SPEC 3.20
Stepped Pressure Equilibrium Code

The namelist diagnosticslist controls post-processor diagnostics, such as Poincaré plot resolution, etc. More...

Collaboration diagram for diagnosticslist:


real inputlist::odetol = 1.0e-07
 o.d.e. integration tolerance for all field line tracing routines
real inputlist::absreq = 1.0e-08
real inputlist::relreq = 1.0e-08
real inputlist::absacc = 1.0e-04
real inputlist::epsr = 1.0e-08
integer inputlist::nppts = 0
 number of toroidal transits used (per trajectory) in following field lines for constructing Poincaré plots; if nPpts<1, no Poincaré plot is constructed;
real inputlist::ppts = 0.0
 stands for Poincare plot theta start. Chose at which angle (normalized over \(\pi\)) the Poincare field-line tracing start.
integer, dimension(1:mnvol+1) inputlist::nptrj = -1
 number of trajectories in each annulus to be followed in constructing Poincaré plot More...
logical inputlist::lhevalues = .false.
 to compute eigenvalues of \(\nabla {\bf F}\)
logical inputlist::lhevectors = .false.
 to compute eigenvectors (and also eigenvalues) of \(\nabla {\bf F}\)
logical inputlist::lhmatrix = .false.
 to compute and write to file the elements of \(\nabla {\bf F}\)
integer inputlist::lperturbed = 0
 to compute linear, perturbed equilibrium
integer inputlist::dpp = -1
 perturbed harmonic
integer inputlist::dqq = -1
 perturbed harmonic
integer inputlist::lerrortype = 0
 the type of error output for Lcheck=1
integer inputlist::ngrid = -1
 the number of points to output in the grid, -1 for Lrad(vvol)
real inputlist::drz = 1E-5
 difference in geometry for finite difference estimate (debug only)
integer inputlist::lcheck = 0
 implement various checks More...
logical inputlist::ltiming = .false.
 to check timing
logical inputlist::ltransform = .false.
 to evaluate iota and straight field line coordinates
real inputlist::fudge = 1.0e-00
real inputlist::scaling = 1.0e-00

Detailed Description

The namelist diagnosticslist controls post-processor diagnostics, such as Poincaré plot resolution, etc.

Variable Documentation

◆ nptrj

integer, dimension(1:mnvol+1) inputlist::nptrj = -1

number of trajectories in each annulus to be followed in constructing Poincaré plot

  • if nPtrj(l)<0, then nPtrj(l) = Ni(l), where Ni(l) is the grid resolution used to construct the Beltrami field in volume \(l\)

Referenced by allglobal::broadcast_inputs(), final_diagnostics(), sphdf5::mirror_input_to_outfile(), pp00aa(), spec(), and allglobal::wrtend().

◆ lcheck

integer inputlist::lcheck = 0

implement various checks

  • if Lcheck = 0, no additional check on the calculation is performed
  • if Lcheck = 1, the error in the current, i.e. \(\nabla\times{\bf B}-\mu{\bf B}\) is computed as a post-diagnostic
  • if Lcheck = 2, the analytic derivatives of the interface transform w.r.t. the helicity multiplier, \(\mu\), and the enclosed poloidal flux, \(\Delta\psi_p\), are compared to a finite-difference estimate
    • only if Lconstraint==1
    • only for dspec executable, i.e. must compile with DFLAGS = "-D DEBUG"
  • if Lcheck = 3, the analytic derivatives of the volume w.r.t. interface Fourier harmonic is compared to a finite-difference estimate
    • must set Lfindzero \( = 2\)
    • set forcetol sufficiently small and set LreadGF = F, so that the matrix of second derivatives is calculated
    • only for dspec executable, i.e. must compile with DFLAGS = "-D DEBUG"
  • if Lcheck = 4, the analytic calculation of the derivatives of the magnetic field, \(B^2\), at the interfaces is compared to a finite-difference estimate
    • must set Lfindzero \( = 2\)
    • set forcetol sufficiently small
    • set LreadGF=F
    • only for dspec executable, i.e. must compile with DFLAGS = "-D DEBUG"
  • if Lcheck = 5, the analytic calculation of the matrix of the derivatives of the force imbalance is compared to a finite-difference estimate
  • if Lcheck = 6, the virtual casing calculation is compared to xdiagno (Lazerson 2013 [7])
    • the input file for xdiagno is written by bnorml()
    • this provides the Cartesian coordinates on the computational boundary where the virtual casing routine casing() computes the magnetic field, with the values of the magnetic field being written to the screen for comparison
    • must set Freebound=1, Lfindzero>0, mfreeits!=0
    • xdiagno must be executed manually

Referenced by bnorml(), allglobal::broadcast_inputs(), allglobal::check_inputs(), dforce(), dfp200(), evaluate_dbb(), evaluate_dmupfdx(), fcn1(), fcn2(), final_diagnostics(), sphdf5::hdfint(), hesian(), lforce(), ma02aa(), sphdf5::mirror_input_to_outfile(), newton(), preset(), rzaxis(), spec(), and allglobal::wrtend().