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SPEC 3.20
Stepped Pressure Equilibrium Code
Main program. More...
Functions/Subroutines | |
program | spec_main |
Main program of SPEC. More... | |
subroutine | xspech |
Main subroutine of SPEC. More... | |
subroutine | read_command_args |
Read command-line arguments; in particular, determine input file (name or extension). More... | |
subroutine | spec |
This is the main "driver" for the physics part of SPEC. More... | |
subroutine | final_diagnostics |
Final diagnostics. More... | |
subroutine | ending |
Closes output files, writes screen summary. | |
Main program.
program spec_main |
Main program of SPEC.
This only calls the xpech() subroutine to do a stand-alone SPEC run.
References xspech().
subroutine xspech |
Main subroutine of SPEC.
This orchestrates a stand-alone SPEC run:
reading input, allocating global variables
. preparing output file group iterations
is created in the output file. This group contains the interface geometry at each iteration, which is useful for constructing movies illustrating the convergence. The data structure in use is an unlimited array of the following compound datatype: restart files
References allglobal::broadcast_inputs(), allglobal::check_inputs(), allglobal::cpus, ending(), final_diagnostics(), sphdf5::finish_outfile(), sphdf5::hdfint(), sphdf5::init_convergence_output(), sphdf5::init_outfile(), numerical::machprec, sphdf5::mirror_input_to_outfile(), allglobal::mpi_comm_spec, allglobal::myid, allglobal::ncpu, fileunits::ounit, preset(), read_command_args(), numerical::small, spec(), numerical::vsmall, sphdf5::write_grid(), allglobal::wrtend(), and xspech().
Referenced by final_diagnostics(), spec(), spec_main(), and xspech().
subroutine read_command_args |
Read command-line arguments; in particular, determine input file (name or extension).
, is given as the first command line input, and the input file itself is then ext.sp
. ext.sp
. xspec
-i . xspec
-h . -readin
will immediately set Wreadin=T
; this may be over-ruled when the namelist screenlist
is read References allglobal::cpus, allglobal::mpi_comm_spec, allglobal::myid, fileunits::ounit, and inputlist::wreadin.
Referenced by xspech().
subroutine spec |
This is the main "driver" for the physics part of SPEC.
Picard iterations are performed (if in free-boundary mode) and within each Picard iteration, the fixed-boundary problem is solved (also iteratively).
packing geometrical degrees-of-freedom into vector
, where NGdof
counts the geometrical degrees-of-freedom, i.e. the \(R_{bc}\), \(Z_{bs}\), etc., then packxi() is called to "pack" the geometrical degrees-of-freedom into position(0:NGdof)
. initialize adiabatic constants
, then the "adiabatic constants" in each region, \(P_v\), are calculated as \begin{eqnarray} P_v \equiv p_v V_v^\gamma, \label{eq:adiabatic_xspech} \end{eqnarray}
where \(p_v\equiv\,\)pressure(vvol)
, the volume \(V_v\) of each region is computed by volume() , and the adiabatic index \(\gamma\equiv\,\)gamma
. solving force-balance
, then
post diagnostics
.or. LHevalues
.or. LHevectors
.or. Lperturbed.eq.1
, then the force-gradient matrix is examined using hesian() . free-boundary: re-computing normal field
and Lfindzero.gt.0
and mfreeits.ne.0
, then the magnetic field at the computational boundary produced by the plasma currents is computed using bnorml() . \begin{eqnarray} \texttt{Bns}_i^{j} = \lambda \, \texttt{Bns}_i^{j-1} + (1-\lambda) \texttt{Bns}_i, \label{eq:blending_xspech} \end{eqnarray}
where \(j\) labels free-boundary iterations, the "blending parameter" is \(\lambda\equiv\,\)gBnbld
, and Bns
\(_i\) is computed by virtual casing. The subscript "$i$" labels Fourier harmonics. gBntol
, then the free-boundary iterations continue. This is quantified by \begin{eqnarray} \sum_i | \texttt{Bns}_i^{j-1} - \texttt{Bns}_i | / N, \label{eq:gBntol_xspech} \end{eqnarray}
where \(N\) is the total number of Fourier harmonics.mfreeits=-2
: the vacuum magnetic field (really, the normal component of the field produced by the external currents at the computational boundary) required to hold the given equlibrium is written to file. This information is required as input by FOCUS [19] for example. (This option probably needs to revised.) mfreeits=-1
: after the plasma field is computed by virtual casing, the vacuum magnetic field is set to exactly balance the plasma field (again, we are really talking about the normal component at the computational boundary.) This will ensure that the computational boundary itself if a flux surface of the total magnetic field. mfreeits=0
: the plasma field at the computational boundary is not updated; no "free-boundary" iterations take place. mfreeits>0
: the plasma field at the computational boundary is updated according to the above blending Eqn. \((\ref{eq:blending_xspech})\), and the free-boundary iterations will continue until either the tolerance condition is met (see gBntol
and Eqn. \((\ref{eq:gBntol_xspech})\)) or the maximum number of free-boundary iterations, namely mfreeits
, is reached. For this case, Lzerovac
is relevant: if Lzerovac=1
, then the vacuum field is set equal to the normal field at every iteration, which results in the computational boundary being a flux surface. (I am not sure if this is identical to setting mfreeits=-1
; the logic etc. needs to be revised.) output files: vector potential
References inputlist::adiabatic, allglobal::ate, allglobal::ato, allglobal::aze, allglobal::azo, allglobal::bbe, allglobal::bbo, allglobal::beltramierror, bnorml(), allglobal::bnserr, allglobal::cfmn, allglobal::cpus, dforce(), allglobal::dma, allglobal::dmb, allglobal::dmd, allglobal::dmg, allglobal::dpflux, allglobal::dtflux, allglobal::efmn, allglobal::first_free_bound, allglobal::forceerr, inputlist::gamma, inputlist::gbnbld, inputlist::gbntol, inputlist::helicity, hesian(), allglobal::ibnc, allglobal::ibns, inputlist::igeometry, allglobal::iie, allglobal::iio, allglobal::im, allglobal::imagneticok, allglobal::in, allglobal::irbc, allglobal::irbs, inputlist::isurf, allglobal::ivnc, allglobal::ivns, inputlist::ivolume, allglobal::izbc, allglobal::izbs, inputlist::ladiabatic, inputlist::lautoinitbn, inputlist::lcheck, inputlist::lconstraint, allglobal::lcoordinatesingularity, inputlist::lfindzero, inputlist::lfreebound, allglobal::lgdof, inputlist::lhevalues, inputlist::lhevectors, inputlist::lhmatrix, numerical::logtolerance, inputlist::lperturbed, allglobal::lplasmaregion, inputlist::lrad, fileunits::lunit, allglobal::lvacuumregion, inputlist::lzerovac, allglobal::mbpsi, inputlist::mfreeits, allglobal::mn, allglobal::mpi_comm_spec, inputlist::mu, constants::mu0, allglobal::mvol, allglobal::myid, allglobal::ncpu, newton(), inputlist::nfp, allglobal::nfreeboundaryiterations, allglobal::ngdof, allglobal::notstellsym, inputlist::nppts, inputlist::nptrj, allglobal::ntz, inputlist::nvol, inputlist::odetol, allglobal::ofmn, constants::one, fileunits::ounit, packxi(), inputlist::pflux, inputlist::phiedge, constants::pi2, inputlist::pressure, inputlist::pscale, ra00aa(), inputlist::rbc, inputlist::rbs, allglobal::sfmn, allglobal::solution, inputlist::tflux, inputlist::vcasingtol, constants::version, volume(), numerical::vsmall, allglobal::vvolume, inputlist::wmacros, allglobal::wrtend(), xspech(), allglobal::yesstellsym, inputlist::zbc, inputlist::zbs, and constants::zero.
Referenced by dforce(), sphdf5::init_outfile(), and xspech().
subroutine final_diagnostics |
Final diagnostics.
, jo00aa() is called to compute the error in the Beltrami equation References allglobal::beltramierror, brcast(), allglobal::btemn, allglobal::btomn, allglobal::bzemn, allglobal::bzomn, allglobal::cfmn, allglobal::cpus, allglobal::diotadxup, allglobal::dtflux, allglobal::efmn, inputlist::igeometry, allglobal::imagneticok, allglobal::iquad, allglobal::ismyvolume(), allglobal::ismyvolumevalue, inputlist::isurf, inputlist::ivolume, jo00aa(), inputlist::lcheck, allglobal::lcoordinatesingularity, allglobal::lmns, allglobal::lplasmaregion, inputlist::lsvdiota, inputlist::ltransform, allglobal::lvacuumregion, allglobal::mn, allglobal::mpi_comm_spec, inputlist::mu, allglobal::mvol, allglobal::myid, allglobal::ncpu, inputlist::nppts, inputlist::nptrj, allglobal::nt, allglobal::ntz, inputlist::nvol, allglobal::nz, inputlist::odetol, allglobal::ofmn, constants::one, fileunits::ounit, constants::pi2, pp00aa(), allglobal::sfmn, tr00ab(), volume(), allglobal::whichcpuid(), inputlist::wmacros, xspech(), and constants::zero.
Referenced by xspech().