State-of-the-art stellarator optimization code


The TORLINES code is a field line following code which follows magnetic field lines on a grid concentric with a VMEC equilibrium. The code has facilities to allow field lines to be followed or EMC3 grid data output.


The TORLINES code follows field lines on a background grid concentric with a given equilibrium (VMEC). In the domain of the equilibrium the magnetic field is supplied on a radial, poloidal and toroidal grid. Outside the equilibrium domain a concentric grid is constructed using similar routines to those found in the BNORM code. This allows the field lines to be followed on a more natural grid. The magnetic field is represented in terms of radial, poloidal and toroidal components.

The field line following is achieved using a common simplification allowing the elimination of time in favor of toroidal angle. The ODE's the code solves are math \frac{\partial \rho}{\partial \phi} = R\frac{B_\rho}{B_\phi} math and math \frac{\partial \theta}{\partial \phi} = R\frac{B_\theta}{B_\phi} math The resulting ODE is solved with a user determined step-size and accuracy. The available ODE packages are: LSODE, and NAG D02CJF(requires license). The calculation of field line trajectories is parallelized over each field line. Thus each processor can follow each field line independently to speed computation.

The code assembles fields from various sources. The vacuum component of the field can be calculated directly from a coils file or an mgrid file. In the later case the TORLINES grid must fall within the domain of the mgrid file. The plasma field inside the equilibria domain is placed directly on the background grid. The plasma response external to the equilibria is calculated using a virtual casing principle. In order to maintain accuracy near the surface of the plasma, the virtual casing principle employs an adaptive integration scheme over the surface current. This scheme is either handled by NAG D01EAF (if available), or the DCUHRE algorithm<ref>J. Berntsen, T. O. Espelid and A. Genz, Trans. Math. Softw. 17 (1991), pp. 437-451.</ref> . The grids are treated in vector fashion allowing an fast scaleable parallel execution over the vacuum region.


TORLINES is a component of the STELLOPT suite of codes. Compilation of the STELLOPT suite is discussed on the STELLOPT Compilation Page. To obtain the code please contact the author Samuel A. Lazerson (

Input Data Format

The TORLINES code is controlled through command line inputs and an input namelist which should be placed in the input.ext file. While the entire VMEC input name is not required the EXTCUR array is required. The name lists should look like:

 ! VMEC input namelist (only need coil currents for usual runs)
 EXTCUR(1) = 10000.00
 EXTCUR(2) = 10000.00
 EXTCUR(3) = 12000.00
 EXTCUR(4) = 12000.00
 EXTCUR(5) = 6000.00
 K = 64      ! Number of radial gridpoints to use
 NU = 64   ! Number of poloidal gridpoints
 NV = 64   ! Number of toroidal gridpoints (per period)
 NPOINC = 60  ! How many times per field period to output a fieldline (for EMC3 stuff this is irrelevant)
 NU_VC = 128  ! Number of poloidal points for virtual casing (minimum of 4*(MPOL-1) )
 NV_VC = 128  ! Number of toroidal points for virtual casing (minimum of 4*NTOR)
 LVC_FIELD = T ! Use virtual casing (T: Virtual Casing, F: Volume Integration)
 VC_ADAPT_TOL = 1.0E-3 ! Tollerance for virtual casing
 FOLLOW_TOL = 1.0E-9 ! Field line following tollerance
 INT_TYPE = 'LSODE'  ! Integrator type (LSODE,NAG)
 BOUND_SEPARATION = 1.3 ! How much to scale up the boundary
 NZONE_EMC3 = 12 ! Number of toroidal zones (-emc3 option)
 NPOLO_EMC3 = 361 ! Number of poloidal grid points (-emc3 option)
 NTORO_EMC3 = 11 ! Number of toroidal grid points (-emc3 option)
 S0_EMC3 = 0.35 ! Inner plasma boundary for EMC3 (-emc3 option, in TORLINES coordinates)
 S1_EMC3 = 0.85 ! Outer plasma boundary for EMC3 (-emc3 option, in TORLINES coordinates)


The TORLINES code is controlled through a combination of command-line inputs and an input namelist. The input namelist must be in the equilibrium input file. That file must also contain the VMEC INDATA namelist (although only the EXTCUR array will be used). The TORLINES code is run from the command line taking an equilibrium input file as a necessary argument. This input file must have the INDATA (for EXTCUR) and TORLINES_INPUT namelists in it.

XTORLINES -vmec <VMEC FILE> -coil <COIL FILE> -mgrid <MGRID FILE> -vessel <VESSEL FILE> -emc3 -auto -raw -noverb -help

|| Argument || Default || Description || || -vmec || NONE || VMEC input extension || || -coil || NONE || Coils File || || -mgrid || NONE || Makegrid style vacuum grid file || || -vessel || NONE || First wall file || || -auto || NONE || Auto calculate axis and edge maximum resolution || || -noverb || NONE || Suppresses screen output || || -emc3 || NONE || Outputs the B-Field on the cylindrical grid only. || || -raw || NONE || Treats EXTCUR array as raw values (EXTCUR is a scale factor applied to what's in the coils file). || || -help || NONE || Print help message || In it's simplest invokation the code requires a VMEC input and wout file.

>mpirun -np 64 ~/bin/xtorlines -vmec ncsx_c09r00_free -coil coils.c09r00 -auto
TORLINES Version 1.00
 -----TORLINES File Parameters-----
          k:  70
         nu:  90   nv:  60
  bound_sep:    1.200
 -----VMEC File Parameters-----
    file: ncsx_c09r00_free
       m:  11   nu:  90
       n:   6   nv:  60
   mnmax:  137
     nfp:   3
      ns:  99
   Total Current: -178.653 [kA]
----- Vacuum Grid Info. -----
       Eq. Surface:     59
       Grid Points:  59400
----- COILS Information -----
   FILE: coils.c09r00
   Coil Periodicity:   3
   Current Systems:  10
   Current Type:      SCALED
   Num Coils  =    6  EXTCUR =  652.272 [kA]
   Num Coils  =    6  EXTCUR =  651.869 [kA]
   Num Coils  =    6  EXTCUR =  537.744 [kA]
   Num Coils  =    8  EXTCUR =    0.000 [A]
   Num Coils  =    8  EXTCUR =    0.000 [A]
   Num Coils  =    8  EXTCUR =   28.095 [kA]
   Num Coils  =   12  EXTCUR =  -54.805 [kA]
   Num Coils  =    4  EXTCUR =   30.123 [kA]
   Num Coils  =    2  EXTCUR =   94.241 [kA]
   Num Coils  =   18  EXTCUR =   45.514 [kA]
     Vacuum Field Calculation [ 99]%
----- Virtual Casing Information -----
   INTEGRAL TYPE: Surface Current
   MIN_GRID_DISTANCE =  6.0493E-02
   NORMAL_AREA =  2.4595E+01
   NR =    1;   NU =  128;  NV =  128;  NFP =   3
   NUVP =  49152
   ABS_TOL =  0.0000E+00;   REL_TOL =  5.0000E-03
   MIN_CLS =      0   (16777216)
     Plasma Field Calculation [ 99]%
---------- EXECUTION ----------
----     Rough GRID     ----
   rho   = [ 0.00000, 1.00000];
      Method: NAG
       Lines:    201
       Steps:  180000   Delta-phi: 0.3491E-01
         Tol: 0.1000E-08  Type: M
     Fieldline Calculation [ 75]%
----     Edge GRID     ----
   rho   = [ 0.78824, 1.00000];
      Method: NAG
       Lines:    201
       Steps:  180000   Delta-phi: 0.3491E-01
         Tol: 0.1000E-08  Type: M
     Fieldline Calculation [ 75]%
----     Final GRID     ----
   rho   = [ 0.00000, 1.00000];
      Method: NAG
       Lines:    201
       Steps:  180000   Delta-phi: 0.3491E-01
         Tol: 0.1000E-08  Type: M
     Fieldline Calculation [ 83]%
---------- TORLINES DONE ----------

Output Data Format

Data is output in HDF5 format (where available). In the torlines_ext.h5 file the background grid, magnetic field, and field line trajectories can be found. Field line trajectories are output in terms of R,phi,Z coordinates for ease of plotting in real space.


The data can be visualized in many ways. The Poincare points are stored as arrays of each trajectory and NPOINC cross sections per field period.
