SPEC 3.20
Stepped Pressure Equilibrium Code
sphdf5 Module Reference

writing the HDF5 output file More...


subroutine init_outfile
 Initialize the interface to the HDF5 library and open the output file.
subroutine mirror_input_to_outfile
 Mirror input variables into output file. More...
subroutine init_convergence_output
 Prepare convergence evolution output. More...
subroutine write_convergence_output (nDcalls, ForceErr)
 Write convergence output (evolution of interface geometry, force, etc).
subroutine write_grid
 Write the magnetic field on a grid. More...
subroutine init_flt_output (numTrajTotal)
 Initialize field line tracing output group and create array datasets. More...
subroutine write_poincare (offset, data, success)
 Write a hyperslab of Poincare data corresponding to the output of one parallel worker. More...
subroutine write_transform (offset, length, lvol, diotadxup, fiota)
 Write the rotational transform output from field line following. More...
subroutine finalize_flt_output
 Finalize Poincare output. More...
subroutine write_vector_potential (sumLrad, allAte, allAze, allAto, allAzo)
 Write the magnetic vector potential Fourier harmonics to the output file group /vector_potential . More...
subroutine hdfint
 Write the final state of the equilibrium to the output file. More...
subroutine finish_outfile
 Close all open HDF5 objects (we know of) and list any remaining still-open objects.


logical, parameter hdfdebug = .false.
 global flag to enable verbal diarrhea commenting HDF5 operations
integer, parameter internalhdf5msg = 0
 1: print internal HDF5 error messages; 0: only error messages from sphdf5
integer hdfier
 error flag for HDF5 library
integer rank
 rank of data to write using macros
integer(hid_t) file_id
 default file ID used in macros
integer(hid_t) space_id
 default dataspace ID used in macros
integer(hid_t) dset_id
 default dataset ID used in macros
integer(hsize_t), dimension(1:1) onedims
 dimension specifier for one-dimensional data used in macros
integer(hsize_t), dimension(1:2) twodims
 dimension specifier for two-dimensional data used in macros
integer(hsize_t), dimension(1:3) threedims
 dimension specifier for three-dimensional data used in macros
logical grp_exists
 flags used to signal if a group already exists
logical var_exists
 flags used to signal if a variable already exists
integer(hid_t) iteration_dset_id
 Dataset identifier for "iteration".
integer(hid_t) dataspace
 dataspace for extension by 1 iteration object
integer(hid_t) memspace
 memspace for extension by 1 iteration object
integer(hsize_t), dimension(1) old_data_dims
 current dimensions of "iterations" dataset
integer(hsize_t), dimension(1) data_dims
 new dimensions for "iterations" dataset
integer(hsize_t), dimension(1) max_dims
 maximum dimensions for "iterations" dataset
integer(hid_t) plist_id
 Property list identifier used to activate dataset transfer property.
integer(hid_t) dt_ndcalls_id
 Memory datatype identifier (for "nDcalls" dataset in "/iterations")
integer(hid_t) dt_energy_id
 Memory datatype identifier (for "Energy" dataset in "/iterations")
integer(hid_t) dt_forceerr_id
 Memory datatype identifier (for "ForceErr" dataset in "/iterations")
integer(hid_t) dt_irbc_id
 Memory datatype identifier (for "iRbc" dataset in "/iterations")
integer(hid_t) dt_izbs_id
 Memory datatype identifier (for "iZbs" dataset in "/iterations")
integer(hid_t) dt_irbs_id
 Memory datatype identifier (for "iRbs" dataset in "/iterations")
integer(hid_t) dt_izbc_id
 Memory datatype identifier (for "iZbc" dataset in "/iterations")
integer, parameter rankp =3
 rank of Poincare data
integer, parameter rankt =2
 rank of rotational transform data
integer(hid_t) grppoincare
 group for Poincare data
integer(hid_t) dset_id_t
 Dataset identifier for \(\theta\) coordinate of field line following.
integer(hid_t) dset_id_s
 Dataset identifier for \(s\) coordinate of field line following.
integer(hid_t) dset_id_r
 Dataset identifier for \(R\) coordinate of field line following.
integer(hid_t) dset_id_z
 Dataset identifier for \(Z\) coordinate of field line following.
integer(hid_t) dset_id_success
 Dataset identifier for success flag of trajectories to follow.
integer(hid_t) filespace_t
 Dataspace identifier in file for \(\theta\) coordinate of field line following.
integer(hid_t) filespace_s
 Dataspace identifier in file for \(s\) coordinate of field line following.
integer(hid_t) filespace_r
 Dataspace identifier in file for \(R\) coordinate of field line following.
integer(hid_t) filespace_z
 Dataspace identifier in file for \(Z\) coordinate of field line following.
integer(hid_t) filespace_success
 Dataspace identifier in file for success flag of trajectories to follow.
integer(hid_t) memspace_t
 Dataspace identifier in memory for \(\theta\) coordinate of field line following.
integer(hid_t) memspace_s
 Dataspace identifier in memory for \(s\) coordinate of field line following.
integer(hid_t) memspace_r
 Dataspace identifier in memory for \(R\) coordinate of field line following.
integer(hid_t) memspace_z
 Dataspace identifier in memory for \(Z\) coordinate of field line following.
integer(hid_t) memspace_success
 Dataspace identifier in memory for success flag of trajectories to follow.
integer(hid_t) grptransform
 group for rotational transform data
integer(hid_t) dset_id_diotadxup
 Dataset identifier for diotadxup (derivative of rotational transform ?)
integer(hid_t) dset_id_fiota
 Dataset identifier for fiota ( rotational transform ?)
integer(hid_t) filespace_diotadxup
 Dataspace identifier in file for diotadxup.
integer(hid_t) filespace_fiota
 Dataspace identifier in file for fiota.
integer(hid_t) memspace_diotadxup
 Dataspace identifier in memory for diotadxup.
integer(hid_t) memspace_fiota
 Dataspace identifier in memory for fiota.
character(len=15), parameter aname = "description"
 Attribute name for descriptive info.
integer(hid_t) attr_id
 Attribute identifier.
integer(hid_t) aspace_id
 Attribute Dataspace identifier.
integer(hid_t) atype_id
 Attribute Datatype identifier.
integer, parameter arank = 1
 Attribure rank.
integer(hsize_t), dimension(arankadims = (/1/)
 Attribute dimension.
integer(size_t) attrlen
 Length of the attribute string.
character(len=:), allocatable attr_data
 Attribute data.

Detailed Description

writing the HDF5 output file