Tutorial on how to contribute to this wiki.


This website is made with the help of the jekyll framework. To edit/update it – you may want to first install a couple of things.

for Mac

  1. install brew;
  2. install rbenv:
      brew install rbenv
  3. add eval "$(rbenv init -)" at the end of your ~/.zshrc (if you’re using bash instead of zsh add the same line to your ~/.bashrc);
  4. restart the terminal;
  5. check the latest version of ruby available:
      rbenv install -l
  6. install the latest ruby (in my case it was 2.7.2):
      rbenv install 2.7.2
  7. set it as default:
      rbenv global 2.7.2
  8. (optional) disable documentations:
      echo "gem: --no-document" > ~/.gemrc
  9. install bundler:
      gem install bundler

for Linux

  1. Install rbenv in your favorite way; see this documentation.
  2. Proceed from step #3 of previous section.

for Windows

  1. remove Windows (keep your files though);
  2. install Linux;
  3. see instructions for Linux.

Compiling the website

Now that all the prerequisites are satisfied we can download the source code for the wiki by doing: git clone https://github.com/ntoles/tristan-wiki.git. In the root directory of the website first type bundle install to locally install all the dependencies required to build the website, and then you may build it locally and display it on a local server by running

bundle exec jekyll serve

This will run a local server (in my case it was localhost:4000) with the built website which will update as soon as any of the files are edited.