TIGRESS public data release#
Data Download#
Full data can be downloaded via Globus.
A few data files used in the tutorials is also available at this webpage.
You can browse and download whole datasets as well as individual files. However, you will need to preserve the file structure (folders and sub-folders) for the scripts provided here to work properly.
Currently, this data release only contains the solar neighborhood models, R8
for selected snapshots with an interval of about 10 Myr after a quasi-steady
state is reached. Full MHD snapshots for every 1 Myr are available upon request.
Installation of scripts#
The python scripts and example notebooks are available at the GitHub repository.
git clone git@github.com:PrincetonUniversity/astro-tigress.git
For document building, we use jupyter-book
PYTHONPATH=./ jupyter-book build docs
import astro_tigress
dir_master = ... # master path to your data
model_id = "R8_2pc"
# make plots using yt
import yt
Data types#
: Small box (z=+-512 pc) original TIGRESS output for MHD variables including density, pressure, velocity (vector), and magnetic field (vector). Athena VTK format.MHD_PI
: Full box (z=+-3072 pc) MHD data plus electron abundance as a result of UV radiation post-processing. Athena VTK format.chem
: The chemistry post-processing small box output for molecular hydrogen and CO abundances. Athena++ HDF5 format.CO_lines
: The CO lines, J(1-0) and J(2-1). RADMC-3D binary format.
Note that the chemistry post-processing data is only available for R8-2pc
License and Attribution#
If you make use of
code packages
data reading examples
synthtic observation examples
- GongOstrikerKim18
Munan Gong, Eve C. Ostriker, and Chang-Goo Kim. The X $_CO$ Conversion Factor from Galactic Multiphase ISM Simulations. \apj , 858(1):16, May 2018. arXiv:1803.09822, doi:10.3847/1538-4357/aab9af.
- GongOstrikerKimKim20
Munan Gong, Eve C. Ostriker, Chang-Goo Kim, and Jeong-Gyu Kim. The Environmental Dependence of the X$_CO$ Conversion Factor. \apj , 903(2):142, November 2020. arXiv:2009.14631, doi:10.3847/1538-4357/abbdab.
- KadoFongKimOstrikerKim20
Erin Kado-Fong, Jeong-Gyu Kim, Eve C. Ostriker, and Chang-Goo Kim. Diffuse Ionized Gas in Simulations of Multiphase, Star-forming Galactic Disks. \apj , 897(2):143, July 2020. arXiv:2006.06697, doi:10.3847/1538-4357/ab9abd.
- KimOstriker17
Chang-Goo Kim and Eve C. Ostriker. Three-phase Interstellar Medium in Galaxies Resolving Evolution with Star Formation and Supernova Feedback (TIGRESS): Algorithms, Fiducial Model, and Convergence. \apj , 846(2):133, September 2017. arXiv:1612.03918, doi:10.3847/1538-4357/aa8599.