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SPEC 3.20
Stepped Pressure Equilibrium Code
Functions/Subroutines | |
subroutine | coords (lvol, lss, Lcurvature, Ntz, mn) |
Calculates coordinates, \({\bf x}(s,\theta,\zeta) \equiv R \, {\bf e}_R + Z \, {\bf e}_Z\), and metrics, using FFTs. More... | |
subroutine coords | ( | integer, intent(in) | lvol, |
real, intent(in) | lss, | ||
integer, intent(in), value | Lcurvature, | ||
integer, intent(in) | Ntz, | ||
integer, intent(in) | mn | ||
) |
Calculates coordinates, \({\bf x}(s,\theta,\zeta) \equiv R \, {\bf e}_R + Z \, {\bf e}_Z\), and metrics, using FFTs.
The geometry of the "ideal"-interfaces, \({\bf x}_v(\theta,\zeta)\), is given by \(R(\theta,\zeta)\) and \(Z(\theta,\zeta)\) as follows:
: Cartesian \begin{eqnarray} {\bf x} & \equiv & r_{pol}\theta \; {\bf \hat i} + r_{tor}\zeta \; {\bf \hat j}+ R \; {\bf \hat k} \end{eqnarray}
where \(r_{pol}\) and \(r_{tor}\) are inputs and \(r_{pol}=r_{tor}=1\) by default.Igeometry=2
: Cylindrical \begin{eqnarray} {\bf x} & = & R \; \cos\theta \; {\bf \hat i} + R \; \sin\theta \; {\bf \hat j} + \zeta \; {\bf \hat k} \end{eqnarray}
: Toroidal \begin{eqnarray} {\bf x} & \equiv & R \; {\bf \hat r} + Z \; {\bf \hat k} \end{eqnarray}
where \({\bf \hat r} \equiv \cos \phi \; {\bf \hat i} + \sin \phi \; {\bf \hat j}\) and \({\bf \hat \phi} \equiv - \sin \phi \; {\bf \hat i} + \cos \phi \; {\bf \hat j}\).The geometry of the ideal interfaces is given as Fourier summation: e.g., for stellarator-symmetry
\begin{eqnarray} R_v(\theta,\zeta) & \equiv & \sum_j R_{j,v} \cos\alpha_j, \\ Z_v(\theta,\zeta) & \equiv & \sum_j Z_{j,v} \sin\alpha_j, \end{eqnarray}
where \(\alpha_j \equiv m_j \theta - n_j \zeta\).
interpolation between interfaces
\begin{eqnarray} \begin{array}{cccccccccccccccccccccccccccc} R(s,\theta,\zeta) & \equiv & \displaystyle \sum_j & \displaystyle \left[ \; \frac{(1-s)}{2} \; R_{j,v-1} + \frac{(1+s)}{2} \; R_{j,v}\; \right] \; \cos\alpha_j,\\ Z(s,\theta,\zeta) & \equiv & \displaystyle \sum_j & \displaystyle \left[ \; \frac{(1-s)}{2} \; Z_{j,v-1} + \frac{(1+s)}{2} \; Z_{j,v}\; \right] \; \sin\alpha_j, \end{array} \end{eqnarray}
coordinate singularity: regularized extrapolation
\begin{eqnarray} R_{j}(s) & = & R_{j,0} + (R_{j,1} - R_{j,0} ) f_j, \\ Z_{j}(s) & = & Z_{j,0} + (Z_{j,1} - Z_{j,0} ) f_j, \end{eqnarray}
where, in toroidal geometry,\begin{eqnarray} f_j \equiv \left\{ \begin{array}{llcccccccccccccc} \bar s & , & \mbox{ for } m_j=0, \\ \bar s^{m_j} & , & \mbox{ otherwise.} \end{array}\right\}. \end{eqnarray}
The coordinate Jacobian (and some other metric information) is given by
: Cartesian \begin{eqnarray} {\bf e}_\theta \times {\bf e}_\zeta & = & -r_{tor}R_\theta \; \hat {\bf i} - r_{pol}R_\zeta \; \hat {\bf j} + r_{pol}r_{tor}\hat {\bf k} \\ \boldsymbol{\xi} \cdot {\bf e}_\theta \times {\bf e}_\zeta & = & \delta R \\ \sqrt g & = & R_s \ r_{pol} \ r_{tor} \end{eqnarray}
: Cylindrical \begin{eqnarray} {\bf e}_\theta \times {\bf e}_\zeta & = & (R_\theta \sin \theta + R \cos\theta ) \; {\bf \hat i} + (R \sin \theta - R_\theta \cos\theta ) \; {\bf \hat j} - R R_\zeta \; {\bf \hat k} \\ \boldsymbol{\xi}\cdot {\bf e}_\theta \times {\bf e}_\zeta & = & \delta R \; R \\ \sqrt g & = & R_s \; R \end{eqnarray}
: Toroidal \begin{eqnarray} {\bf e}_\theta \times {\bf e}_\zeta & = & - R \, Z_\theta \, \hat r + (Z_\theta \,R_\zeta - R_\theta \,Z_\zeta) \hat \phi + R \,R_\theta \,\hat z\\ \boldsymbol{\xi}\cdot {\bf e}_\theta \times {\bf e}_\zeta & = & R ( \delta Z \; R_\theta - \delta R \; Z_\theta ) \\ \sqrt g & = & R ( Z_s \; R_\theta - R_s \; Z_\theta ) \end{eqnarray}
cartesian metrics
The cartesian metrics are
\begin{eqnarray} \begin{array}{cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc} g_{s s } = R_s R_s ,& g_{s \theta} = R_s R_\theta ,& g_{s \zeta } = R_s R_\zeta ,& g_{\theta\theta} = R_\theta R_\theta + r_{pol}^2 ,& g_{\theta\zeta } = R_\theta R_\zeta ,& g_{\zeta \zeta } = R_\zeta R_\zeta + r_{tor}^2 \end{array} \end{eqnarray}
cylindrical metrics
The cylindrical metrics are
\begin{eqnarray} \begin{array}{cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc} g_{s s } = R_s R_s ,& g_{s \theta} = R_s R_\theta ,& g_{s \zeta } = R_s R_\zeta ,& g_{\theta\theta} = R_\theta R_\theta + R^2 ,& g_{\theta\zeta } = R_\theta R_\zeta ,& g_{\zeta \zeta } = R_\zeta R_\zeta + 1 \end{array} \end{eqnarray}
logical control
as follows: Lcurvature=0
: only the coordinate transformation is computed, i.e. only \(R\) and \(Z\) are calculated, e.g. global() Lcurvature=1
: the Jacobian, \(\sqrt g \), and "lower" metrics, \(g_{\mu,\nu}\), are calculated , e.g. bnorml(), lforce(), curent(), metrix(), sc00aa() Lcurvature=2
: the "curvature" terms are calculated, by which I mean the second derivatives of the position vector; this information is required for computing the current, \({\bf j}=\nabla\times\nabla\times{\bf A}\), e.g. jo00aa() Lcurvature=3
: the derivative of the \(g_{\mu,\nu}/\sqrt g\) w.r.t. the interface boundary geometry is calculated, e.g. metrix(), curent() Lcurvature=4
: the derivative of the \(g_{\mu,\nu}\) w.r.t. the interface boundary geometry is calculated, e.g. dforce() Lcurvature=5
: the derivative of \(\sqrt{g}\) w.r.t. the interface boundary geometry is calculated, e.g. rzaxis() [in] | lvol | specified in which volume to compute coordinates |
[in] | lss | radial coordinate \(s\) |
[in] | Lcurvature | logical control flag |
[in] | Ntz | number of points in \(\theta\) and \(\zeta\) |
[in] | mn | number of Fourier harmonics |
References coords(), allglobal::cosi, allglobal::cpus, allglobal::dbdx, allglobal::drodr, allglobal::drodz, allglobal::dzodr, allglobal::dzodz, allglobal::guvij, constants::half, allglobal::halfmm, inputlist::igeometry, allglobal::im, allglobal::in, allglobal::irbc, allglobal::irbs, allglobal::izbc, allglobal::izbs, allglobal::lcoordinatesingularity, allglobal::mpi_comm_spec, allglobal::mvol, allglobal::myid, allglobal::notstellsym, allglobal::nt, inputlist::ntor, allglobal::nz, constants::one, fileunits::ounit, constants::pi2, allglobal::pi2nfp, allglobal::rij, inputlist::rpol, inputlist::rtor, allglobal::sg, allglobal::sini, numerical::small, constants::two, volume(), numerical::vsmall, inputlist::zbc, inputlist::zbs, constants::zero, and allglobal::zij.
Referenced by compute_guvijsave(), coords(), curent(), jo00aa(), lforce(), preset(), rzaxis(), volume(), and sphdf5::write_grid().