SPEC 3.20
Stepped Pressure Equilibrium Code
inputlist.f90 File Reference

Input namelists. More...


subroutine inputlist::initialize_inputs


integer, parameter inputlist::mnvol = 256
 The maximum value of Nvol is MNvol=256.
integer, parameter inputlist::mmpol = 128
 The maximum value of Mpol is MNpol=64.
integer, parameter inputlist::mntor = 128
 The maximum value of Ntor is MNtor=64.
integer inputlist::igeometry = 3
 selects Cartesian, cylindrical or toroidal geometry; More...
integer inputlist::istellsym = 1
 stellarator symmetry is enforced if Istellsym==1
integer inputlist::lfreebound = 0
 compute vacuum field surrounding plasma
real inputlist::phiedge = 1.0
 total enclosed toroidal magnetic flux;
real inputlist::curtor = 0.0
 total enclosed (toroidal) plasma current;
real inputlist::curpol = 0.0
 total enclosed (poloidal) linking current;
real inputlist::gamma = 0.0
 adiabatic index; cannot set \(|\gamma| = 1\)
integer inputlist::nfp = 1
 field periodicity More...
integer inputlist::nvol = 1
 number of volumes More...
integer inputlist::mpol = 0
 number of poloidal Fourier harmonics More...
integer inputlist::ntor = 0
 number of toroidal Fourier harmonics More...
integer, dimension(1:mnvol+1) inputlist::lrad = 4
 Chebyshev resolution in each volume. More...
integer inputlist::lconstraint = -1
 selects constraints; primarily used in ma02aa() and mp00ac(). More...
real, dimension(1:mnvol+1) inputlist::tflux = 0.0
 toroidal flux, \(\psi_t\), enclosed by each interface More...
real, dimension(1:mnvol+1) inputlist::pflux = 0.0
 poloidal flux, \(\psi_p\), enclosed by each interface
real, dimension(1:mnvol) inputlist::helicity = 0.0
 helicity, \({\cal K}\), in each volume, \({\cal V}_i\) More...
real inputlist::pscale = 0.0
 pressure scale factor More...
real, dimension(1:mnvol+1) inputlist::pressure = 0.0
 pressure in each volume More...
integer inputlist::ladiabatic = 0
 logical flag More...
real, dimension(1:mnvol+1) inputlist::adiabatic = 0.0
 adiabatic constants in each volume More...
real, dimension(1:mnvol+1) inputlist::mu = 0.0
 helicity-multiplier, \(\mu\), in each volume
real, dimension(1:mnvol+1) inputlist::ivolume = 0.0
 Toroidal current constraint normalized by \(\mu_0\) ( \(I_{volume} = \mu_0\cdot [A]\)), in each volume. This is a cumulative quantity: \(I_{\mathcal{V},i} = \int_0^{\psi_{t,i}} \mathbf{J}\cdot\mathbf{dS}\). Physically, it represents the sum of all non-pressure driven currents.
real, dimension(1:mnvol) inputlist::isurf = 0.0
 Toroidal current normalized by \(\mu_0\) at each interface (cumulative). This is the sum of all pressure driven currents.
integer, dimension(0:mnvol) inputlist::pl = 0
 "inside" interface rotational-transform is \(\mbox{$\,\iota\!\!$-} = (p_l+\gamma p_r)/(q_l+\gamma q_r)\), where \(\gamma\) is the golden mean, \(\gamma = (1 + \sqrt 5 ) / 2 \). More...
integer, dimension(0:mnvol) inputlist::ql = 0
 "inside" interface rotational-transform is \(\mbox{$\,\iota\!\!$-} = (p_l+\gamma p_r)/(q_l+\gamma q_r)\), where \(\gamma\) is the golden mean, \(\gamma = (1 + \sqrt 5 ) / 2 \). More...
integer, dimension(0:mnvol) inputlist::pr = 0
 "inside" interface rotational-transform is \(\mbox{$\,\iota\!\!$-} = (p_l+\gamma p_r)/(q_l+\gamma q_r)\), where \(\gamma\) is the golden mean, \(\gamma = (1 + \sqrt 5 ) / 2 \). More...
integer, dimension(0:mnvol) inputlist::qr = 0
 "inside" interface rotational-transform is \(\mbox{$\,\iota\!\!$-} = (p_l+\gamma p_r)/(q_l+\gamma q_r)\), where \(\gamma\) is the golden mean, \(\gamma = (1 + \sqrt 5 ) / 2 \). More...
real, dimension(0:mnvol) inputlist::iota = 0.0
 rotational-transform, \(\mbox{$\,\iota\!\!$-}\), on inner side of each interface More...
integer, dimension(0:mnvol) inputlist::lp = 0
 "outer" interface rotational-transform is \(\mbox{$\,\iota\!\!$-} = (p_l+\gamma p_r)/(q_l+\gamma q_r)\), where \(\gamma\) is the golden mean, \(\gamma = (1 + \sqrt 5 ) / 2\). More...
integer, dimension(0:mnvol) inputlist::lq = 0
 "outer" interface rotational-transform is \(\mbox{$\,\iota\!\!$-} = (p_l+\gamma p_r)/(q_l+\gamma q_r)\), where \(\gamma\) is the golden mean, \(\gamma = (1 + \sqrt 5 ) / 2\). More...
integer, dimension(0:mnvol) inputlist::rp = 0
 "outer" interface rotational-transform is \(\mbox{$\,\iota\!\!$-} = (p_l+\gamma p_r)/(q_l+\gamma q_r)\), where \(\gamma\) is the golden mean, \(\gamma = (1 + \sqrt 5 ) / 2\). More...
integer, dimension(0:mnvol) inputlist::rq = 0
 "outer" interface rotational-transform is \(\mbox{$\,\iota\!\!$-} = (p_l+\gamma p_r)/(q_l+\gamma q_r)\), where \(\gamma\) is the golden mean, \(\gamma = (1 + \sqrt 5 ) / 2\). More...
real, dimension(0:mnvol) inputlist::oita = 0.0
 rotational-transform, \(\mbox{$\,\iota\!\!$-}\), on outer side of each interface More...
real inputlist::mupftol = 1.0e-14
 accuracy to which \(\mu\) and \(\Delta\psi_p\) are required More...
integer inputlist::mupfits = 8
 an upper limit on the transform/helicity constraint iterations; More...
real inputlist::rpol = 1.0
 poloidal extent of slab (effective radius) More...
real inputlist::rtor = 1.0
 toroidal extent of slab (effective radius) More...
integer inputlist::lreflect = 0
 =1 reflect the upper and lower bound in slab, =0 do not reflect
real, dimension( 0:mntor) inputlist::rac = 0.0
 stellarator symmetric coordinate axis;
real, dimension( 0:mntor) inputlist::zas = 0.0
 stellarator symmetric coordinate axis;
real, dimension( 0:mntor) inputlist::ras = 0.0
 non-stellarator symmetric coordinate axis;
real, dimension( 0:mntor) inputlist::zac = 0.0
 non-stellarator symmetric coordinate axis;
real, dimension(-mntor:mntor,-mmpol:mmpol) inputlist::rbc = 0.0
 stellarator symmetric boundary components;
real, dimension(-mntor:mntor,-mmpol:mmpol) inputlist::zbs = 0.0
 stellarator symmetric boundary components;
real, dimension(-mntor:mntor,-mmpol:mmpol) inputlist::rbs = 0.0
 non-stellarator symmetric boundary components;
real, dimension(-mntor:mntor,-mmpol:mmpol) inputlist::zbc = 0.0
 non-stellarator symmetric boundary components;
real, dimension(-mntor:mntor,-mmpol:mmpol) inputlist::rwc = 0.0
 stellarator symmetric boundary components of wall;
real, dimension(-mntor:mntor,-mmpol:mmpol) inputlist::zws = 0.0
 stellarator symmetric boundary components of wall;
real, dimension(-mntor:mntor,-mmpol:mmpol) inputlist::rws = 0.0
 non-stellarator symmetric boundary components of wall;
real, dimension(-mntor:mntor,-mmpol:mmpol) inputlist::zwc = 0.0
 non-stellarator symmetric boundary components of wall;
real, dimension(-mntor:mntor,-mmpol:mmpol) inputlist::vns = 0.0
 stellarator symmetric normal field at boundary; vacuum component;
real, dimension(-mntor:mntor,-mmpol:mmpol) inputlist::bns = 0.0
 stellarator symmetric normal field at boundary; plasma component;
real, dimension(-mntor:mntor,-mmpol:mmpol) inputlist::vnc = 0.0
 non-stellarator symmetric normal field at boundary; vacuum component;
real, dimension(-mntor:mntor,-mmpol:mmpol) inputlist::bnc = 0.0
 non-stellarator symmetric normal field at boundary; plasma component;
integer inputlist::linitialize = 0
 Used to initialize geometry using a regularization / extrapolation method. More...
integer inputlist::lautoinitbn = 1
 Used to initialize \(B_{ns}\) using an initial fixed-boundary calculation. More...
integer inputlist::lzerovac = 0
 Used to adjust vacuum field to cancel plasma field on computational boundary. More...
integer inputlist::ndiscrete = 2
 resolution of the real space grid on which fast Fourier transforms are performed is given by Ndiscrete*Mpol*4 More...
integer inputlist::nquad = -1
 Resolution of the Gaussian quadrature. More...
integer inputlist::impol = -4
 Fourier resolution of straight-fieldline angle on interfaces. More...
integer inputlist::intor = -4
 Fourier resolution of straight-fieldline angle on interfaces;. More...
integer inputlist::lsparse = 0
 controls method used to solve for rotational-transform on interfaces More...
integer inputlist::lsvdiota = 0
 controls method used to solve for rotational-transform on interfaces; only relevant if Lsparse = 0 More...
integer inputlist::imethod = 3
 controls iterative solution to sparse matrix arising in real-space transformation to the straight-fieldline angle; only relevant if Lsparse.eq.2; More...
integer inputlist::iorder = 2
 controls real-space grid resolution for constructing the straight-fieldline angle; only relevant if Lsparse>0 More...
integer inputlist::iprecon = 0
 controls iterative solution to sparse matrix arising in real-space transformation to the straight-fieldline angle; only relevant if Lsparse.eq.2; More...
real inputlist::iotatol = -1.0
 tolerance required for iterative construction of straight-fieldline angle; only relevant if Lsparse.ge.2
integer inputlist::lextrap = 0
 geometry of innermost interface is defined by extrapolation
integer inputlist::mregular = -1
 maximum regularization factor More...
integer inputlist::lrzaxis = 1
 controls the guess of geometry axis in the innermost volume or initialization of interfaces More...
integer inputlist::ntoraxis = 3
 the number of \(n\) harmonics used in the Jacobian \(m=1\) harmonic elimination method; only relevant if Lrzaxis.ge.1 .
integer inputlist::lbeltrami = 4
 Control flag for solution of Beltrami equation. More...
integer inputlist::linitgues = 1
 controls how initial guess for Beltrami field is constructed More...
integer inputlist::lposdef = 0
real inputlist::maxrndgues = 1.0
 the maximum random number of the Beltrami field if Linitgues = 3
integer inputlist::lmatsolver = 3
 1 for LU factorization, 2 for GMRES, 3 for GMRES matrix-free
integer inputlist::nitergmres = 200
 number of max iteration for GMRES
real inputlist::epsgmres = 1e-14
 the precision of GMRES
integer inputlist::lgmresprec = 1
 type of preconditioner for GMRES, 1 for ILU sparse matrix
real inputlist::epsilu = 1e-12
 the precision of incomplete LU factorization for preconditioning
integer inputlist::lfindzero = 0
 use Newton methods to find zero of force-balance, which is computed by dforce() More...
real inputlist::escale = 0.0
 controls the weight factor, BBweight, in the force-imbalance harmonics More...
real inputlist::opsilon = 1.0
 weighting of force-imbalance More...
real inputlist::pcondense = 2.0
 spectral condensation parameter More...
real inputlist::epsilon = 0.0
 weighting of spectral-width constraint More...
real inputlist::wpoloidal = 1.0
 "star-like" poloidal angle constraint radial exponential factor used in preset() to construct sweight
real inputlist::upsilon = 1.0
 weighting of "star-like" poloidal angle constraint used in preset() to construct sweight
real inputlist::forcetol = 1.0e-10
 required tolerance in force-balance error; only used as an initial check More...
real inputlist::c05xmax = 1.0e-06
 required tolerance in position, \({\bf x} \equiv \{ R_{i,v}, Z_{i,v}\}\)
real inputlist::c05xtol = 1.0e-12
 required tolerance in position, \({\bf x} \equiv \{ R_{i,v}, Z_{i,v}\}\) More...
real inputlist::c05factor = 1.0e-02
 used to control initial step size in C05NDF and C05PDF More...
logical inputlist::lreadgf = .true.
 read \(\nabla_{\bf x} {\bf F}\) from file ext.GF More...
integer inputlist::mfreeits = 0
 maximum allowed free-boundary iterations More...
real inputlist::bnstol = 1.0e-06
real inputlist::bnsblend = 0.666
real inputlist::gbntol = 1.0e-06
 required tolerance in free-boundary iterations More...
real inputlist::gbnbld = 0.666
 normal blend More...
real inputlist::vcasingeps = 1.e-12
 regularization of Biot-Savart; see bnorml(), casing()
real inputlist::vcasingtol = 1.e-08
 accuracy on virtual casing integral; see bnorml(), casing()
integer inputlist::vcasingits = 8
 minimum number of calls to adaptive virtual casing routine; see casing()
integer inputlist::vcasingper = 1
 periods of integragion in adaptive virtual casing routine; see casing()
integer inputlist::mcasingcal = 8
 minimum number of calls to adaptive virtual casing routine; see casing(); redundant;
real inputlist::odetol = 1.0e-07
 o.d.e. integration tolerance for all field line tracing routines
real inputlist::absreq = 1.0e-08
real inputlist::relreq = 1.0e-08
real inputlist::absacc = 1.0e-04
real inputlist::epsr = 1.0e-08
integer inputlist::nppts = 0
 number of toroidal transits used (per trajectory) in following field lines for constructing PoincarĂ© plots; if nPpts<1, no PoincarĂ© plot is constructed;
real inputlist::ppts = 0.0
 stands for Poincare plot theta start. Chose at which angle (normalized over \(\pi\)) the Poincare field-line tracing start.
integer, dimension(1:mnvol+1) inputlist::nptrj = -1
 number of trajectories in each annulus to be followed in constructing PoincarĂ© plot More...
logical inputlist::lhevalues = .false.
 to compute eigenvalues of \(\nabla {\bf F}\)
logical inputlist::lhevectors = .false.
 to compute eigenvectors (and also eigenvalues) of \(\nabla {\bf F}\)
logical inputlist::lhmatrix = .false.
 to compute and write to file the elements of \(\nabla {\bf F}\)
integer inputlist::lperturbed = 0
 to compute linear, perturbed equilibrium
integer inputlist::dpp = -1
 perturbed harmonic
integer inputlist::dqq = -1
 perturbed harmonic
integer inputlist::lerrortype = 0
 the type of error output for Lcheck=1
integer inputlist::ngrid = -1
 the number of points to output in the grid, -1 for Lrad(vvol)
real inputlist::drz = 1E-5
 difference in geometry for finite difference estimate (debug only)
integer inputlist::lcheck = 0
 implement various checks More...
logical inputlist::ltiming = .false.
 to check timing
logical inputlist::ltransform = .false.
 to evaluate iota and straight field line coordinates
real inputlist::fudge = 1.0e-00
real inputlist::scaling = 1.0e-00
logical inputlist::wmanual = .false.
logical inputlist::wrzaxis = .false.
logical inputlist::wpackxi = .false.
logical inputlist::wvolume = .false.
logical inputlist::wcoords = .false.
logical inputlist::wbasefn = .false.
logical inputlist::wmemory = .false.
logical inputlist::wmetrix = .false.
logical inputlist::wma00aa = .false.
logical inputlist::wmatrix = .false.
logical inputlist::wspsmat = .false.
logical inputlist::wspsint = .false.
logical inputlist::wmp00ac = .false.
logical inputlist::wma02aa = .false.
logical inputlist::wpackab = .false.
logical inputlist::wtr00ab = .false.
logical inputlist::wcurent = .false.
logical inputlist::wdf00ab = .false.
logical inputlist::wlforce = .false.
logical inputlist::wintghs = .false.
logical inputlist::wmtrxhs = .false.
logical inputlist::wlbpol = .false.
logical inputlist::wbrcast = .false.
logical inputlist::wdfp100 = .false.
logical inputlist::wdfp200 = .false.
logical inputlist::wdforce = .false.
logical inputlist::wnewton = .false.
logical inputlist::wcasing = .false.
logical inputlist::wbnorml = .false.
logical inputlist::wjo00aa = .false.
logical inputlist::wpp00aa = .false.
logical inputlist::wpp00ab = .false.
logical inputlist::wbfield = .false.
logical inputlist::wstzxyz = .false.
logical inputlist::whesian = .false.
logical inputlist::wra00aa = .false.
logical inputlist::wnumrec = .false.
logical inputlist::wdcuhre = .false.
logical inputlist::wminpack = .false.
logical inputlist::wiqpack = .false.
logical inputlist::wrksuite = .false.
logical inputlist::wi1mach = .false.
logical inputlist::wd1mach = .false.
logical inputlist::wilut = .false.
logical inputlist::witers = .false.
logical inputlist::wsphdf5 = .false.
logical inputlist::wpreset = .false.
logical inputlist::wglobal = .false.
logical inputlist::wxspech = .false.
logical inputlist::wbuild_vector_potential = .false.
logical inputlist::wreadin = .false.
 write screen output of readin()
logical inputlist::wwrtend = .false.
 write screen output of wrtend()
logical inputlist::wmacros = .false.
 write screen output from expanded macros

Detailed Description

Input namelists.