1uu(i) -cm*cm*( cr1(m,n)*cofp + cr1(m,-n)*cofm )
     z1uu(i) = z1uu(i) -cm*cm*( cz1(m,n)*sifp + cz1(m,-n)*sifm )
20 continue

Normal vector of plasma boundary

In NESCOIL, the normal vector $\bf N = X_u \times X_v$, where $\bf X_u$ and $\bf X_v$ are the derivatives with respect to angles. This part can be found in surface_plas.f.

snx1(i) = y1u(i)*z1v(i) - z1u(i)*y1v(i)
sny1(i) = z1u(i)*x1v(i) - x1u(i)*z1v(i)
snz1(i) = x1u(i)*y1v(i) - y1u(i)*x1v(i)
! snx1, sny1, snz1 are later normalized to |N|

Bn convention

NESCOIL reads file to get the Bn information on the boundary. As BNORM, it uses plus sign to compute the Bn on grids from Fourier coefficients. However, it has a factor, $-4\pi$, multiplied to Bn. It comes from $\mu_0/4\pi$, but $\mu_0$ has already been taken out in VMEC. This can be found in bnfld.f.

! Turn bnorm_mn into bn_ext(nuvh1) on plasma surface
  bnorm_mn(:ms,0) = .5*bnorm_mn(:ms,0)
  do m = 0, ms
     do n = 0, ns
!           cm = m*pi2
!           cn = n*pi2
        i = 0
        do  kv = 1 , nv1/2 + 1
           do  ku = 1 , nu1
              i  = i + 1
              sifp = simu(ku,m)*conv(kv,n)+comu(ku,m)*sinv(kv,n)
              sifm = simu(ku,m)*conv(kv,n)-comu(ku,m)*sinv(kv,n)
              bn_ext(i) = bn_ext(i) + bnorm_mn(m,n)*sifp
 1                                  + bnorm_mn(m,-n)*sifm
           end do
        end do
     end do
  end do
  if (iloop .le. 0) deallocate (bnorm_mn)

  fact = -2*pi2
  bn_ext(:nuvh1) = fact*bn_ext(:nuvh1)


Although NESCOIL reads curpol in, it doesn't use it and the parameters that determines the poloidal and toroidal current are cup and cup. Since BNORM has already normalized the Bn coefficients to let cup=1.0, there is no extra normalizations in NESCOIL. Of course, you could still provide cutomized cup and cut.

Total magnetic field

After calculating the magnetic field from plasma, NESCOIL will add it the normal field produced by the total current potential, just as shown in accuracy.f.

call besurfcur(spx, spy, spz)
 berr = snx1(i)*bx+sny1(i)*by+snz1(i)*bz + bn_ext(i)


  1. It's strange that in the code NESCOIL uses opposite normal vector as it desicribes in the paper.
  2. bn_ext is multiplied by a factor of $-4\pi$ and this changes the sign of bn_ext. This is understandable if BNORM is calculating exterior normal component and NESCOIL uses interior normal vector. As to $4\pi$, I think it's from the constant $\mu_0 / 4\pi$ in Biot-Savart Law, while $\mu_0$ is taken out.


REGCOIL solves current potential on a given current-carrying-surface to produce the target magnetic field, regularized to the total current density.

Plasma boundary representation

After reading boundary coefficients, REGCOIL uses the minus convention for representing the boundary, the same as VMEC. This could be found in the original paper and in the source code regcoil_init_plasma_mod.f90.

do izeta = 1,nzetal_plasma
   angle2 = zetal_plasma(izeta)
   sinangle2 = sin(angle2)
   cosangle2 = cos(angle2)
   dsinangle2dzeta = cosangle2
   dcosangle2dzeta = -sinangle2
   do itheta = 1,ntheta_plasma
      do imn = 1,mnmax_plasma
         angle = xm_plasma(imn)*theta_plasma(itheta) - xn_plasma(imn)*zetal_plasma(izeta) ! minus convention
         sinangle = sin(angle)
         cosangle = cos(angle)
         dsinangledtheta = cosangle*xm_plasma(imn)
         dcosangledtheta = -sinangle*xm_plasma(imn)
         dsinangledzeta = -cosangle*xn_plasma(imn)
         dcosangledzeta = sinangle*xn_plasma(imn)

         r_plasma(1,itheta,izeta) = r_plasma(1,itheta,izeta) + rmnc_plasma(imn) * cosangle * cosangle2
         r_plasma(2,itheta,izeta) = r_plasma(2,itheta,izeta) + rmnc_plasma(imn) * cosangle * sinangle2
         r_plasma(3,itheta,izeta) = r_plasma(3,itheta,izeta) + zmns_plasma(imn) * sinangle


      end do
   end do
end do

Normal vector of plasma boundary

In REGCOIL, the normal vector is computed as $\bf N = X_{\zeta} \times X_{\theta}$, where $\bf X_{\theta}$ and $\bf X_{\zeta}$ are the derivatives with respect to angles. This part can be found in regcoil_init_plasma_mod.f90.

! Evaluate cross product
normal_plasma(1,:,:) = drdzeta_plasma(2,:,:) * drdtheta_plasma(3,:,:) - drdtheta_plasma(2,:,:) * drdzeta_plasma(3,:,:)
normal_plasma(2,:,:) = drdzeta_plasma(3,:,:) * drdtheta_plasma(1,:,:) - drdtheta_plasma(3,:,:) * drdzeta_plasma(1,:,:)
normal_plasma(3,:,:) = drdzeta_plasma(1,:,:) * drdtheta_plasma(2,:,:) - drdtheta_plasma(1,:,:) * drdzeta_plasma(2,:,:)

Bn convention

REGCOIL reads file to get the Bn information on the boundary. As BNORM, it uses plus sign to compute the Bn on grids from Fourier coefficients. It will multiply a factor of curpol to Bn. This can be found in regcoil_init_bnorm.f90.

num_modes_added = 0
 read(iunit,*,iostat = i) mm, nn, bf
 if (i .ne. 0) exit
 num_modes_added = num_modes_added+1
 !print *,"  Adding a mode with m=",mm,",  n=",nn
 do izeta = 1,nzeta_plasma
    do itheta = 1,ntheta_plasma
       Bnormal_from_plasma_current(itheta,izeta) = Bnormal_from_plasma_current(itheta,izeta) + &
            bf*sin(mm*theta_plasma(itheta) + nn*nfp*zeta_plasma(izeta))

       ! To see that it should be (mu+nv) rather than (mu-nv) in the above line, you can examine
       ! BNORM/Sources/bn_fouri.f (where the arrays in the bnorm files are computed)
       ! or
       ! either NESCOIL/Sources/bnfld.f (where bnorm files are read)
    end do
 end do
end do


! BNORM scales B_n by curpol=(2*pi/nfp)*bsubv(m=0,n=0)
! where bsubv is the extrapolation to the last full mesh point of
! bsubvmnc.  Let's undo this scaling now.
Bnormal_from_plasma_current = Bnormal_from_plasma_current * curpol


In REGCOIL , the Bn coefficients are multiplied by curpol, which is obtained from reading VMEC outputs.

Total magnetic field

The net coil currents, i.e. secular poloidal and toroidal currents from external coils, are also read in the unit of Amper. The produced magnetic field is calculated and stored in Bnormal_from_net_coil_currents. The total magnetic field is the sum of each field, as shown in regcoil_diagnostics.f90.

Bnormal_total(:,:,ilambda) = (reshape(matmul(g,solution),(/ ntheta_plasma, nzeta_plasma /)) / norm_normal_plasma) &
   + Bnormal_from_plasma_current + Bnormal_from_net_coil_currents


There are two main differences between NESCOIL and REGCOIL that might cause problems.

  1. The normal vectors are in opposite directions.
  2. NESCOIL doesn't use SI units ($\mu_0$ is out), while REGCOIL does.


COILOPT++ code calculates coil filaments on a given winding surface using B-spline representation.

Plasma boundary representation

After reading boundary coefficients, COILOPT++ uses the plus convention for representing both the plasma boundary and the winding surface. Thus, it flips the sign of n. This could be found in the source code toroidalSurface.C.

// In readVMECcdf.C
// Rectify toroidal mode numbers (VMEC series is in terms of -phi, not +v).
for (int imode=0; imode<nmodes; imode++) {
  assert(nnum[imode] % nfper == 0);
  nnum[imode] /= -nfper;
// Parametric surface evaluator (cylindrical)
// void vmecSurface::uv2Rz(const real u, const real v, real& R, real& z) const
// {
//   real arg;
//   R = z = 0.0;
//   for (int mode=0; mode<nmodes; mode++) {
//     arg = twopi*(mnum[mode]*u + nnum[mode]*v);
//     R += rmn[mode] * cos(arg);
//     z += zmn[mode] * sin(arg);
//   }
// }

Normal vector of plasma boundary

In COILOPT++, the normal vector $\bf N = X_v \times X_u$, where $\bf X_u$ and $\bf X_v$ are the derivatives with respect to angles. This part can be found in toroidalSurface.C.

// Parametric surface evaluator with derivatives (Cartesian)
vector vmecSurface::uv2xyzprime(const real u, const real v,
                vector prime[5])
  real R[6], z[6], phi, cp, sp;

  uv2Rzprime(u, v, R, z); //1st get derivs of cylindrical coords

  phi = dphidv * v;
  cp = cos(phi);  sp = sin(phi);

  vector x0(R[0]*cp, R[0]*sp, z[0]);                            // x, y, z
  prime[0] = vector(R[1]*cp, R[1]*sp, z[1]);                    // d/du
  prime[1] = vector(R[2]*cp - dphidv*x0.y,
            R[2]*sp + dphidv*x0.x, z[2]);               // d/dv
  prime[2] = vector(R[3]*cp, R[3]*sp, z[3]);                    // d2/du2
  prime[3] = vector(R[4]*cp - dphidv*prime[0].y,
            R[4]*sp + dphidv*prime[0].x, z[4]);         // d2/dudv
  prime[4] = vector(R[5]*cp - dphidv*(2.0*R[2]*sp + dphidv*x0.x),
            R[5]*sp + dphidv*(2.0*R[2]*cp - dphidv*x0.y),
            z[5]);                                      //d2/dv2

  return x0;

// Normal calculator
vector vmecSurface::unitnormal(const real u, const real v) const
  vector prime[5];

  uv2xyzprime(u, v, prime);
  vector normal = prime[1] * prime[0];
  real len = normal.mag();
  assert(len > 0.0);
  return normal/len;

Bn convention

COILOPT++ reads file to get the Bn information on the boundary. As BNORM, it uses plus sign to compute the Bn on grids from Fourier coefficients. It will multiply a factor of curpol to Bn. This can be found in plasma.C.

// Read data, scale to VMEC poloidal current value.
  for (int imode=0; imode<numBcoefs; imode++) {
fscanf(fp, "%d %d %le", mnum+imode, nnum+imode, bnormcoef+imode);
bnormcoef[imode] *= curpol_vmec;

Normalization factor

In COILOPT++ , the Bn coefficients are multiplied by curpol, which is obtained from reading VMEC outputs.

Total magnetic field

COILOPT++ calculates the total magnetic field and add the normal field to Bn_plasma, as shown in plasma.C.

vector Bcoils(0.0), sp(surfpos[impt]);

// Contributions from varying-geometry coils
for (int iws=0; iws<nws; iws++)
  for (int iloop=0; iloop<nloops[iws]; iloop++)
Bcoils += loop[iws][iloop]->Bfield_T(sp);

// Contributions from fixed-geometry coils
for (int ifix=0; ifix<nfixed; ifix++)
  Bcoils += fixedcurrent[ifix][0] * B_fixed[ifix][impt];

// Contribution from background TF
if (settings.bgtfR0B0 != 0.0)
  Bcoils += ((settings.bgtfR0B0/(sp.x*sp.x + sp.y*sp.y)) *
     vector(-sp.y, sp.x, 0.0));

// Contribution from background VF
Bcoils.z += bgBz;

real dBoB = bnorm[impt] + (Bcoils % nhat[impt]);


COILOPT++ uses NESCOIL convention on plasma boundary, but flips the direction of normal vector.


FOCUS nonlinearly optimizes coil filaments using 3D representation.

Plasma boundary representation

After reading boundary coefficients, FOCUS uses the minus convention for representing the boundary, the same as VMEC. This could be found in the original paper and in the source code rdsurf.h.

! The center point value was used to discretize grid;
  do ii = 0, Nteta-1; teta = ( ii + half ) * pi2 / Nteta
     do jj = 0, Nzeta-1; zeta = ( jj + half ) * pi2 / ( Nzeta*Nfp )

     RR(0:2) = zero ; ZZ(0:2) = zero

     do imn = 1, Nfou ; arg = bim(imn) * teta - bin(imn) * zeta  ! mu-nv

        RR(0) =  RR(0) +     Rbc(imn) * cos(arg) + Rbs(imn) * sin(arg)
        ZZ(0) =  ZZ(0) +     Zbc(imn) * cos(arg) + Zbs(imn) * sin(arg)

        RR(1) =  RR(1) + ( - Rbc(imn) * sin(arg) + Rbs(imn) * cos(arg) ) * bim(imn)
        ZZ(1) =  ZZ(1) + ( - Zbc(imn) * sin(arg) + Zbs(imn) * cos(arg) ) * bim(imn)

        RR(2) =  RR(2) - ( - Rbc(imn) * sin(arg) + Rbs(imn) * cos(arg) ) * bin(imn)
        ZZ(2) =  ZZ(2) - ( - Zbc(imn) * sin(arg) + Zbs(imn) * cos(arg) ) * bin(imn)


      end do
   end do
end do

Normal vector of plasma boundary

In FOCUS, the normal vector is computed as $\bf N = X_{\zeta} \times X_{\theta}$, where $\bf X_{\theta}$ and $\bf X_{\zeta}$ are the derivatives with respect to angles. This part can be found in rdsurf.h.

xx(1:3) = (/   RR(0) * czeta,   RR(0) * szeta, ZZ(0) /)  ! x, y, z
xt(1:3) = (/   RR(1) * czeta,   RR(1) * szeta, ZZ(1) /)  ! dx/dtheta
xz(1:3) = (/   RR(2) * czeta,   RR(2) * szeta, ZZ(2) /) + (/ - RR(0) * szeta,   RR(0) * czeta, zero  /) ! dx/dzeta

ds(1:3) = -(/ xt(2) * xz(3) - xt(3) * xz(2), & ! minus sign for theta counterclockwise direction;
              xt(3) * xz(1) - xt(1) * xz(3), &
              xt(1) * xz(2) - xt(2) * xz(1) /)

dd = sqrt( sum( ds(1:3)*ds(1:3) ) )

! x, y, z coordinates for the surface;
surf(1)%xx(ii,jj) = xx(1)
surf(1)%yy(ii,jj) = xx(2)
surf(1)%zz(ii,jj) = xx(3)

! dx/dt, dy/dt, dz/dt (dt for d theta)
surf(1)%xt(ii,jj) = xt(1)
surf(1)%yt(ii,jj) = xt(2)
surf(1)%zt(ii,jj) = xt(3)

! surface normal vectors and ds for the jacobian;
surf(1)%nx(ii,jj) = ds(1) / dd
surf(1)%ny(ii,jj) = ds(2) / dd
surf(1)%nz(ii,jj) = ds(3) / dd
surf(1)%ds(ii,jj) =         dd

Bn convention

FOCUS reads Bn coefficients to get the Bn information on the boundary. Unlike BNORM, it uses minus sign to compute the Bn on grids from Fourier coefficients. It will multiply a factor of curpol to Bn. This can be found in and rdsurf.h.


curpol = 2.0*np.pi / Nfp * wout['rbtor'].values  # not rbtor0, it's rbtor


for imn in range(Nbnf):
    fofile.write("{:d} \t {:d} \t {:23.15E} \t {:23.15E} \n".format(-bn[imn], bm[imn], 0.0, bns[imn])) 
    # negative n, because FOCUS and BNORM are taking different rep.
!calculate target Bn with input harmonics; 05 Jan 17;
if(NBnf >  0) then

 do jj = 0, Nzeta-1 ; zeta = ( jj + half ) * pi2 / (Nzeta*Nfp)
    do ii = 0, Nteta-1 ; teta = ( ii + half ) * pi2 / Nteta
       do imn = 1, NBnf
          arg = Bnim(imn) * teta - Bnin(imn) * zeta
          surf(1)%pb(ii,jj) = surf(1)%pb(ii,jj) + Bnc(imn)*cos(arg) + Bns(imn)*sin(arg)



Inside FOCUS, there is no normalization on Bn. But you have to pay attention to providing the correct Bn.

Total magnetic field

FOCUS reads all the other magnetic field except the coils to be solved and treats them as the target boundary condition. Therefore, the total magnetic field is obtained by subtraction, as shown in bnormal.h.

lbn(iteta, jzeta) = lbx(iteta, jzeta)*surf(1)%nx(iteta, jzeta) &
    &             + lby(iteta, jzeta)*surf(1)%ny(iteta, jzeta) &
    &             + lbz(iteta, jzeta)*surf(1)%nz(iteta, jzeta) &
    &             - surf(1)%pb(iteta, jzeta)


FOCUS relies on the input Bn information and when discretizing the plasma surface there is a half grid shift.


The following table briefly summaries each code's numerical conventions.

Code Plasma surface Normal vector Bn Fourier rep. Internal normalization Total Bn
BNORM (mu+nv) $Bn_{plasma}$ (interior) (mu+nv) 1/curpol NA
NESCOIL (mu+nv) $\bf X_u \times X_v$ (interior) (mu+nv) $-4 \pi$ add
REGCOIL $(m\theta - n\zeta)$ $\bf X_{\zeta} \times X_{\theta}$ (exterior) $(m\theta + n\zeta)$ curpol add
COILOPT++ (mu+nv) $\bf X_v \times X_u$ (exterior) (mu+nv) curpol add
FOCUS $(m\theta - n\zeta)$ $\bf X_{\zeta} \times X_{\theta}$ (exterior) $(m\theta - n\zeta)$ 1 subtract

The conclusions are

  1. The total Bn, which is the normal component of the total field, should be zero in all coil design codes.
  2. BNORM calculates the exterior normal components from the plasma currents. Although it calculates the interior normal vector, it only uses the length of normal vector for later computations.
  3. NESCOIL, REGCOIL and COILOPT++ have different interpretations on plasma boundary, normal vector and normalizations. They all assume BNORM is calculating the exterior normal field, while my observation is not.
  4. NESCOIL is not using the SI unit. The current potential solution need to be multiplied with a factor of $I_p/nfp$, where $I_p$ is the actual number of net poloidal current.
  5. FOCUS relies on user to provide correct input Bn. If using the output of BNORM, user should flip the sign of toroidal modes (n) and multiply a factor of (curpol) to the Fourier coefficients.

Appendix A: Numerical verifications among NESCOIL, REGCOIL and FOCUS 


We choose a simple axisymmetric configuration with finite beta, Solov'ev equilibrium, to test the three codes. The case is used for benchmarking VMEC. It's used in the original VMEC paper.

Here is the input.SOLOVEV file for VMEC fixed-boundary run.

  ! SOLOV'EV Equilibrium from Hirshman Whitson 1983
  MGRID_FILE = 'none'
  DELT =   9.00E-01
  TCON0 =   2.00E+00
  NFP =    1
  NCURR =    0
  MPOL =   12
  NTOR =   0
  NZETA  =  200
  NS_ARRAY = 16 32 64 128
  NITER_ARRAY = 1000 2000 4000 20000
  FTOL_ARRAY = 1E-30 1E-30 1E-30 1E-12
  NITER = 5000
  NSTEP =  250
  NVACSKIP =    6
  GAMMA =   0.000000E+00
  PHIEDGE =   1.00000000000000E+00
  BLOAT =   1.000000E+00
  CURTOR =   0.00000000000000E+00
  SPRES_PED =   1.00000000000000E+00
  PMASS_TYPE = "power_series"
  AM =  0.125 -0.125
  AI = 1.0
  RAXIS =   3.999
  ZAXIS =   0.00000000000000E+00
  RBC( 0,0) =  3.999     ZBS( 0,0) =  0.000
  RBC( 0,1) =  1.026     ZBS( 0,1) =  1.580
  RBC( 0,2) = -0.068     ZBS( 0,2) =  0.010

The iota profile is flat, $\iota = 1.0$ and pressure profile is $p = (1-s^2)/8$. The soloved equilibrium is shown in the below, with $B_0 = 0.20334$T, $I_{toroidal}=-0.44$MA and $\beta_{total} = 3.87\times 10^{-6}$.

In [4]:
for i in np.arange(0,129,16)-1:
    plot_vmec_surface('',i,color='b', lbl=None)
plot_vmec_surface('',color='b',lbl='VMEC fixed boundary');
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x2ab852a44fd0>

BNORM results

BNORM is ran to calculate the normal component of plasma currents. The resolution is $Mpol=24$ and $Ntor=14$. We used BNORM to produce a uniformly expanded surface with a separation of 0.5m. Reading the Fourier coefficients and plot out the distribution of Bn_plasma.

In [14]:
plt.contourf(tbn,zbn,bnorm, 18)
plt.xlabel('zeta', fontsize=16)
plt.ylabel('theta', fontsize=16)
plt.title('Bnormal from BNORM code')
<matplotlib.colorbar.Colorbar at 0x2ab853815890>
In [9]:
fig = plt.figure()
plot_plasma_boundary('plasma.boundary', color='r', lbl='plasma boundary');
plot_winding_surface('test.winding', color='b', lbl='winding surface');
read 3 Fourier harmonics for plasma boundary and 725 for Bn distribution in plasma.boundary.
nfp: 1
Number of Fourier modes in coil surface from nescin file:          1201

<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x2ab85074c110>

NESCOIL results

Run NESCOIL with the input file nescin.SOLOVEV prepared by BNORM. Some resolution parameters are as below.

------ Spatial dimensions ----
nu, nv, nu1, nv1, npol, ntor, lasym_bn
         128  128  128  128    64          10 F

------ Fourier Dimensions ----
mf, nf, md, nd (max in surf and bnorm files)
          8   8        24          20

Here is part of the output.

Complexity =   1.13817350E+00
Time in Solver:     19.8     sec
----- Calling Surfcur_Diag -----
J Surf max, min, ave =   6.67491028E-02  3.14638915E-02  4.39897927E-02
Curv_R of J min, max =   1.12452252E+00  4.22091801E+00
Time in Surfcur_Diag:    0.149     sec
----- Calling Accuracy -----
Berr ave, max, var =   3.65157304E-05  7.60790295E-05  2.03785308E-05
Bmod ave, rms =   2.58046901E-01  3.68682330E-01
ACCURACY took     10.6     sec
ONE NESCOIL RUN took     30.6     sec

NESCOIL only writes the single-valued current potential. We can read in the Fourier coefficients and plot out the distribution of $\Phi_{SV}$. Of course, by adding the secular terms, $G$ & $I$, we could obtain the total current potential.

In [145]:
plt.contourf(zeta,theta,cp, 18)
plt.xlabel('zeta', fontsize=16)
plt.ylabel('theta', fontsize=16)
plt.title('Single-valued current potential by NESCOIL')
plt.contourf(zeta,theta,tcp, 18)
plt.xlabel('zeta', fontsize=16)
plt.ylabel('theta', fontsize=16)
plt.title('Total current potential by NESCOIL')
<matplotlib.colorbar.Colorbar at 0x2ab8707ec310>

REGCOIL results

Run REGCOIL with the following input file.

  nlambda = 1
  lambda_min = 1e-15
  lambda_max = 1e-14

  ntheta_plasma = 128
  ntheta_coil   = 128
  nzeta_plasma  = 128
  nzeta_coil    = 128
  mpol_potential = 8
  ntor_potential = 8

  geometry_option_plasma = 2
  wout_filename = ''

  nescin_filename = 'test.winding'
  separation = 0.5


  net_poloidal_current_Amperes = 0.0
  net_toroidal_current_Amperes = 0.0

  symmetry_option = 1

  save_level = 1  

It is running without any regularization on current density and the same resolution with NESCOIL. Here is one part of the screen output.

 Solving system for lambda= 0.000E+00 (  1 of   1)
   Additions:    0.00000000      sec.
   DSYSV:    1.00000005E-03  sec.
   Diagnostics:    2.19999999E-02  sec.
   chi2_B: 8.831E-09,  chi2_K: 6.755E+12,  chi2_Laplace_Beltrami: 1.684E+11
   max(B_n): 1.130E-05,  max(K): 2.413E+05,  rms K: 1.537E+05
 REGCOIL complete. Total time=   19.229000091552734      sec.

Plot out the results.

In [29]:
reg_scp = plot_regcoil_potential('',0,num_contours=18, total=False);
plt.title('Single-valued current potential by REGCOIL')
<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x2ab858a53a50>
In [30]:
reg_tcp = plot_regcoil_potential('',0,num_contours=18, total=True);
plt.title('Total current potential by REGCOIL')
<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x2ab858bc5310>

Benchmark between NESCOIL and REGCOIL

We can now taking the conclusion we derive above, i.e. normalize REGCOIL results with a factor of $I_p/nfp = 3.6152$MA in this case. The numbers are consistent, to some precision.

In [149]:
plt.contourf(zeta,theta,reg_scp/fac-cp, 18)
plt.xlabel('zeta', fontsize=16)
plt.ylabel('theta', fontsize=16)
plt.title('Difference between NESCOIL and norm. REGCOIL (Phi_SV)')

plt.contourf(zeta,theta,cp, 18)
plt.xlabel('zeta', fontsize=16)
plt.ylabel('theta', fontsize=16)
plt.title('Original NESCOIL results (Phi_SV)')
<matplotlib.colorbar.Colorbar at 0x2ab8711e2f50>
In [150]:
plt.contourf(zeta,theta,reg_tcp/fac-tcp, 18)
plt.xlabel('zeta', fontsize=16)
plt.ylabel('theta', fontsize=16)
plt.title('Difference between NESCOIL and norm. REGCOIL results (Phi_total)')

plt.contourf(zeta,theta,tcp, 18)
plt.xlabel('zeta', fontsize=16)
plt.ylabel('theta', fontsize=16)
plt.title('Original NESCOIL results (Phi_total)')
<matplotlib.colorbar.Colorbar at 0x2ab871532a50>

Free-boundary VMEC results

We can now cut coils from the contours of total current potential. We assume there are 32 coils in total. The amount of current flowing in each coil is $I_p/N = 0.113$MA. Here is a picture of final coils (using cutCoilsFromREGCOIL, num_of_contours=32, no theta shift).

In [153]:
## colors on plasma is the Bn produced by plasma currents
fig = mlab.figure(size=[800,800])
plot_plasma_boundary('plasma.boundary', 'bnormal');
Read 32 coils in coils.test_regcoil.
read 3 Fourier harmonics for plasma boundary and 725 for Bn distribution in plasma.boundary.
PNG image

A mgrid file is generated by this modular coils and then used in VMEC for free-boundary running. Somehow, the sign of phiedge in VMEC has to be flipped. Except that, the free-boundary VMEC results are consistent with fixed-boundary results, with surprisingly good precision.

In [51]:
for i in np.arange(0,129,16)-1:
    plot_vmec_surface('',i,color='b', lbl=None)
    plot_vmec_surface('',i,color='r', style='--',lbl=None)
plot_vmec_surface('',color='b',lbl='fixed boundary');
plot_vmec_surface('', color='r', style='--', lbl='REGCOIL free boundary');
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x2ab859701590>

When using FOCUS to read the modular coils and diagnose the magnetic field, the surface integral of residual normal field is 1.15695E-03.

In [151]:
half = 0.5
theta_focus = (np.arange(128) + half) * (2*np.pi)/128
zeta_focus = (np.arange(256) + half) * (2*np.pi)/256

plt.contourf(zeta_focus, theta_focus, np.transpose(regcoil.Bn + regcoil.plas_Bn), 18)
plt.xlabel('zeta', fontsize=16)
plt.ylabel('theta', fontsize=16)
plt.title('Bn from discretized modular coils (calculated by FOCUS)')

plt.contourf(zeta_regcoil, theta_regcoil, np.transpose(reg_Bn), 18)
plt.xlabel('zeta', fontsize=16)
plt.ylabel('theta', fontsize=16)
plt.title('Bn_plasma (readed from REGCOIL)')
<matplotlib.colorbar.Colorbar at 0x2ab8718acf90>
In [143]:
f = netcdf.netcdf_file('','r',mmap=False)
reg_Bn = f.variables['Bnormal_from_plasma_current'][()]
theta_regcoil = f.variables['theta_plasma'][()]
zeta_regcoil = f.variables['zeta_plasma'][()]
plt.contourf(zeta_regcoil, theta_regcoil, np.transpose(reg_Bn), 18)
plt.xlabel('zeta', fontsize=16)
plt.ylabel('theta', fontsize=16)
plt.title('Bn_plasma (readed from REGCOIL)')
plt.contourf(zeta_focus, theta_focus, np.transpose(regcoil.plas_Bn), 18)
plt.xlabel('zeta', fontsize=16)
plt.ylabel('theta', fontsize=16)
plt.title('Bn_plasma (input for FOCUS)')
<matplotlib.colorbar.Colorbar at 0x2ab8701b3410>

FOCUS results

When using FOCUS, we initialized 32 TF coils plus 6 PF coils. With BNORM Fourier coefficients, we flipped the sign of toroidal modes and multiply the coefficients with a factor of ($- curpol$), as we described in the above. FOCUS got a result with relatively low Bn error, $f_B = \int_S \frac{1}{2} ({\bf B} \cdot {\bf n})^2 = 1.02 \times 10^{-7}$.

In [1]:
from mayavi import mlab
%matplotlib notebook
%run ~/python/scripts/
import seaborn as sns
sns.set(style="white", context="paper") 
WARNING: Imported VTK version (8.1) does not match the one used
         to build the TVTK classes (6.3). This may cause problems.
         Please rebuild TVTK.

Notebook initialized with x3d backend.
In [21]:
cd /p/focus/users/czhu/SPEC/test/SOLOVEV
In [13]:
vmec2focus('', focus_file='solovev.boundary_noflip', bnorm_file='bnorm.solovev', flipsign=False)
vmec2focus('', focus_file='solovev.boundary_flip', bnorm_file='bnorm.solovev', flipsign=True)
Total poloidal current needed is  3.61519089469759  MA.
Read  725  harmonics in BNORM file. M = 24 , N = 14
Finished write FOCUS input file at  solovev.boundary_noflip
Total poloidal current needed is  3.61519089469759  MA.
Read  725  harmonics in BNORM file. M = 24 , N = 14
Finished write FOCUS input file at  solovev.boundary_flip
In [17]:
cd /p/focus/users/czhu/NCSX/c09r00/
In [19]:
vmec2focus('', focus_file='c09r00.boundary_noflip', bnorm_file='bnorm.c09r00_fb', flipsign=False)
vmec2focus('', focus_file='c09r00.boundary_flip', bnorm_file='bnorm.c09r00_fb', flipsign=True)
Total poloidal current needed is  11.871007299188548  MA.
Read  725  harmonics in BNORM file. M = 24 , N = 14
Finished write FOCUS input file at  c09r00.boundary_noflip
Total poloidal current needed is  11.871007299188548  MA.
Read  725  harmonics in BNORM file. M = 24 , N = 14
Finished write FOCUS input file at  c09r00.boundary_flip
In [5]:
In [11]:
modular = hdf5('focus_solovev_20200110_modular.h5')
Read  90  objects in <HDF5 file "focus_solovev_20200110_modular.h5" (mode r)>
FOCUS version : v0.9.00
In [22]:
fig = mlab.figure(size=[800,800])
plot_coils(read_coils('solovev_20200110_modular.coils'), currents=False);
plot_hdf5_surface(modular, 'Bmod');
Read 32 coils in solovev_20200110_modular.coils.
PNG image
In [16]:
for i in np.arange(0,129,16)-1:
    plot_vmec_surface('',i,color='b', lbl=None)
    plot_vmec_surface('',i,color='r', style='--',lbl=None)
plot_vmec_surface('',color='b',lbl='fixed boundary');
plot_vmec_surface('', color='r', style='--', lbl='FOCUS free boundary');
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7f2ef294bb50>

Appendix B: A simple verification of FOCUS

This is a small demo showing that FOCUS is calculating magnetic field correctly. There is a circular plasma boundary with $R_p=4.0$ m, $r_p=1.0$ m. Assuming there are 128 circular TF coils ($r_c = 2.0$ m) with $I_c = 0.1$MA. The toroidal magnetic field can be computed by Ampere's Law, $B_t = \frac{\mu_0 I}{2\pi r}$. In this case, $I = 128*Ic=1.28\times 10^7$A and $B_t = 2.56/r$.

The toroidal flux should be $\Psi_t = \int_ 3^5 2*\sqrt {1 - (x - 4)^2} \frac{2.56}{x}\, dx = -2.043057082564284$ Wb. It is negative because the coil current flows in the counter-clockwise direction, which means the total current is flowing in negative Z direction and creates a toroidal field in the clock-wise direction.

The magnetic field calculated by FOCUS shows good consistency with the analytical values. The calculated toroidal flux is $-2.043584789045241$ Wb, which is also close to the analytical value up to numerical discretization erros.

In [154]:
test = hdf5('../focus_test.h5')
fig = mlab.figure(size=[800,800])
plot_hdf5_surface(test, 'Bmod')
Read  83  objects in <HDF5 file "focus_test.h5" (mode r)>
FOCUS version : v0.6.02
Read 128 coils in ../test.coils.
PNG image
In [130]:
Bt = np.sqrt(test.Bx*test.Bx + test.By*test.By)
r = np.sqrt(test.xsurf*test.xsurf + test.ysurf*test.ysurf)
plt.plot(r[0,:], Bt[0,:], label='FOCUS value')
plt.plot(r[0,:], 2.56/r[0,:], marker='s', color='r', linestyle='none', label='Analytical value')
plt.ylabel('Bt [T]', fontsize=16)
plt.xlabel('R [m]', fontsize=16)
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x2ab86ece3410>